God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 837: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs wealthy young masters with disabilitie

I don't know if it's because Ningmeng is the first scholar in Xuyuan School's history, so the school gave Ningmeng a very generous bonus, even more than the amount given by the Education Bureau.

The combined amount of the two bonuses is enough for Ning Meng to pay for a year of college.

However, after receiving the money, Ningmeng changed hands and donated it anonymously.

As for the media reporters, Ningmeng didn't agree to any of them, and she pushed them all off.

She is not interested in being famous, and she doesn't think there is anything to say.

It stands to reason that this matter should come to an end in this way.

However, a few days later, in the middle of the night, a long picture text broadcast by a big V anchor directly sent Ningmeng directly on the tip of the knife.

The blogger said that he had received news from netizens that he suspected that Chen Ningmeng, the number one scholar in science in Yunzhou Province, was suspected of being untrue. To this end, netizens also gave the blogger a lot of evidence collected by himself.

Netizens did not choose to report to the police because they did not want to cause trouble and feared retaliation. But I didn't want the villain to succeed, so I sent the evidence I collected to the blogger for the blogger to send it out and let more people see it.

Anonymous netizens probably spent a lot of thought, diligently collecting all the transcripts of Chen Ningmeng's middle school to high school.

It can be seen from the transcript that Chen Ningmeng's results have been mediocre. Although each subject is assembled for each exam, the scores of each subject are not high.

No matter how you look at it, in a class, this kind of performance is at best an intermediate level.

Even if it is in a key high school, this result is a hindrance, even the key class can't get into it.

However, in the college entrance examination this time, Chen Ningmeng got a perfect score in all subjects except the one point deduction for Chinese!

Although the netizen who broke the news relied on speculation, he did not really come up with evidence that Chen Ningmeng knew the content of the college entrance examination in advance. However, this is already very suspicious.

The blogger was very angry after reading it. She herself had gone through the college entrance examination, and she had also experienced the period when she was overwhelmed by academic tasks every day.

Because of this, the blogger became even more angry after watching it.

If this thing is true, if Chen Ningmeng really does such a thing, then how fair is it for those students who listen to lectures and recite materials carefully during the day, and stay up late at night to study questions!

So on the night of seeing these, the blogger sorted it out a bit and posted these things on Weibo overnight.

The blogger is very popular on Weibo, with millions of netizens following her. So even if she posts late at night, there are still many netizens who are still staying up late to scan the phone and follow her to see this graphic.

Yunzhou Province's science college entrance examination champion scored 749 points, which is only one point away from the full score. This incident has refreshed the record for the highest score in the college entrance examination in history. A few days ago, it was also popular on Weibo.

Since the implementation of the 12-year compulsory education, everyone has read high school and experienced the first hurdle in life.

The difficulties and perversions of the college entrance examination questions are well known to everyone. The netizens are only convinced of Ningmeng who can achieve a score that is only one point away from the full score.

However, people have come to break the news now that all this is fake!

After reading this Weibo, netizens were as angry as the blogger, and immediately forwarded the Weibo, just to spread it and let more people see it.

Moreover, diffusion is not enough, comments are the main thing to vent one's feelings.

With the crackling sound of keystrokes, one comment after another quickly piled up tall buildings on Weibo.

The college entrance examination is a hot topic, let alone what was revealed this time, it was so serious, and it refreshed everyone's horizons.

In an instant, more netizens joined in, spread, forwarded, and commented.

But in just a few hours, this Weibo has become a hot search.


#Rumor Chen Ningmeng, the number one science scholar in Yunzhou Province, used to only be able to reach the pass line in every exam#


#Request to cancel Chen Ningmeng's college entrance examination results#

#What do you think about Chen Ningmeng#

When dawn arrives the next day, five of the top ten hot searches are all about Ningmeng.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu only learned about this the next day.

It was not that someone notified, but Liu Ping called Ningmeng early in the morning.

The phone numbers of Liu Ping and Chen Yan were hacked by Ningmeng before.

And Liu Ping didn't know whose cell phone she took, so she called Ningmeng early in the morning.

Ningmeng was making breakfast in the kitchen at the time, happily, still humming a song in her mouth.

Someone called, although it was a strange call, but Ningmeng also answered it smoothly.

Unexpectedly, she just "heed", and Liu Ping's voice on the opposite side was menacing: "Bai Ningmeng, I have lost eight lifetimes of mold to give birth to you such a debt collector! Now the Internet is saying you stole the college entrance examination Exam paper, is this true?"

Ningmeng did not expect that Liu Ping actually called her.

Moreover, Liu Ping was the same as last time, her tone of voice was aggressive.

Ningmeng frowned and wanted to hang up the phone directly. But what did Liu Ping just say?

Steal college exam papers?

How could she do such a thing.

"I didn't steal it." Ningmeng said coldly.

"It's not who you are! Isn't it you the number one in science in the college entrance examination in Yunzhou Province today? I'll just say that with a pig head like you, with your usual scores, how could it be possible to get better than Chen Yan and Chen Ke. Originally thought it was the Bai family’s ancestor’s grave that smoked from the blue smoke, but you actually did this kind of thing! You’ve lost the face of the Chen family!” Liu Ping finished roaring, and continued: “You hurry up and talk to the Wen family. Let them suppress this matter, don't ruin the Chen family's reputation and affect the Chen family's business!"

When Ningmeng heard this, she didn't want to listen anymore and simply hung up the phone, and then easily pulled the unfamiliar number to the blacklist three times.

Ningmeng's way of avoiding Liu Ping does not mean that she is afraid of Liu Ping.

But Ningmeng didn't want to quarrel with Liu Ping on the phone.

If Liu Ping stood in front of her now, she would definitely go over it, once and for all, so that Liu Ping would never be able to yell at her.

However, Liu Ping's call has always affected Ningmeng's mood.

Ningmeng put her phone aside, and when breakfast was made, Qi Yu came out of the room, and while sitting at the table for breakfast, Ningmeng took out her phone and swiped Weibo.

Liu Ping just mentioned the Internet.

What Ningmeng can think of is no less than Weibo, Tieba and other social software.

The result is really that as soon as Ningmeng entered, she saw a few words recommended on the homepage.

The vocabulary recommended on the homepage is automatically arranged by the system, that is, the most searched vocabulary and the most clicked vocabulary today, which is equivalent to the top three in hot search.


#Rumor Chen Ningmeng, the number one science scholar in Yunzhou Province, used to only be able to reach the pass line in every exam#


The top three search terms on the entire network are all about her.

very good, very powerful.

However, after Ningmeng opened the hot search rankings, she discovered that the top three were still wronged. On the rankings, seven of the top 20 searched words had her name.

Ningmeng lowered her head and swiped her phone, and even forgot to eat the hot porridge on the table.

Qi Yu, who was sitting next to her, turned her head and looked at Ningmeng for several times. He didn't see what she was looking at, but he could recognize the phone's Weibo page.

Qi Yu said, "Mengmeng, I am reading Weibo after eating."

"No, you see, I went on a hot search." Ningmeng held the phone in front of Qi Yu.

Ningmeng had just been following the vine for a long time, and finally reached the bottom of the original Weibo.

What Ningmeng showed to Qi Yu now was the long graphic that was sent out by the blogger late at night last night.

Now under this long picture, the amount of forwarding has broken through five digits, and the number of comments and likes are also astonishingly high. If this continues, it is estimated that in less than a day, the entire country of China will know about this.

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