God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 857: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs. wealthy and disabled young masters (e

Chen Jianxin and Wen Hongzhong compensate the Wen Group for the money, Qi Yu invested all of it in the stock market, and the originally stable Wen's stock finally began to heat up.

Moreover, because of the many things that have happened these days, the media and paparazzi are chasing after others, and there are endless levels of various gossips on the Internet. Everyone pieced together and finally figured out the ins and outs of this incident.

In fact, Wen Hongzhong took advantage of the rumors that the college entrance examination was stolen, bought the navy, brought rhythm on the Internet, slandered Qiyu and the Wen group, and then took the opportunity to implement his own desire for power.

While all netizens admire Qiyu's wisdom and calmness, they also feel a sense of guilt towards Qiyu and Wenshi Group. If everyone had joined forces to boycott the products of the Wenshi Group before, now, they have taken the lead to buy the products of the Wenshi Group as a punitive guilty.

Water can carry a boat and it can overturn it.

At the beginning, the Wen Group's business plummeted because of the resistance of major netizens. Now, it has passed the dissemination and apologize by the major netizens with actual actions. However, in just a few weeks, the performance of the major industries under the name of the Wen Group has risen to an unprecedented peak. This may be regarded as a blessing and a misfortune. Up.

Although occasionally people still questioned the authenticity of the rumors that the college entrance examination papers were stolen, when Ningmeng used her live account for the first time to open the three-dimensional information to live and brush the questions, those who said she had poor grades closed up. mouth.

The ups and downs of the Internet farce finally came to an end.

In the system space, Wen Hongzhong died as early as the moment Guo Junrou and others were sentenced, they were already marked with a big green tick in the mission state.

After asking Qi Yu's opinion, Ningmeng, like the previous planes, left a copy of herself and Qi Yu, and then the two left the mission plane.

I don't know how the plane teleportation in the system was invented. Every time I came back from the plane world, it was just a time of closing my eyes and opening my eyes.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu were still in the Qiyu office of Wenshi Building a second ago, but a second later, after the two opened their eyes, they stood under the endless starry sky.

There is no time flowing in the system space, and everything inside remains the same as when Qi Yu and Ningmeng left. Only the small vine planted in the pot seemed to know that Qi Yu and Ningmeng had come back, and a small green sprout emerging from the soil swayed happily.

The light ball, transformed into a cute lemon, floated on the little vine and rubbed it lightly, and then went to check his reward on the previous plane.

When Ningmeng exchanged what she needed and floated in front of Qi Yu, Qi Yu had already read the new task refreshed on the screen.

Ning Meng rushed over and took a glance.

At this look, Ningmeng's expression suddenly became a little hard to explain.

The four words "unspeakable" in the task details...how did she suddenly have an ominous premonition.

On the other hand, Qi Yu's expression was quite normal, as if he didn't feel anything wrong.

He raised his hand and held Ningmeng in the palm of his hand, raised his hand and gently touched Ningmeng, and said gently: "Let's go."

"Oh, okay." Ningmeng was immersed in Qi Yu's gentleness, dizzyly opening a new plane.



The wind is sunny and the sun is just right.

On weekends, the streets of city a are bustling and lively.

"Wow! Seven, look at it!" In the crowd, a young and beautiful girl didn't know what she saw, and suddenly screamed loudly.

"Huh?" The companion was puzzled, even many passers-by next to them looked at them.

"Look up! Big screen!" The girl excitedly raised her hand and pointed at the huge screen in the square. Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction she was pointing.

I saw that on the LED screen of the Wenshi Building, where the popular artist advertisements of Wenshi Entertainment were always shown, a graceful woman in a white dress and a man in a suit were standing opposite each other. Not only did the two dress as if they were getting married, but even the two were married. The azure blue night sky scene carefully arranged behind the person is even more beautiful, like a dream, directly poking the heart of every woman's girl.

When the friend turned his head to look around, like many people next to him, he was amazed at first sight, and even looked intently.

Every woman has a desire and expectation for marriage. If their boyfriends can also arrange this way when they get married, then they will definitely feel that they are the happiest women in the world.

This kind of scene is worthy of a lifetime.

My friend couldn't help sighing: "Wow! It's so beautiful! The Wen Group actually contracted the wedding banquet? I'll pay attention to it when I go back!"

"Huh." The girl looked at her friend's envious look, her expression was suddenly speechless: "You didn't notice, are the two people on the screen familiar?"

"Huh?" Hearing the words, the friend carefully focused his eyes on the two people on the big screen.

