God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 855: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 42

Wen Hongzhong maliciously manipulated the stock market, he did the right thing himself.

The evidence Qi Yu handed over to the police was complete, and even after Wen Hongzhong saw it, he had to plead guilty.

Wen Hongzhong maliciously manipulated the stock market, Qi Yu originally didn't know about it. However, in order to gather more scattered stocks and to make the stock price fall, Wen Hongzhong even bought the water army to bring the rhythm on the Internet, and he did not hesitate to pour the dirty water of the college entrance examination paper and its answers on the heads of Qiyu and Wenshi Group. on.

When Qi Yu saw the surging atmosphere on the Internet, he felt something was wrong. The result was a check, but I didn't expect that it was Wen Hongzhong who was behind the scenes.

Subsequently, Qi Yu found out Wen Hongzhong's purpose for doing so.

So Qi Yu simply came to a plan and let Wen Group's share price fall, making Wen Hongzhong think he could control the overall situation.

But in fact, Qi Yu has been sending people to gather Wen Hongzhong's evidence, just waiting to catch a turtle in the urn at the shareholders meeting.

As for Chen Jianxin, Qi Yu had never thought of treating him like this.

Although Qi Yu doesn't like the Chen family because of Ningmeng's relationship, there are many ways to deal with the Chen family, not just this one.

But the manipulator that Chen Jianxin and Chen Ke contacted that day happened to be acquainted with Qi Yu. Although he didn't know him very well, he was willing to sell Qi Yu a favor.

So Qiyu simply killed two birds with one stone.

Because the evidence was solid and both of them confessed, the court's verdict on the two of them was quickly settled.

Wen Hongzhong must pay Wen Group 420 million, and Chen Jianxin must pay Wen Group 180 million.

The base of this compensation is six times the number of shares bought by the two of Wen's shares during the period.

Wen Hongzhong was okay, even if he couldn't afford it, Wen Xunchang helped him.

But when Chen Jianxin's family knew this amount, several people looked bleak.

When Chen Jianxin first bought the stock, he nearly spent half of his own assets. The total assets of the Chen family totaled 50 million at most, but now it is close to 200 million.

For the Chen family, the sky simply fell.

The money judged in the court cannot be owed, otherwise it will be forced to return all assets.

After Chen Jianxin came out of the detention center, he immediately sold all the assets under his name, and even the company declared bankruptcy.

However, even if Chen Jianxin did this, he still couldn't make up 180 million.

The small villa where the Chen family originally lived was also mortgaged by Chen Jianxin. Now the four of the Chen family can only rent a house outside. Moreover, Chen Jianxin and Chen Ke both had to find a job to guarantee everyone's living expenses while paying off their debts.

Looking at this situation, Chen Yan's eyes were red with anger. She pushed Liu Ping angrily and pushed Liu Ping out of the house, pushing and cursing: "Look at what kind of daughter you have given birth! These years Eat my family, spend my family’s, and now after climbing to Wen’s family, we are still cooperating with outsiders to frame us! Your daughter is so capable, what are you doing at our Chen’s family! Get out! Get out of my house quickly !"

Liu Ping was yelled at by Chen Yan pointing her head like this, she didn't dare to resist at all, but hung her head to avoid, and refused to go out.

Liu Ping has also learned about what happened to the Chen family these days, which is undoubtedly a disaster for her.

It's not that Liu Ping never thought about contacting Ningmeng to repair the mother-daughter relationship with Ningmeng. It's just that Ningmeng doesn't answer any strange calls now. She can't contact Ningmeng, and she doesn't know where Ningmeng and Qi Yu live, so she can only stay at Chen's house.

Moreover, Liu Ping is not a fool.

She knew that her partiality and indifference over the years had wiped out Ningmeng's feelings for her mother and daughter.

She went to Ningmeng now, undoubtedly she was insulting herself.

As for the divorce, she never thought about it.

In the event of a divorce, she will share half of the Chen family's current debt. Since she married Chen Jianxin, she hasn't gone out to work. Now at her age, it is a problem for her to support herself, so how can she be able to pay back this astronomical figure.

So, no matter what, the Chen family is her only place to stay. This is also the reason why Liu Ping refuses to leave the Chen family no matter how Chen Yan scolds her these days.


The Chen family is miserable, and the Wen family is even more miserable.

When Wen Hongzhong was released, looking at the fine of 420 million yuan, his eyes were also red, and he couldn't wait to rush to Qi Yu immediately, peeled his skin, twitched his tendons, and drank by the way. His blood is good.

And after waiting to go out, Wen Hongzhong discovered that Guo Junren, Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng had actually run away.

Wen Hongzhong didn't know what Qi Yu said to the three in the office. He thought that Guo Junrou and the three ran away because they were afraid of paying the fine with him.

Wen Hongzhong originally wanted to call the police because in addition to some fixed assets, the three of Guo Junrou took away a lot of his money.

But thinking about the face he was ashamed when he was taken away by the police in public, Wen Hongzhong was unwilling to be seen jokes again.

Wen Hongzhong has a lot of fixed assets, but it is still difficult to collect 400 million yuan, so he ran to Wen Xunchang.

After seeing the contract brought by Qi Yu that day, Wen Xunchang was completely disappointed with Wen Hongzhong.

He thought that his son was just getting muddled by things, but he didn't expect that he was still cruel, even a beast, and even his son and his wife dared to kill him.

However, even if Wen Hongzhong is a murderer, in the eyes of Wen Xunchang, this is still his son.

Wen Xunchang helped Wen Hongzhong pay off the 400 million debt, and then asked Wen Hongzhong to surrender.

After paying off the debt, Wen Hongzhong, who was about to retaliate against Qi Yu, was immediately stunned. He turned his head to look at Wen Xunchang, and said blankly: "Dad, what are you talking about, surrender? Why should I surrender? Haven't you paid me back the money?"

"I can help you repay the money you owe, but I can't repay the life you owe Wenyue mother and son."

Wen Xunchang's words made Wen Hongzhong's body instantly stiff, and even his breathing speed slowed down.

Over the years, things that he had deliberately forgotten were suddenly brought up in person.

Wen Hongzhong's brain was blank. It was a long time before he heard his own voice: "Dad, you, what are you talking about?"

The voice of speaking stammered, revealing the master's guilty conscience.

Wen Xunchang saw that Wen Hongzhong refused to admit it, and knocked on the ground with a cane: "Wen Yuedu has already brought the evidence to me. You still don't admit it! Do you force me to throw the evidence before you? Hurry up and surrender yourself, or you will be too late when the police arrive!"

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