God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 858: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 3

The mission plane I came this time was different from the mission planes Ningmeng Qiyu had visited before.

This world is now called the Interstellar Age.

Thousands of years ago, a devastating disaster occurred on the earth. An unknown virus suddenly spread on the earth, and the whole earth was reduced to **** on earth. That period is also called the end of the earth.

Many natural disasters broke out at the end of the earth, destroying the homes of mankind, and causing many innocent humans to die in that disaster.

The earth is no longer inhabitable, and the United Nations has to issue an urgent notice to take the surviving humans with a spacecraft and leave the earth to go to the universe to find the next resting place for humans. It is also another planet with a similar appearance to the earth-Aquastar.

Aquastar's environmental climate is very suitable for human habitation, and it also has abundant energy resources.

However, the only bad thing is that there are often Zerg infested here.

After the earth people came to live here, they began a thousand-year war with the Zerg.

Zergs are large in size and have a strong ability to multiply.

But fortunately, human beings on Earth have undergone apocalyptic transformation and their body genes have changed. Almost everyone can be transformed into beasts. After the beastization, the attack power of human beings can be equal to that of the Zergs, and the fight between humans and insects is comparable.

Although the Zerg's ability to reproduce is strong, human beings have infinite wisdom. After the invention of the gene-enhancing liquid, the Zerg is basically only beaten.

Now that thousands of years have passed, the people on Earth have defeated the Zerg, and not only have become the masters of the Aqua Star, they have even discovered many adjacent planets suitable for human survival.

Although the Zerg was not completely extinct, it has retreated to other remote planets, or the remote wilderness areas of Aquastar.

After the humans moved to Aquastar, they worked together to fight the Zerg. The peoples of all countries merged together, and over time, they formed an alliance.

Now, thousands of years later, the alliance is the only one, and it seems that there is no longer the conflicts between the various countries of the earth in ancient times.

And the client of Ningmeng and Qi Yu's mission was also the owner of Ningmeng's current body, named Liu Ningmeng.

Liu Ningmeng is the only daughter of Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue, the head of the Liu family.

The Liu family is quite powerful in the alliance, so even if Liu Ningmeng's mental power level is tested as only D, after being transformed into a lop-eared rabbit with little combat ability, she has had a smooth life for more than ten years.

Because of the Liu family behind her, there are countless people rushing forward to flatter her.

Liu Ningmeng herself feels very satisfied. Although she has low mental power and low combat effectiveness, she has parents who have loved her since childhood, and a fiance who grew up with her childhood sweetheart.

If nothing else, Liu Ningmeng will be raised in Liu Jiajiao until she is 22 years old, and then marry her childhood sweetheart, Feng Hang.

But all this changed when she was twenty years old.

At Liu Ningmeng's 20th birthday party, a strange woman suddenly appeared.

The strange woman came uninvited, and she also brought a blood relationship appraisal letter and a mental power level test result notice. She claimed that she was the real eldest lady of the Liu family, and Liu Ningmeng was just a fake. .

The woman who appeared suddenly was named Shi Luyue, and it was written in the firm book that the genetic blood vessel matching degree between her, Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue was 99.9%.

What is even more shocking is that her mental power test level is actually s!

Mental power is something that will not change from birth to death. It also represents a person's acquired talent and potential!

The league’s spiritual power levels from high to low are: s, a, b, c, d, e.

Above s there are ss and sss.

However, s is already precious, and the latter two are even rarer.

This kind of thing happened suddenly, logically speaking, Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue should have someone directly bring Shi Luyue down.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, it is Liu Ningmeng's birthday party.

But the two of them didn't know what they were thinking about. Perhaps they looked at Shi Luyue's similar eyebrows as Sun Yingyue when they were young, or they saw the S-level mental strength test book.

In short, the two asked the butler to bring up the authenticity machine on the spot.

The alliance has advanced technology. Although the blood relationship appraisal certificate and the mental power level test result notice can be forged in some black-hearted merchants and underground trading venues, the alliance also has a special machine to verify their authenticity.

After a few minutes, the machine verified that the two appraisals were genuine.

Shi Luyue looked confident on her face, obviously not surprised by this result.

Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue invited many famous families to attend Liu Ningmeng’s birthday party, so in one night, everyone knew about the true and false daughters of Liu’s family.

Shi Luyue's mental power was much higher than Liu Ningmeng's, and even the transformed species was a sharp-edged mantis with extremely strong offensive power.

Liu Hongwei was busy to find out the truth about the baby being dropped. Sun Yingyue asked Shi Luyue all kinds of cold and warm, eager to mend the vacancy between the two mothers and daughters for so many years. Even the servants in the villa were all one by one. He eagerly rushed forward to please Shi Luyue.

Liu Ningmeng's situation suddenly became embarrassing.

However, even if Shi Luyue moved into the villa, even if Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue ignored her because of Shi Luyue's existence, they did not mean to drive her out of Liu's house.

Moreover, Sun Yingyue deliberately went to Liu Ningmeng to talk to Liu Ningmeng one night, and told Liu Ningmeng with a certain tone that even if the blood in her body was not Liu's blood, she was still the daughter of Liu's daughter.

Sun Yingyue's words warmed Liu Ningmeng's heart, but she was also extremely grateful.

At the same time, Liu Ningmeng's heart was also ready to live with Shi Luyue in the future.

It's just that the reality is always not as good as people want.

But overnight, Liu Ningmeng felt that the attitudes of Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei towards her had changed drastically.

The night before, Sun Yingyue also talked to her, enlightened and comforted her, gentle and patient.

But when she saw Liu Ningmeng the next day, Sun Yingyue looked cold, with only disgust in her eyes, as if the warmth last night was just an illusion of Liu Ningmeng.

Even Liu Hongwei, who has been found out that the baby was wrongly held, was not accidental, but because Liu Hongwei’s business enemies deliberately mistreated Liu Hongwei. When facing Liu Ningmeng, he only had disgust and indifference in his eyes, and no father at all Love even directly asked the servants in the villa to drive Liu Ningmeng out of Liu's house.

Liu Ningmeng was hit hard, and she didn't know how it was so.

After Liu Ningmeng was kicked out, the Liu family suspended all her accounts.

She was kicked out with empty pockets and nowhere else to go.

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