God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 850: Live broadcast of small net celebrities vs giants with disabilities 37

"Now the business of Wen's Building is not as good as every day. Then the real estate will open at that time. Whether there is any transaction volume is a problem. If everyone also boycotts new real estate, then what is Manager Wen's plan?"

"I have also heard about things on the Internet, Mr. Wen, you can do anything in private, but it cannot affect the reputation of a company."


Everyone was chattering, and a meeting hall turned into a vegetable market.

Ningmeng, who was sitting on the right hand side of Qiyu, sneered in her heart as she listened to what everyone said.

Even the Wen Group has suffered a lot from the incident on the Internet during this time.

However, before Qi Yu took office, the market value of the Wen Group was far from worth so much.

In other words, after Qi Yu took office, the profits brought to the company far exceeded the losses during this period.

Moreover, things on the Internet have subsided, and the trading volume of goods under the Wen Group has been slowly picking up in the past few days.

Netizens are forgetful animals. Perhaps some people still resist Wen's products, but more people will break away from the rhythmic emotions at the beginning. Once they return to their senses, they will recognize their mistakes. The things of the Huiwen Group will naturally no longer resist.

The sales in the past few days are the best proof.

But by the way, these shareholders have been clinging to Qi Yu's taint all the time.

Or in other words, they are planning something in their hearts.

Qi Yu also knew this, so after describing his solution at the very beginning, he didn't open any more explanations.

However, because of Qi Yu's silence, these people spoke more vigorously.

"Everyone, be quiet." Wen Hongzhong stood up suddenly.

Everyone turned to look at him. They didn't know what he was going to do, but there was no shortage of shrewd ones. After looking at Wen Hongzhong, they turned to look at Qi Yu, as if they wanted to see something from Qi Yu.

It's just that Qi Yu sat in his place with a calm expression, no different from before.

"Although Wen Yue is my own son, he has made mistakes. As a father, I will definitely not tolerate it. The Wen Yue Group is the hard work of everyone. Since Wen Yue is unable to take charge, I propose to replace him." The look on Wen Hongzhong's face suddenly became sad, and he looked like he was going to make up for Qi Yu: "I have been in the company for so many years. Although I have no major achievements, I have not made any mistakes that harm everyone's interests. If everyone believes, For me, just vote for me. Of course, if you don’t have confidence in the future of Wenshi and want to transfer the equity, I’m willing to buy it at a price that is 10% higher than the market value."

Everyone who didn't understand how Wen Hongzhong suddenly stood up, instantly understood what Wen Hongzhong meant.

Everyone here, who doesn't know what Wen Jia's private is.

When Lieutenant Wen Hong led Guo Junrou's three mothers and sons into the door, Wen Yue swore an oath to sever the father-son relationship with Wen Hong, and Wen Yue has been living with Wen Xunchang all these years.

Although the two are father and son, they are strangers.

Everyone is still wondering why Wen Hongzhong suddenly looks like a mountain of father's love. He wants to buy everyone's equity and sit in that position by himself!

However, in the company of my own home, I have to work under the hands of my son.

No wonder Wen Hongzhong wants to seize power.

The shares of the Wen Group are scattered, and the largest share is Wen Xunchang, who founded the Wen Group at that time.

Only later, Wen Xunchang distributed his shares to his son Wen Hongzhong and his grandson Wen Yue.

Although Wenxunchang's shares are still the most, they are not much more than Wu Fu, the company's second largest shareholder.

I probably know why you are opening this board of directors today, so Wen Xunchang did not come today.

However, if everyone decides to vote for a new company law enforcement officer, even if the news is here, nothing can be changed.

However, not everyone can act as a company law enforcement officer.

Although Chang Mao recommended himself after hearing the news, his performance in the company over the years has made people hesitate. However, although Wenxunchang hasn't made any major moves in recent years, he has served as the deputy general manager for many years, and he is very familiar with the company's processes, and he is indeed the best candidate for the executive.

Everyone whispered and discussed.

Although everyone's results have not yet been communicated, most of them are willing to let Wen Hongzhong give it a try.

Even Wen Hongzhong could feel that a few people already wanted to give up their shares, sitting in their own positions, not communicating with others, but frequently raising their heads to look at him.

Wen Hongzhong controlled his facial expressions, but the bottom of his eyes had already revealed his determination to win the position where Qi Yu was sitting.

"Dad." At this time, Wen Jinsheng walked to Wen Hongzhong and whispered in a whisper: "When I will buy loose stocks, please write the names of me and my brother."

Wen Hongzhong opened his eyes wide, and immediately looked at Wen Jinsheng.

Wen Jinsheng kept a smiling expression, and after saying this, he stood behind Guo Junrou.

Wen Hongzhong only discovered that Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng did not know when they were standing behind Guo Junrou.

Obviously he and Guo Junrou are next to each other, but the small distance between the two stools is like the Chu River and Han boundary on a chessboard, clearly distinct.

When Guo Jun Ruan Wen Chenyu met Wen Hongzhong's eyes, there was no shame in his eyes.

When Guo Junrou was in college, she followed Wen Hongzhong. From the first mistress to the current Mrs. Wen, she has been with Wen Hongzhong for more than 20 years.

Wen Hongzhong trusted her, and even Guo Junrou's shares in the Wen family were transferred to her from his own shares.

Guo Junrou also knows all the assets under Wen Hongzhong's name, and can even use them.

He has been busy with the Wen Family's affairs during this period of time, and Guo Junrou must have transferred his assets seven or eighty or eight before he knew it, otherwise the three of them would not be so confident now.

The more Wen Hongzhong thought about it, the more angry he became. He didn't expect that he hadn't taken this position yet, but the three people who had been supporting him behind his back were already plotting how to divide his flesh and blood.

Wen Hongzhong was extremely angry, but now the overall situation is undecided, and he can't show it yet.

Probably the three Guo Junrou also know this truth, so they will talk about it at this juncture.

Wen Hongzhong stubbornly grasped the a4 paper in his hand, and the blue veins burst out in his forehead, and finally all his emotions were calmed down by him.

"What do you think?" Wen Hongzhong said in a deep voice, his eyes condensed slightly, he could slowly extinguish the fire in the backyard, but this time, he must sit in this position!

"Hongzhong, it's like this..." Wu Fuhe, as the shareholder's representative, just calmly spoke out everyone's decision, but at this moment, the door of the conference room was knocked from the outside.

When Wu Fu was interrupted, he couldn't help but stop.

The door of the conference room was pushed open from the outside, and a line of uniformed police came in from the outside.

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