God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 841: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs wealthy young masters with disabilitie

Ningmeng and Qi Yu didn't know how much impact Qi Yu's walk had on the Wen family in the villa at noon today.

Since he didn't need to continue to use the wheelchair, Qi Yu drove, and Ningmeng sat in the passenger seat.

Ningmeng lowered her head and swiped her phone.

Originally, she wanted to broadcast a live broadcast at Qiyu Company this morning to identify herself.

However, Qi Yu told her to stay calm.

Then Qi Yu asked the special assistant to use Wen's relationship and removed the hot search.

However, the power of netizens is enormous.

Although Qiyu asked people to remove the hot search, this behavior of withdrawing the hot search without saying a word, in the eyes of netizens, turned into a guilty conscience in Ningmeng.

Not only did the netizens not stop, even the forwarding and spreading became more diligent, and even the number of comments increased.

"Mom! What happened! I was in a class time. Who will tell me what's wrong? No hot search?"

"Emmmmmm Chen Moumou actually has such a big face, can even the hot search be removed?!"

"We will remove one of them! And... if this kind of thing happens, don't you care about it! @还人民日报@中央教育局"

"Spicy Chicken Spicy Chicken Spicy Chicken! I suggest a computer expert human flesh! If I know where a Spicy Chicken lives, I must go over and pour sulfuric acid in the first place!"


The comment area was full of hostility, Ningmeng flipped it casually, then quit Weibo, and put her phone back in her pocket.

Then, when Ningmeng looked up at the road in front of her, Ningmeng suddenly realized: "Host, this doesn't seem to be the way to the company? Aren't we back to the company?"

"Go to another place first." Qi Yu said.

Ningmeng gave an "Oh" and didn't ask any more, obviously she didn't mind where Qi Yu was going to take her.

Ningmeng raised her eyebrows in surprise until Qi Yu stopped driving in front of the Public Security Bureau.

"Don't be afraid. They contacted me in the morning and let us make time to come over." Qi Yu said to Ningmeng as he unfastened his seat belt.

Ningmeng nodded, and got off the car with Qi Yu.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu didn't do anything illegal, the only thing to get in touch with here was the dirty water splashed on Ningmeng early this morning.

Qi Yu took Ningmeng in, and after the identity of the two of them was revealed, the policeman who received them immediately took them to the second floor.

However, in a room on the second floor of the Public Security Bureau, someone had already been waiting there.

After seeing Qi Yu and Ningmeng coming in, the person didn't say much, and directly handed Ningmeng a test paper and a pen.

Ningmeng suddenly understood something, and after taking the two things, she sat aside and quickly scribbled the questions.

The difficulty of the questions is medium-to-high, which is similar to the difficulty of the college entrance examination, but it is completely different from the college entrance examination questions.

It's just that these are not difficult for Ning Meng.

There is only one test paper, divided into six pages.

The topics inside are very messy, and there are all subjects.

After an hour and a half, Ningmeng answered the last question, and then gave the test paper and pen to the other party.

Qi Yu left with Ningmeng, and the two went back to the company.

When she got off work in the afternoon, Ningmeng picked up her phone again and swiped Weibo again, and found that the netizens on Weibo were still paying attention to her.

Even her name is on the hot search rankings again.

But this time, she didn't go alone. Behind her name, there are the People's Education Bureau, the official Weibo of the Central Committee, and even Wenjia in city a.

Ningmeng was stunned for a moment, and it took a while for her Weibo to understand the ins and outs of the matter.

In fact, half an hour after she and Qi Yu left the Public Security Bureau, the People’s Education Officer posted a Weibo to prove her innocence. The picture on Weibo is the test paper Ningmeng wrote today, with a perfect score of 150. Ningmeng took the test one hundred and five.

After that, the central official Weibo and public security agencies also reposted this Weibo to prove the authenticity of this matter.

Originally, this matter should end there.

However, a Weibo trumpet exposed Ningmeng’s identity, and also exposed that Chen Jianxin sent her to the disabled young master Wen Jia to be his wife a few months before her college entrance examination in order to cling to Wen’s family.

As a result, things that should have calmed down suddenly became hot again.

Although the Education Bureau and other officials testified, there are still many netizens who do not believe this statement.

Even when many netizens abused Ningmeng and Wenjia, they also criticized Huai Sang for insulting the Education Bureau and the Public Security Bureau.

As for the test paper Ningmeng wrote this afternoon, more netizens think it is fake.

"Heh! This world! I am afraid that there is no way for us poor people to survive! It is already so obvious! When we are blind or stupid! Anyway, I would not believe that she could make this test paper. , The ghost knows that when you asked her to do this test paper, did you tell her the answer in advance? If this is the case, I will be able to test a science champion in every minute."

This comment was actually the one with the most likes under the Weibo clarifying Ningmeng’s body sewage issued by the Education Bureau.

Ningmeng didn't know what to say.

Even Guan Wei is on her side, but netizens still don't believe her.

I'm afraid that even if Guan Wei sends out the video of her writing questions in the Public Security Bureau today, those netizens will say that she has memorized the answers in advance.

Ningmeng felt the horror of online violence for the first time, so after returning, Ningmeng turned his grief and anger into motivation and cooked a large table full of dishes.

Ningmeng’s cooking skills were too good to say, and both of them had a round belly.

After the meal, Ningmeng was lying on the sofa with Ge You, and Qi Yu was wearing an apron in the kitchen to clean up the after-dinner mess of the two.

Neither Wen Jia nor Ningmeng stole the college entrance examination papers and their answers.

In addition to the fact that Ningmeng and Qi Yu knew about this matter, the leaders of the country were also one of the people who knew this matter best.

The professors who set questions for the college entrance examination each year not only go through layers of selection, but also sign various confidentiality agreements, and they begin to monitor closely for a period of time before the questions are given, and the monitoring ends after the college entrance examination.

The location of the determined high-level examination papers is printed in a tightly guarded prison.

The prisoners who print the test papers in the prison are also selected through layers, and they have also signed confidentiality agreements, and are even closely monitored 24 hours a day.

Neither the teacher who gave the question nor the prisoner who printed the test paper could contact or contact the outside, and the test paper and answer could not be leaked out at all.

Moreover, the test paper Ningmeng made at the Public Security Bureau also proved that she has sufficient strength.

Therefore, the hot search that was posted by netizens that afternoon was once again taken down that evening.

However, the difference from the morning is that this hot search was ordered to be removed by the Education Bureau.

Moreover, after the hot search on Weibo was removed, even the word "Lingmeng" became a sensitive word.

Under this kind of coercive means, even if the netizens are no more angry, they will finally have no influence on Ningmeng.

But what Ningmeng didn't expect was that she was fine, but she dragged the entire Wen family into the water.

On Weibo, I don’t know who took the lead.

#防制闻家# This hot word suddenly appeared on Weibo.

Although an employee immediately notified Qi Yu of this matter, Qi Yu immediately sent someone to remove the word.

However, Wen Group’s stock has begun to plummet.

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