God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 838: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs wealthy young masters with disabilitie

Qi Yu first raised his eyes and glanced at the mobile phone Ningmeng handed over.

However, after seeing what was on the phone, the expression on Qi Yu's face suddenly sank.

He put down the things in his hand, took Ningmeng's phone, and looked closely.

Ningmeng had just finished reading the content on the phone, and by the way, I checked the comments below. Without exception, they all scolded her.

Before she died, Ningmeng would be **** off by this kind of thing.

But now, I don't know if I have experienced much more, Ningmeng realized that she was quite calm, and she was a little bit like laughing when she looked at the comments that scolded her.

Ningmeng herself is not angry, and naturally she doesn't want Qi Yu to be angry.

She approached Qi Yu, tilted her body, and put her head on him: "Host, don't be angry, I'm not angry."

"Yeah." Although Qi Yu responded, his tone was deep and his face was deep.

After reading it, Qi Yu returned the phone to Ningmeng, "I will send someone to resolve this matter later."

"It's okay. Even if I take the test again in front of everyone, I'm not afraid." Ningmeng's expression was very indifferent. After throwing her phone aside, she continued to eat breakfast.

But Qi Yu suddenly reacted: "Why do you know this?"

Qi Yu knows very well that Ningmeng has no habit of blogging at all, let alone blogging during dinner in the morning.

Moreover, when Ningmeng saw this incident, the expression on her face was not surprised or unexpected.

"Because someone called me." Ningmeng said, telling Qi Yu what Liu Ping had just called.

Qi Yu listened, his eyes were deep, and a strange color flicked across his eyes.

After breakfast, the driver came to pick Qiyu to the company to work.

In fact, Qi Yu's leg has healed, but he has never said the matter, and he still sits in a wheelchair in front of others.

Normally, Qi Yu went to the company alone in the morning. Ningmeng played live games at home, and then at noon, she went to deliver him food, and then stayed at the company for an afternoon to help Qiyu handle some official duties.

But today, when Qi Yu left, he turned to Ningmeng and asked, "Would you like to go to the company with me?"

"Huh? Something?" Ningmeng blinked, her expression slightly confused.

"At noon, we will go back to the villa for dinner together." Qi Yu said.

When Ningmeng heard it, she immediately understood.

Since this incident is so crazy on the Internet, even the Chen family already knows it. There must have been some news from Wenjia's side.

Qi Yu had no doubt about Ningmeng, but others couldn't tell.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu went to work at the company together. While in the car, Qi Yu called the special assistant to ask him to check as soon as possible what was going on on the Internet.

Ningmeng is also looking down at her mobile phone. Bai Ningmeng doesn't usually play Weibo. The only Weibo account is that the live broadcast company requires her to register, and it has been verified and added.

As long as she doesn't tell this fact herself, no one will know her identity.

But, as for whether to tell...

Ningmeng was playing with her phone, a sly color flashed across her eyes.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Qi Yu really received a call from Wen Xunchang, asking the two of them to return to the villa for dinner at noon.

When it was time to get off work at noon, Qi Yu and Ningmeng returned to the villa together.

This is the second time Ningmeng has seen Wen Xunchang.

However, it is different from the kindness of Wen Xunchang when he faced her last time. This time, when Wen Xunchang saw Ningmeng, his attitude was obviously much colder, and it could even be said that he had already ignored the existence of Ningmeng behind Qi Yu.

Ningmeng knew that it must be because of the Internet. However, Wen Xunchang didn't ask, so he obeyed those people on the Internet, and Ningmeng snorted in her heart, feeling that Wen Xunchang was nothing more than that.

Wen Xunchang deliberately ignored Ningmeng, and Ningmeng didn't want to make people see the jokes with her hot face, so she kept quietly playing with her mobile phone.

I don’t know if it’s because of the late opening hours of the villa. After Ningmeng and Qi Yu arrived at the villa, the cook was still busy in the kitchen, apparently not ready.

Wen Xunchang called Qi Yu to the study, and Du Liu Ningmeng sat on the sofa in the living room alone.

But Ningmeng doesn't mind, she sits on the sofa, eats fruit and plays with her mobile phone, amusing herself.

However, it didn't take long for Ningmeng to hear a brake sound from outside, and then a servant stood at the door and looked out, and instantly became happy: "Butler, the old lady, they are here."

Then, Ningmeng looked at the butler who was disgusting and contemptuous when facing her, and ran out of it, walking towards the door with a smile on her wrinkled face.

Ningmeng realized in vain that it turned out that not only she and Qi Yu, but also other people were eating at the villa today. No wonder the people in the kitchen are still busy now.

Ningmeng put the fruit fork in her hand back on the fruit plate and turned to look towards the door.

Surrounded by the smiles of the housekeeper and servant, a man and a woman first appeared in Ning Meng's video.

The man is over forty years old, wearing a black suit, tall and handsome, with a serious expression on his face.

Ningmeng squinted her eyes, and found that the man and Qi Yu’s current body looked somewhat similar. Combined with what the servant said just now, Ningmeng had actually guessed his identity in her heart. Qi Yu’s current body His father-Wen Hongzhong.

And the woman who came in with Wen Hongzhong's hand was naturally Wen Hongzhong's second wife Guo Junrou.

Behind Wen Hongzhong and Guo Junrou, two men came in one after another.

The two men looked outstanding, and they were very energetic, one made Ningmeng feel alive, the other was the one that Ningmeng had seen in the elevator a few days ago.

The two brothers Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng are also the children of Guo Junrou for Wen Hongzhong.

As a system, although Ningmeng is not as good as Qi Yu, she has completely inherited Wen Yue's memory, but Ningmeng also knows about Wen Yue's experience in the past life.

He was burned alive by his stepmother and biological father in an abandoned warehouse.

Wen Hongzhong and Guo Junrou are simply not humans.

Ningmeng sat on the sofa, looked back at them, didn't get up, and didn't say hello, but she was very rude.

"This is..." Guo Junrou said curiously, and his eyes fell on Ningmeng.

"Madam..." The butler on the side stood up and was about to speak, but Wen Jinsheng who was walking at the end suddenly interrupted him: "Mom, I know this person. When I went to the company to find my brother a few days earlier I've seen her, she was also in the elevator at the time, still carrying a lunch box in her hand. It's strange, aren't you the takeaway girl?"

Wen Jinsheng's gaze fell on Ningmeng, full of malice.

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