God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 840: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs wealthy young masters with disabilitie

After all, the two brothers Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng were young. The moment they saw Qi Yu come out of the study, the expressions on their faces suddenly became gloomy.

As for Wen Hongzhong and Guo Junrou, although the expressions on their faces were not as obvious as that of the Wen Chenyu brothers, their expressions were not good either.

After a while, Wen Hongzhong said, "When did your leg get better?"

"Not long ago." Qi Yu's voice was cold.

"I have recovered so well, it looks like I haven't been injured." Guo Junrou couldn't help but speak, her face stiff and a far-fetched smile.

Hearing Xunchang had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and then he said in a deep voice: "Okay, don't say anything, let's eat first."

The meal was extremely dull.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu are okay. The two sit together, one is responsible for eating, and the other is responsible for picking vegetables for each other. The two have a good understanding of each other.

But Wen's family's mood is not so good.

Qi Yu's legs were completely healed, which was terrible news for Guo Jun and Wen Hongzhong's father and son.

Qi Yu, who had broken his leg, had a strong ability to do things, but they never paid attention to it.

Because of Qi Yu's two legs that could not stand, he had already lost his qualification to inherit the Wen family. No matter how strong he is to do things, even if he has an incomparably great talent in business, he is at most just a manager. He will have to listen to whoever owns the company in the future.

But now, Qi Yu's legs are actually healed, that is to say, he also has the right to fight for heir qualifications!

This meal, Wen Hongzhong, Guo Junrou and others are full of thoughts, like chewing wax.

Even when the meal was over, Guo Junrou realized that when Qi Yu was leaving with Ningmeng carrying Ningmeng, there were other things they came to the villa today!

Guo Junrou also knew about the Ningmeng thing on the Internet, so he told Wen Xunchang to come to the villa for dinner this morning.

But the meal was not very pleasant, and I didn't say what I wanted to say!

On the way back, Wen Chenyu drove, Wen Jinsheng sat in the passenger seat, Wen Hongzhong and Guo Junrou sat in the back seats.

There were only four of them in the car, and Wen Jinsheng finally couldn't help but said: "How is this possible! Wen Yue's leg has been abolished for so many years, how can it suddenly become better!"

"Well. It doesn't look like he had a broken leg just now. Maybe we were all fooled by him." Wen Chenyu, who was driving, also spoke, his expression slightly gloomy.

"Okay, don't talk about it. It's always a good thing that Wen Yue's legs can get better." Guo Junrou said, and glanced at the two brothers with a slight warning.

Only then did the two brothers Wen Chenyu react. In the car, although they were all a family, their father was also Wen Yue's father.

Even if the relationship between Wen Yue and Wen Hongzhong has been broken for many years, even if they actually know that Wen Hong Center hates this son more than anyone else.

But there are some things, even if you know it in your heart, you still can't take them out and say them in person.

After Wen Hongzhong returned, he shut himself in the study.

Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng also have a study room of their own.

After entering the room, there were no other people in the study. Wen Jinsheng couldn't control it immediately. He directly took a book on the table and slammed it on the ground, and said angrily: "Brother, I didn't expect that his leg injury was actually Fake! No wonder he can escape the traps we have laid for him over the years!"

"We were careless." Wen Chenyu's face was also gloomy. However, thinking that Qi Yu has been acting as a pig and eating tigers behind his back all these years, Wen Chenyu didn't know what happened, and suddenly felt a little frightened.

Perhaps, this person is far more difficult to defeat than they thought.

"Then what shall we do now?" Wen Jinsheng was a little angry, and a little bit depressed: "You heard grandpa say when you just ate, and you will take Wen Yue out to the party tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. For so many years, grandpa treated us. The brothers have never looked down on it. Even when Wenyue broke his legs, he never took us out to a party. Now that Wenyue’s leg is good, he will take Wenyue to the party. This is not a gesture. Will you hand over the company to Wen Yue in the future!"

"Don't worry." Wen Chenyu raised his hand on Wen Jinsheng's shoulder and calmed down the other party: "The one who should be anxious now is the father, not us."

Wen Hong has no business talents. For so many years, he has not had any outstanding performance in the company.

But Wen Xunchang has only a son like Wen Hongzhong. It stands to reason that the son has inherited his father's business. After Wen Xunchang retires, the Wen Group should also be taken over by Wen Hongzhong.

However, Wenxunchang did not seem to have this idea.

As soon as Wen Yue was born, Wen Xunchang brought Wen Yue to his side and taught him carefully, and even at the age of retirement, Wen Xunchang did not delegate power to Wen Hongzhong, making it clear that he wanted to cultivate another heir.

Later, even if Wen Yue had a car accident and his legs were broken for so many years, Wen Xunchang still did not delegate power to Wen Hongzhong.

If it was before, although Wenhong Center was uncomfortable, at least he still had some hope.

After all, Wen Xunchang is getting older and older, and Wen Yue's legs have been abolished. Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng are even more ineffective in business, so the only one who can inherit the Wen family is Wen Hongzhong.

But now, Wen Yue's legs are healed.

I believe that even if Wenxunchang will hold a banquet tomorrow, it will not be strange to everyone to announce the identity of Wenyue Wen's heir to the public.

"But, brother, you are the same age as Wen Yue, and you are already 22 years old, don't you want Wen Jia." Wen Jinsheng raised his head and looked straight at Wen Chenyu.

"You--" Wen Chenyu was taken aback, and for the first time felt the oppression in Wen Jinsheng's eyes.

Although Wen Chenyu did not immediately respond to Wen Jinsheng's words, he did not scold Wen Jinsheng for the first time, and he had already expressed his mind.

Right, no one wants it.

Wen Jinsheng's eyes lit up, as if he was inspired, and he spoke to Wen Chenyu: "Brother, if you want to do something, I will definitely support you! Since grandpa and dad are unreliable, then we two Just rely on us!"

It was only after Wen Jinsheng's words landed that there was a sudden noise from the closed study door, and then he was pushed aside from the outside.

Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng immediately turned their heads and looked outside the door. Both of them were extremely nervous and their minds were blank. They didn't know who the person was pushing the door outside, or how many words this person had eavesdropped on.

The door was pushed open, and the figure outside the door was slender, as if it was Guo Junrou, the mother of the two brothers.

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