She actually took a look at the two of them just now, although she felt that the two of them were in good shape, good looks, and excellent temperament, but she didn't pay much attention.

Because there are really too many male and female celebrities with good figures, good looks and good looks in the entertainment industry, it is impossible for a business to ask Tu Feiyuan to shoot wedding advertisements.

But now, when she looked intently, she was shocked.



"Hold the grass!!!"

"This is Mr. Xiao Wen!"

The friend was shocked, and even several holding grasses could not express one percent of her inner emotions at the moment.

"Yeah!" The girl finally found out about the incident when she saw the dull friend, and she was also happy: "I didn't expect that Xiao Wen and Bai Ningmeng were actually married, so happy."

"Yeah. But when Bai Ningmeng went to Kyoto University to study, Xiaowen always moved the headquarters of the Wen Group. Now that Bai Ningmeng graduated from University, it is normal for the two to get married."

"But it's too sweet! No, I want to take a video and post it to Moments."

The girl took out her mobile phone from her bag, only to find that the news of Xiao Wen's and Bai Ningmeng's marriage had already been swiped in her circle of friends.

It turns out that not only the LED screen of the Wenshi Building showed the video of the marriage of the two, but also the LED screens of the Wenshi Building across the country synchronized this video.

Moreover, this is not a recording, this is a live broadcast!

The circle of friends has already been screened by this news, and even the Internet has been agitated because of this incident.

Since Wen Yue completely controlled the Wen Group several years ago, and his handsome appearance was first exposed to the public’s sight, Wen Yue took advantage of his outstanding appearance and power, as well as his tolerable years of bumpy experience. A large number of followers.

At the same time, he also has another nickname-Mr. Wen.

Although Wen Yue does not mix with the entertainment industry, his traffic is comparable to that of popular stars.

And what makes people talk about it most is his love affair with Ningmeng.

Four years ago, Ningmeng went to Kyoto University to study, and Wen Yue moved the headquarters of the Wen Group to Beijing. This wave of operations refreshed the eyes of major netizens.

Netizens said one after another: They are beginning to believe in love again! Then he slammed on the CP of Qiyu and Ningmeng.

But there are also a lot of cool talkers, saying that Wen Yue is just playing with Ning Meng.

In the past four years, every time the media has tried to catch up on news, cp fans and black fans can be pinched up.

Now that Wen Yue and Ningmeng have finally cultivated Zhengguo, how upset the CP fans!

The two girls standing on the street now are also the CP fans of Wen Yue and Ningmeng. The two stood in place, watching the wedding of Qi Yu and Ningmeng, while marveling again and again.

There were many people standing on the square looking up at this grand wedding. Passers-by stopped one after another, and the crowd of onlookers grew larger and larger.

In a dark corner of the square, a figure in an orange cleaner's costume was also looking up at the magnificent scene on the screen.

The city cleaning staff is low-paid and tiring. They have to get up at four or five o'clock every day to clean the road, and they can only go back after 11 or 12 o'clock in the evening.

However, in just a few years, Liu Ping's life has been devastated to an uncomfortable level.

Today, she has a thin body and a haggard face, and she will no longer look like a delicate and graceful lady in the past few years.

After the Chen family fell four years ago, Chen Jianxin had to go out to find a job.

However, when a president who is used to gesticulating and squeezing his feet, how can Chen Jianxin get used to it. After returning every day, he punches and kicks Liu Ping, and his temper is getting more and more grumpy.

The family was heavily in debt. Even though Chen Ke was admitted to Kyoto University, he didn't go to school. Now he can only work as an ordinary employee in a company.

And the arrogant Chen Yan couldn't stand this kind of civilian life even more.

Chen Yan also went to Wen's Mansion to stay, asking Ningmeng to return Wenyue to her, and even wanted to smear Ningmeng in front of Wenyue.

But in the end, he was directly crossed out by the security of Wen's Building.

And this matter is still a little hot on Weibo.

Chen Yan also received a lot of ridicule from the cp fans of Wen Yue and Ningmeng.

Chen Yan didn't go to university either, and even because she couldn't stand the frugality at hand, she took advantage of her youth and beauty to pass between men one after another, and the red light district had become her second home.

At this time, a child passed by Liu Ping. He glanced at Liu Ping who was sitting on the ground, raised his hand and threw the garbage in his hand onto the garbage truck next to Liu Ping.

The garbage truck exudes an unpleasant and disgusting smell, but Liu Ping dragged it to work for four years.

Liu Ping raised her head and glanced at the two figures on the big screen, bowing her heads in tears for countless times.

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