God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 835: Live broadcast of small influencers vs giants with disabilities 23

Every year after the college entrance examination, the school can spend money first to know the results of the fresh graduates of their school.

In this way, it is also convenient for the school to know the enrollment rate of this year and make publicity preparation for the next enrollment.

However, Xuyuan School has never done such a thing.

After all, no one in city a knows that Xuyuan School is the worst high school in the city. There is no requirement for enrollment. Any cat or dog can go in to study.

Even the principal has developed a Buddhist mentality towards the students' achievements.

When the college entrance examination results came out, other schools were scrambling to check the scores, but Cheng Guozhi, the principal of Xuyuan School, should eat and drink, and lay in bed comfortably and took a nap without wanting at all. Go and check the students' thoughts about their scores.

Until the ringing of the phone wakes him up.

"Hello?" Cheng Guozhi squinted his eyes and answered the phone, wondering who would call him at this time.

"Principal, it's me, Liu Xiaomei." Liu Xiaomei's voice on the phone was slightly excited, and Liu Xiaomei was almost speechless when he thought of Liu Chengyun's 746 points.

But Cheng Guozhi didn't know this.

After Cheng Guozhi heard Liu Xiaomei introduced her identity, she stopped talking, and was still panting. Cheng Guozhi frowned in an instant.

Liu Xiaomei knew that he was also a teacher who taught education in the school for nearly ten years, and he had just finished a graduating class.

"Teacher Liu, if you are okay, I'll hang up." Cheng Guozhi's tone was a little angry.

"Yes, principal, did you not check the results of this year's graduates." Liu Xiaomei immediately asked.

Cheng Guozhi was silent for a while.

Liu Xiaomei didn't want to sell her anymore, she said quickly: "I'm here to tell you good news. Liu Chengyun in our class got 746 points in the college entrance examination."

"What!" Cheng Guozhi sat up in shock.

746 points!

The full score of the college entrance examination is 750 points!

Xuyuan School hasn't had a student with a score of 700 on the college entrance examination in how many years.

Even last year's provincial college entrance examination champion scored only 740 points.

After listening to Liu Xiaomei's words, Cheng Guozhi's first reaction was not to be happy, but to say: "Teacher Liu, you actually believe who made this joke." Anyway, Cheng Guozhi didn't believe it.

"No, this matter is true, the principal. Liu Chengyun personally sent the screenshot to the group. If you don't believe it, I will send the picture to you on WeChat now." Liu Xiaomei saw that Cheng Guozhi did not believe it, and instantly became anxious.

Her hurried attitude immediately aroused Cheng Guozhi's suspicion.

However, Cheng Guozhi still did not believe it.

Then Liu Xiaomei quickly sent the picture to Cheng Guozhi on WeChat.

Cheng Guozhi clicked on the picture, enlarged it, and finally believed it.

"This..." Cheng Guozhi looked dazed, until he hung up the phone with Liu Xiaomei, and then looked at the picture, he still felt a little unreal.

Cheng Guozhi sat on the bed for a long while, then finally reacted, got up quickly to get dressed, and rushed out of the room.

Cheng Guozhi’s wife was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching a TV series. Looking at Cheng Guozhi, who rushed out of the room and walked outside, she couldn’t help but ask: “What’s wrong? What’s the matter in such a hurry, are you going to go? Where?"

"School!" Cheng Guozhi shouted these two words loudly, shocking his wife.

However, anyone can hear the excitement he can't hide in his voice.

Although the wife was a little curious, she slowly let go of the worries that had arisen because of the thought that something major had happened.

Now that students can check the results of the college entrance examination, the school can check it too.

Cheng Guozhi drove to the school and went all the way to the principal's office.

Cheng Guozhi also didn't think that he must have a college entrance examination champion in the school, which is something he dare not think about at the moment.

I am afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

However, Liu Chengyun's score, even if he is not the top pick in the college entrance examination, is not far from the top pick in the college entrance examination.

Cheng Guozhi only wanted to determine the truth of the matter.

The principal's office was opposite the teaching building. Cheng Guozhi ran across the flower garden and playground, feeling that his life was gone.

After he was forty years old, he hadn't worked like this!

However, when Cheng Guozhi walked downstairs to the classroom, the mobile phone in his pocket rang again.

Cheng Guozhi originally didn't want to pick it up, but now he just wants to see if that classmate's score is true.

But the phone in my pocket kept humming.

After Cheng Guozhi went up the stairs, he got on the phone while walking to the office.

The phone screen showed an unfamiliar number, and Cheng Guozhi's tone was unavoidable: "Hello?"

"Hey, Lao Cheng, you are too interesting. When did you have such a secret weapon, you still have it hidden." A slightly familiar voice came from the phone.

Cheng Guozhi squinted his eyes, and it took a while before he remembered the identity of the other party: "Guo Fucheng?"

"Yes, it's not me. Why? You don't know people after you change the number?" Guo Fucheng instantly interfaced.

Cheng Guozhi did not answer. Aaron Kwok is the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

If Xuyuan School is the worst school in city a, then it is the school with the strongest teaching resources, the most complete equipment, and the most famous in city a.

Moreover, No. 1 Middle School is also the handle of city a.

Every year, there are countless graduates who are admitted to prestigious universities from one middle school, and only one admission rate can push Xuyuan School out of Jiutiao Street.

Cheng Guozhi couldn't figure out why Guo Fucheng would call himself suddenly.

Could it be...

A shocking thought popped out of Cheng Guozhi's head.

Cheng Guozhi opened his eyes wide and stopped in front of the principal's office.

And Aaron Kwok at the end of the mobile phone also said: "You are really not interesting enough. When did the school dug up such a powerful secret weapon, it actually deceived us all. President Cheng, for the first time taught the feeling of being a science champion. How?"

Cheng Guozhi: "!!!"

"Science champion? Liu Chengyun?!"

Cheng Guozhi said in shock, because he spoke too quickly and almost bit his tongue.

"Huh? Originally the student's name was Liu Chengyun?" Guo Fucheng smiled: "749 points, only one point away from the full score. Principal Cheng, you won this time."

Aaron Kwok hung up after speaking.

In previous years, the No. 1 High School also gave many top candidates in the college entrance examination.

This year's college entrance examination champion did not appear in the first high school. Although Guo Fucheng could not hide his disappointment in his heart, he still asked the source of the college entrance examination champion.

Aaron Kwok has even thought of several schools in other cities in his heart, because the college entrance examination champions are circulating in these schools every year. As a result, the person above said that the top pick in the college entrance examination this time was not in another city, but in city a, and it was the shocking Xuyuan School.

That's why Guo Fucheng called Cheng Guozhi to satisfy his curiosity.

But Guo Fucheng didn't know. When he said the 749 points, Cheng Guozhi's expression on the mobile phone was shocked, and then he was completely at a loss.


Who is this...

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