God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 849: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 36

In the face of many gazes, Qi Yu was tall and straight, his expression was cold, and his temperament was as strong as ever. The many gazes gathered on him did not affect him in the slightest.

On the contrary, everyone, after seeing Qi Yu, was shocked by Qi Yu's healthy physical condition and strong aura.

Since the car accident many years ago, the news of Yueyue has been silent.

In addition, Wen Hongzhong immediately married Guo Junrou and entered, and Guo Junrou took Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng, two illegitimate children who were about the same age as Wen Yue.

Even if this kind of thing is not put on the table, everyone knows it well.

Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng are both high-profile temperaments, and there are countless gossips about them on the Internet.

On the contrary, Wen Yue, after going abroad for treatment for a few years, and after living with Wen Xunchang, the news about him seemed to be suppressed, Sihao did not leak to everyone.

Had it not been for the theft of the college entrance examination papers and answer questions on the Internet some time ago, probably many people only knew Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng, and had forgotten that Wen Jia had a Wen Yue.

Wen Yue entered the company to work. At the beginning, everyone didn't care, because Wen Xunchang assigned him a very low position.

However, he didn't expect that Wen Yue had a high talent in doing business, and he had made a lot of achievements in just six months.

His position also increased, until later, Wen Xunchang recommended him as the company's law enforcement officer.

At the beginning, many shareholders were unwilling to think that a disabled person could not take on a major responsibility. But after hearing the news, Chang Jiang Wenyue gave a picture of the company's dedication and performance in front of everyone, and everyone was speechless in an instant.

Wen Xunchang ruled out public opinion and sent Wen Yue to the position of leader of the company.

And Wen Yue did not live up to Wen Xunchang’s expectations. Every year, the company’s performance increased, and every shareholder’s annual dividends increased. The wallets were bulging. The more Wen was sitting in this position, things would not be the same. Repelled.

Shareholders generally don't come to the company. They are like throwing hands away. They don't care about anything on weekdays, just waiting for dividends at the end of the year.

In everyone's impression, although Qi Yu has strong abilities, he is a disabled person after all.

He was in a wheelchair, and he was destined to be a dwarf.

After Qi Yu replaced Wen Yue's identity, although he had not been in a wheelchair for some days. But because he acts low-key and has never dealt with these shareholders, except for a few people who know that his legs are healed, most people still don't know about this!

More people have seen Qi Yu for the first time, such as Chen Yan and Chen Ke.

When Chen Yan saw Qiyu, his eyes widened instantly.

At first, she didn't know Qi Yu's identity, and still wondered in her heart which senior of the company was this.

Chen Yan didn't guess Qi Yu's identity until she saw Ningmeng who followed Qi Yu.

All of a sudden, the expression on Chen Yan's face was as complicated as an overturned faded disc, with shock, surprise, as well as envy and anger.

Not only Chen Yan, but other shareholders looked a little complicated when they saw Qiyu.

The strength of the Wen family is obvious to all. The only thing that everyone was dissatisfied with before was his body.

And now, his body is healed, but this kind of scandal happened again...

Everyone looked at Qi Yu with a little regret.

Guo Junren and Wen Hongzhong's three fathers and sons, apart from Ningmeng and Wen Xunchang, were the first to know the physical condition of Qi Yu.

As soon as Qi Yu appeared, everyone's eyes were attracted to him. Although Guo Jun Ruan Wen Hongzhong didn't show anything on his face, the hands that fell on his side revealed the unrest in the two of them.

Qi Yu and Ningmeng went in together.

The number of people is all there, and the assistant distributes the printed information one by one, and then Qiyu's special assistant stepped forward to report to the shareholders the performance of the Wen Group this year.

This kind of meeting, if it was a month ago, Limeng, would definitely feel boring, boring, and want to sleep.

But in this month, under the guidance of Qi Yu, Ningmeng has made rapid progress, not only can understand what Qin Special Assistant said, but also listen with gusto.

Of course, it would be better if Chen Yan didn't keep looking at her with that kind of flying knife-like eyes.

Chen Yan was deeply shocked for a while after seeing the true appearance of Qi Yu. Then, she looked at Ningmeng with a very jealous look.

She came to Wen's group as Chen Jianxin's assistant, and she didn't need to listen to it anyway, and she didn't understand it either.

So Chen Yan kept watching Ningmeng.

Occasionally, he would secretly glance at Qi Yu, with a slightly complicated expression.

There are many businesses under the Wen Group. Even if there is only one person from each department speaking up, but by the time the last person has finished speaking, almost two hours have passed.

With the amount reported by everyone, the expressions of the shareholders present became increasingly ugly.

Because of the thing about Ningmeng and Qiyu on the Internet, because netizens have united to resist the products under the name of Wenshi Group, plus the decline in Wenshi Group’s stock during this period of time, this is less than half a month. In the past time, the market value of the Wenshi Group has shrunk by one-third.

If this continues, the shareholders who bear the brunt will be the first to suffer.

The figure sitting in the front of the left is blessed, and Wu Fuhe, who founded the Wen Group in partnership with Wen Xunchang, said: "Wen Yue, we agreed with you to sit in this position. We believe that you can lead the Wen family to a higher level. Lou. But your performance recently has really disappointed us."

Wu Fuhe is the second largest shareholder of the Wen Group and one of the veterans of the Wen Group.

What he said still had a lot of weight.

Moreover, because he first spoke and became the leader, other shareholders immediately responded:

"Yeah, Wen always made us believe you at the beginning, so we agreed to take you in this position. Now that the company is in this situation, you have to give us an explanation anyway."

"To put it straightforwardly, if you don't have the ability to manage the company, there are many others."


Qi Yu sat on the main seat, and waited for everyone to finish talking, then calmly said: "Now the stock market has almost stabilized, and it will not take long to rise. Recently, Wen's 500 buildings in real estate have been completed. , It will be available for external sales next month, and the funds are expected to be returned within one month. After the funds are returned, the funds can be invested in the stock market to increase the stock price."

After Qiyu finished speaking, someone immediately said unceremoniously: "But how did I hear that many people are now boycotting Wen's products."

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