God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 842: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs wealthy young masters with disabilitie

Because someone on the Internet exposed the relationship between Ningmeng and Qi Yu.

So everyone thinks that Qi Yu took advantage of Wen's rights to help Ningmeng steal the college entrance examination questions and answers.

Even though the Education Bureau and other institutions have stated that the college entrance examination papers and answers have not been leaked, there are still people who will not believe it and believe that the staff of the educational institution have been bought by the Wenjia. This is to help cover the crimes committed by the Wenjia. .

Even if some people return to their senses and think that Wen Jia does not have that much power, they may be wronged by Wen Jia, and they will be scolded by netizens instantly.

On Weibo hot search, the police can also use their power to remove the hot search words.

However, netizens even want to boycott Wenjia products, so no one can control it.

After all, if people don't want to buy things from Wenshi Industry, do you want to put a knife on the necks of netizens and force them to pay for it?

Not only did the Wen Group’s stock plummet, but even the Wen Group’s things were not sold.

Wenshi Group has many categories of industries, with branches all over the country.

Although not everyone plays Weibo, the number of online groups on Weibo is still not to be underestimated.

After the hot search, the Wen Group’s losses every day are as high as seven figures.

Even Ningmeng felt the sinister situation of the Wen Group.

If you don't quickly find a way to restore everyone's impression of the Wen Group, then the Wen Group is very likely to face bankruptcy.

The best way Ningmeng thought of was to use her own anchor status to open a live broadcast and expose her identity.

But Qi Yu didn't make her anxious.

Qi Yu is so busy every day, Ningmeng also follows Qi Yu every day, sharing the heavy responsibilities for him.

The two of them were inseparable almost every day, and every instruction Qi Yu gave was also seen by Ningmeng.

Then, Ningmeng looked at the instructions given by Qi Yu, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

Such a big thing happened to the Wen Group, it is impossible to hide from Wen Xunchang's eyes.

Wen Hongzhong and Guo Junrou also rushed to the villa with their sons Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng.

Wen Hongzhong sat on the sofa with a look of anger: "Dad, look at how the Wen family is going to be defeated now! If you don't care about it, I am afraid that the Wen family group will be killed by him in a few days. Lose all!"

The anger on Wen Hongzhong's face is real anger, and the distress in his eyes is also real distress.

Although Wen Xunchang has not delegated power now, in Wen Hongzhong's eyes, the Wen Group is already in his pocket.

Now, the Wen Group loses so much every day! This makes Wen Hongzhong feel bad about it!

However, Wen Hongzhong has no talent in business.

Faced with the current situation of the Wen family, he had no remedy, so he had to rush to the villa and find Wen Xunchang to come forward.

Compared with Wen Hongzhong's restless mood, Wen Xunchang, who has experienced strong winds and waves, is obviously much calmer.

Even if Wen Hongzhong was so gagged in front of him, Wen Xunchang had no expression on his face.

Wen Xunchang said with a faint expression: "Xiao Wu has already told me about the Internet. Wen Yue also called me to tell me about this matter yesterday morning, and he can solve it."

However, Wen Hongzhong was not soothed by Wen Xunchang's words. His face remained angrily: "Dad, you haven't been to the company for a long time, so I don't know the tragedy of Wen's group now. Netizens are all joining together to resist Our company’s products and company’s stocks are also declining. Wen Yue can do anything about it. One day, Wen’s Group will not be better!”

"Then what do you mean by this? Do you want me to kick your son out of the company?" Wen Xunchang looked at Wen Hongzhong with a stern expression.

That's what Wenhong Center thinks.

In his opinion, no matter whether Qi Yu and Ningmeng were wronged or not, all this happened because of them.

The best way is to drive Qiyu and Ningmeng out of the company. The best way is to drive out of Wen's family, and then Wen's Group will issue another notice to clear the relationship between them. I believe that netizens will not be so against Wen's Group. Up.

However, Wen Hongzhong did not dare to say this in front of Wen Xunchang. Therefore, under Wen Xunchang's inquiry, Wen Hongzhong lowered his head and did not speak for a while, using silence to represent his attitude.

Wen Xunchang looked at his son on the opposite sofa, a little disappointed.

This is his only son. He has been floating in the mall for so many years. When he looks at the problem, he is still so stupid and ignorant.

Just like Wen Hongzhong's style, how could Wen Xunchang willingly hand over the huge Wen Group to him.

"Don't worry about this matter. Wen's family won't lose here." Wen Xunchang said coldly, his tone extremely harsh.

Wen Hongzhong came angrily and left with a reluctant expression on his face.

While sitting in the car, Wen Hongzhong was full of anger. Guo Junrou raised his hand and patted him, and gently comforted: "My husband, don't be angry, Dad must have his own consideration when he said this."

Wen Hongzhong sneered. Not only was he not dissuaded, but he looked even more angry: "What are his considerations! Dad is really old and confused!"

"Yes! Grandpa is simply partial. Just leave it alone with our two brothers. Dad, you are the only son of Grandpa, and he can actually pass you." Wen Jinsheng also followed.

Guo Junrou glanced at Wen Jinsheng: "Shut up, you can discuss the affairs of the elders."

"Don't, let Jin Sheng say." Wen Hongzhong stopped Guo Junrou.

And Wen Jinsheng listened to Wen Hongzhong's words, as if he had been inspired, and continued to speak to Wen Hongzhong: "Dad, grandpa refuses to get Wenyue out of the company, isn't there no other directors. Believe that this happened, other directors are also very unhappy that Wen Yue is still sitting in that position. Although Wen Yue is our half-brother, but sitting in that position with others, we hope that Dad sits more. Go up! We all support Dad!"

"Well, I also support Dad." Wen Chenyu, who was driving, also responded to Wen Jinsheng's words.

Wen Hongzhong sat in the back seat and did not answer for a long while, but his mind became active because of Wen Jinsheng's words.

Wen Jinsheng was right.

Now companies are getting bigger and bigger, and so are shareholders.

Although the name is still the Wen family group, it is no longer in the Wen family's world, and Wen Xunchang is not the only person with the right to speak.

If it is the decision made by the board of directors, even Wen Xunchang wants to oppose it, but if there is no support from others, even Wen Xunchang will not be able to recover.

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