God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 854: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 41

Although Ningmeng and Qi Yu stole the college entrance examination papers and answers, some time has passed.

However, many people are still paying attention to the follow-up of the Wen Group's shareholders meeting.

Even more reporters had squatted near the Wen Group Building early in order to grasp first-hand information.

At 11:30 in the morning, several police cars were parked in front of Wen's Building. Such movement naturally couldn't avoid the eyes and ears of reporters and paparazzi.

Therefore, after Wen Hongzhong and Chen Jianxin were taken out of the Wenshi Mansion by the police, within a few minutes, photos and news about their arrests were immediately circulated on the Internet.

Everyone is still fresh in the memory of the stolen college entrance examination papers and answers that were raging some time ago.

Suddenly seeing the news of the police coming and going from the Wen group, everyone's first thought was whether Qi Yu and Ningmeng finally confessed their crimes and were arrested by the police.

But when I clicked it in, netizens were confused after knowing the contents.

"Which one will come to popular science...Who are these two people who were arrested? A senior member of the Wen family?"

"Isn't it the shareholders meeting of the Wen Group today? What's the matter, Wen Yue didn't fall from the horse, but instead pushed out two scapegoats?"

"Emmmm, the one upstairs, I advise you to speak carefully, don't speak if you don't understand, otherwise it's easy to expose your ignorance and accomplishments. Now there is no shortage of people like you who throw dirty water on the Internet. ."

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise, I will come to popular science."

"Wait for science +1"

"Wait for science +2"

"I just checked the photos and found that the arrested persons are Wen Hongzhong {picture 1} and Chen Jianxin {picture 2}. Wen Hongzhong is the deputy manager of the Wen group and Wen Yue's father! You read that right, Wen Hongzhong is the only son of Wen Xunchang, the founder of Wen Group! And Chen Jianxin’s identity is even more incredible. He is Wen Yue’s father-in-law, who made a lot of noise some time ago. The theft && beneficiary Bai Ningmeng’s stepfather."

"Puff... Your circle is really messy. These two people have been arrested. Why have Wen Yue and Bai Ningmeng not been arrested yet?"

"The education institution and the Public Security Bureau have come out to explain the leak of the college entrance examination papers, nothing!"

"Don't turn the subject upstairs. What everyone wants to know now is why Wen Hongzhong and Chen Jianxin were arrested?"


There is an uproar on the Internet, everyone guesses, but there is no definite answer.

Isn't it?

The moment the police suddenly knocked on the door and came in, not only the shareholders present, but even the several parties involved were ignorant.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the public security and relevant departments posted a message on the official Weibo, briefly talking about why they took away Wen Hongzhong and Chen Jianxin at the meeting today.

a City Public Security Bureau official microv: Recently, an anonymous report from the public has been received. It has been confirmed that Wen Hongzhong and Chen Jianxin have conspired to maliciously manipulate the shares of Wenshi. They are now arrested and brought to justice in the Wenshi Building at around 11:00 this morning. .

As soon as Weibo appeared, netizens rushed to eat melons.

"2333...Weird things happen every year, especially this year. I only heard that my son wanted to usurp the throne. I have never heard of Lao Tzu coveting his son's position."

"Hahaha, shouldn't it be strange why the son is the general manager, but the father is the deputy manager?"

"I'm afraid this son is not going to heaven."

"So, Wen Yue is really Fu Da Mingda, his position is still there!"


While the netizens were watching the show, Qi Yu and Ningmeng had already left the company and returned to the villa.

Today, Wen Hongzhong and Chen Jianxin were in the conference room and were suddenly taken away by the police. Even if Wen Xunchang did not go to the company, they already knew about it from other people.

When Qi Yu came to the villa several times before, the housekeeper and servants in the villa did not come out happily to greet him.

But today, after Qi Yu and Ningmeng got out of the car, only the housekeeper was standing outside the door, and the expression on their faces looked a little complicated.

Qi Yu and Ningmeng glanced at the housekeeper, and they had some guesses about what they would face next.

Sure enough, when Qiyu and Ningmeng entered the villa, Wen Xunchang sitting on the sofa did not look back, but he coldly snorted, "What are you doing here? We Wen Jia can't tolerate your deep thoughts. people."

Qi Yu motioned to Ningmeng to stand on the spot. He stepped forward, turning a blind eye to the anger on Wen Xunchang's body, and directly placed a document in his hand on the table.

Wen Xunchang's eyes fell on the document for a second.

The file is co-authored, and the cover is light blue. If you don't open it, you won't be able to see the contents from the outside.

However, when he saw this document, Wen Xunchang suddenly felt a strange instinct in his heart.

There is something in it that he doesn't want to see.

But Qi Yu stood motionless at the table, as if complaining silently.

After a while, Wen Xunchang finally raised his hand and picked up the document.

turn on.

After reading the contents of the file clearly, Wen Xunchang's muddy eyes opened slightly, and his breath sank suddenly, and the file in his hand fell to the ground.

When the housekeeper on the side saw that Xunchang's situation seemed a little uncomfortable, he immediately stepped forward, but was stopped by Wen Xunchang's raising his hand.

Wen Xunchang looked up at Qi Yu: "Is it true?"

"There are all evidences." Qi Yu looked cold.

After Qiyu's voice fell, hearing Xunchang seemed to have been emptied of life, feeling that he was more than ten years old in an instant, and even his aura fell.

After a long time, Wen Xunchang got up, took the document and crutches, and walked towards the study with the help of the housekeeper.

Hearing Xunchang did not speak again.

After Qi Yu entered the study, he also took Ningmeng and left the villa.

The documents Qi Yu just showed to Wen Xunchang were all about the truth about the car accident that year.

Wen Hongzhong and Guo Junrou joined forces and caused the car accident.

In that car accident, Wen Yue lost both of his legs and his mother.

Hearing Xunchang didn't know the truth of this incident. When he saw the information in the file, he was hit hard.

However, one is a grandson and the other is a son.

No matter which one, it is the continuation of his blood.

Even if he had no face to help Wen Hongzhong intercede with Qi Yu today, even if he knew the immortality between Wen Hongzhong and Qi Yu.

But it doesn't mean that he can do what Qi Yu did today.

No matter how unsuccessful Wen Hongzhong was, he was his only son after all.

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