God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 839: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs wealthy young masters with disabilitie

When I met Wen Jinsheng in the elevator that day, Ningmeng was obviously holding a luxurious thermal insulation box, and the clothes he was wearing were not the takeaway work clothes that the store agreed to distribute.

And Wen Jinsheng's eyes at Ningmeng in the elevator that day obviously knew her identity.

But now, Wen Jinsheng deliberately said this in front of everyone, making it clear that he wanted to degrade Ningmeng's identity and embarrass her.

"How come the takeaway staff are here, Jinsheng, have you forgotten that there is a guest besides our own family today." Guo Junrou said, and smiled and walked towards Ningmeng: "You are Mengmeng, right? Jin Sheng can't speak, I apologize to you for him."

Although Guo Junrou is over forty years old, but because of good care and makeup, she is full of grace and wealth.

The way she speaks softly now makes people feel more cordial.

Ningmeng's eyes flashed, and suddenly she knew what the two of them were going to do.

She and Qi Yu are not yet engaged, and at most they are cohabiting boy and girl friends.

And Wen Jinsheng just deliberately said that, just to make Ningmeng feel embarrassed. Then Guo Junrou opened her mouth to apologize to her. The two sang red cheeks and the white cheeks, the purpose of which was to make Guo Junrou win the favor of Ning Meng.

After all, who would not like someone who helped him in a difficult situation, and Guo Junrou still feels so kind.

The premise is, if Ningmeng doesn't know their sinister thoughts.

Ningmeng sat on the sofa, turned to look at Guo Junrou and the others, and suddenly laughed.

Guo Junrou was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly discovered that the girl sitting on the sofa was completely different from the results she had sent to investigate.

The face is still that face, but it feels completely different.

After knowing that the old man had arranged a girl to be his fiancée for Qi Yu, Guo Junrou immediately sent his assistant to investigate the girl's identity and her growth environment.

The information sent out by the investigator stated that the girl’s father died young and then remarried with her mother to the Chen family. She was introverted and was not loved by her parents at home. She was often bullied by a pair of stepsisters and stepbrothers. In school, the grades are mediocre, the popularity is dispensable, and he often goes alone.

Guo Junrou also saw a previous photo of Ningmeng, and she didn't know where the assistant found it. The girl in the photo was wearing a black and white school uniform, with long bangs covering her immature eyebrows. The girl is carrying a schoolbag and is in the shape of a building, as if she has already taken some heavy burden at a young age.

A girl who is quite introverted and quite ordinary.

Therefore, after reading Ningmeng's information, Guo Junrou instantly left Ningmeng behind.

Because she didn't think Qi Yu marrying a girl with such a family background would pose much threat to her.

But now after seeing Ningmeng with his own eyes, Guo Junrou suddenly realized his mistake.

The girl sitting on the sofa in front of her seemed to be well-behaved and quiet, but she had a tough and confident look in her eyes. Even in the face of such an embarrassing situation, the other party was still calm, did not feel the slightest embarrassment, or even risen the slightest. Angrily, her eyes were transparent, as if she had already seen through their plan.

Guo Junrou could believe that if things like this were to be done by his two sons, they would have long been so angry and left.

The girl in front of her, and the information from her assistant, were nothing like two people.

For everyone, Guo Junrou's heart is full of fragility, but in a blink of an eye.

To Guo Junrou’s unwilling apology, Ningmeng chuckled softly, “Sit down, anyway, he’s not rude to me once or twice.” The dog barked at me, and I couldn’t yell back. Right.

Ningmeng's tone was light, and after thinking about it, she still didn't say the latter sentence, let's save some face for Wen Jia. This is Mr. Wen's villa, and it's too big to show respect to his master.

However, Ningmeng's answer has already made Wen Jinsheng very angry.

"Heh, my mother said an apology to you, do you really consider yourself to be a person?" Wen Jinsheng said with a slightly angry expression.

Wen Jinsheng's words already meant a bit of a personal attack.

Ningmeng frowned, but Wen Hongzhong, who was sitting on the sofa, already sternly said: "Shut up! Say one more word and you will go back to me."

Wen Jinsheng closed his mouth unwillingly, and was taken to the other side by Wen Chenyu, who had never spoken, and sat down a little further away from Ningmeng.

There are too many people in the hall, but the atmosphere is very condensed.

Originally, Guo Junrou was still a little unwilling to talk to Ningmeng, but Ningmeng did not cooperate. Every time Guo Junrou asked for a topic, Ningmeng would only reply with a single word, so that Guo Junrou couldn't take it anymore, and there was no more to talk. .

At the same time, Ningmeng also left an impression of "not getting along well" in the hearts of Guo Junrou and others.

Within a few minutes of everyone sitting in the living room, the people in the kitchen had already finished their work, and the servants put the prepared dishes on the table in turn.

The butler stood in front of the study and knocked, and told the two people inside to come out for dinner.

After a while, the study door was opened, and Chang, on crutches, walked out of the study first after hearing the news.



After seeing Wen Xunchang, Wen Hong and others stood up one by one and said hello obediently.

"Well, you are here." Hearing Xunchang answered, his face was full of excitement: "I have something to tell you."

Wen Hongzhong: "Dad, you say."

"Yue'er's legs are getting better!" Wen Xunchang looked excited, but only Ningmeng noticed that his eye sockets were red. I don't know if it was excited or because he had just cried in the study.

But Wen Xunchang's words dropped a bomb in the hearts of Wen Hong and others!


The two brothers, Wen Jinsheng and Wen Chenyu, stood on the spot, subconsciously screaming. It was only after they had finished speaking that they noticed their misbehavior, but their exclamation also awakened Wen Hongzhong and Guo Junrou.

Guo Junrou was even impatient. Before Wen Hongzhong could ask questions, she hurriedly said: "Dad, what are you saying is true? What about Wen Yue? Where is he?"

As soon as Guo Junrou's voice fell, Wen Xunchang hadn't answered yet, but everyone seemed to have a feeling, and they turned their heads to look in the direction of the study.

There was a pacing sound from the study, and then a tall man in a black suit appeared in everyone's sight.

"Father, Aunt Guo." Qi Yu walked to Wen Hongzhong and stood still.

Seeing his vigorous and steady steps, no one would believe that this man actually sat in a wheelchair for decades.

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