God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 859: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 4

Liu Ningmeng originally wanted to stay with friends, but those former friends avoided her.

The Liu family’s true daughter has a lot of trouble, and everyone knows that the Liu family’s true daughter is a woman with S-level mental power.

Under this circumstance, everyone was thinking about chasing Shi Luyue, and how could they still have a good relationship with Liu Ningmeng.

When receiving Liu Ningmeng's communication, those friends also laughed and ridiculed and gloated and hung up the communication.

But more often, Liu Ningmeng was directly pulled into the blacklist.

See the truth in adversity.

After suffering, Liu Ningmeng realized that no one beside her was sincere.

No, there may be one.

That was Feng Hang, the fiancé chosen by Liu's family for Liu Ningmeng since childhood.

The Liu family and the Feng family are family friends, and the marriage contract between Liu Ningmeng and Feng Hang was made since they were young.

Although Liu Ningmeng didn't know whether the engagement was hers or Shi Luyue's.

But after so many things happened all of a sudden, the person she wanted to see most was Feng Hang.

Feng Hang is different from Liu Ningmeng, and Feng Hang is also one of the few S-level mental powers.

Feng Hang is two years older than Liu Ningmeng. When Feng Hang was eighteen years old, he started on the battlefield. Over the years, he killed thousands of Zergs. Without relying on any power of the Feng family, he is now a major general at the age of 22. title.

However, Liu Ningmeng couldn't get in touch with Feng Hang, who was out on a secret mission, so he decided to find a job first and waited for Feng Hang to come back to see what he thought.

However, the job search is not as smooth as Liu Ningmeng thought.

Although she was twenty years old, she hadn't graduated from school and had no talents. When the receptionists heard that she had no work experience and no talents, they tactfully rejected her.

Even if there are a few who want to apply for her, they will fire her a day or two after she goes to work, as if they are afraid of offending a big man.

Liu Ningmeng is not stupid. After losing his job several times, under her temptation, a boss finally let out his voice. Someone called him and threatened them to dismiss Liu Ningmeng. If Liu were not dismissed, Liu Ningmeng Ningmeng's words would be tantamount to offending the Liu family.

In Liu Ningmeng's impression, neither Liu Hongwei nor Sun Yingyue are such people who rush to kill.

And the only hostile towards her was probably Shi Luyue, the real *liu family eldest who renewed the Liu family.

Under Shi Luyue's obstruction, every time Liu Ningmeng finally found a job, it would be messed up every minute.

In order to survive, Liu Ningmeng can only do some dirty and tiring work.

Until one day, Liu Ningmeng was spotted by a scout and invited her to sign a contract with the company to act.

Before Shi Luyue appeared, Liu Ningmeng was well protected by the Liu family and had not been exposed to much at all.

The scout looks simple and honest, and it is easy to win people's favor.

Liu Ningmeng has never studied acting and has no interest in being a star.

But the scout was reluctant, and was extremely patient with her. He came to look for her downstairs in the small rental house every day, and was extremely patient.

Liu Ningmeng was moved by the scout's sincerity, and finally agreed to him and signed a contract with him at the company.

However, as soon as the contract was signed, the scout, oh no, should now call him Liu Ningmeng's agent-Zhou Huo.

After the contract was signed, Zhou Huo's attitude towards Liu Ningmeng changed drastically.

Immediately, Liu Ningmeng was asked to go to the locker room to change her clothes, and she was asked to see the partner.

Later, Zhou Huo took Liu Ningmeng to a high-end place, and asked her to accompany her to a house with fat head and big ears.

Only then did Liu Ningmeng realize that she had been tricked.

Moreover, the contract signed has loopholes everywhere.

Liu Ningmeng would rather die, and escaped in a panic.

But I saw a piece of good news being broadcast on the big screen in the center of the high-rise building: the good news of the engagement of Liu's daughter Shi Luyue and the young master of Feng's family, Feng Hang.

When Liu Ningmeng looked up, she happened to see the scene on the screen where the two protagonists exchanged rings.

The elders of the two families stood not far away, and everyone looked at them with a happy smile, and everyone seemed to have forgotten her existence.

At this moment, Liu Ningmeng's heart was ashamed.

When Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue drove her out of Liu's house, although she was sad, at least she still had a backing in her heart.

But now Feng Hang's act of getting engaged to Shi Luyue without saying a word made Liu Ningmeng feel heartbroken, and at the same time he felt abandoned.

Liu Ningmeng hid in Tibet and was finally found by Zhou Huo.

Zhou Huo's honest and honest face was torn off, and he was not afraid to expose his truest appearance in front of Liu Ningmeng.

She forced Liu Ningmeng to serve those old men, forced Liu Ningmeng to make a lot of indescribable dirty transactions, and even forced Liu Ningmeng to shoot video discs that were inappropriate for children, making Liu Ningmeng a veritable name. Yan*star.

If Liu Ningmeng is unwilling, he will have hundreds of ways to torture Liu Ningmeng, so that Liu Ningmeng can't survive.

It was not that Liu Ningmeng had never thought of going to die, but Zhou Huo had always sent someone to monitor Liu Ningmeng all the time.

If she dared to commit suicide, after saving her life, she would get a more tragic punishment.

Every day that fell into Zhou Huo's hands, for Liu Ningmeng, was a life below average.

Unlike Liu Ningmeng, Shi Luyue also entered the acting circle.

Moreover, with the Liu family and the Feng family escorting her, Shi Luyue couldn't feel the chaos and filth in the entertainment circle at all.

Even because of Shi Luyue's exquisite and charming appearance, one year after her debut, she became a favorite flow flower for everyone.

The love between Shi Luyue and Feng Hang has always been favored by fans.

Liu Ningmeng often sees reports on the love between the two on the Star Network, and also knows that Feng Hang has done many things for Shi Luyue.

Feng Hang stood behind Shi Luyue, defended Shi Luyue in every possible way, and became Shi Luyue's most powerful backing. It's like when he was a child, he stood in front of Liu Ningmeng and knocked down the children who laughed at Liu Ningmeng's low energy.

Liu Ningmeng survived in Zhou Huo's hands for five years.

The contract date signed at that time was five years.

However, after five years, Liu Ningmeng was also tossed to a degree.

When the contract expired, Zhou Huo didn't know whether it was a conscience discovery or what. Seeing Liu Ningmeng's eyes with a hint of pity, he also told Liu Ningmeng that the reason why he treated Liu Ningmeng like this was Shi Lu. Instructed by the month.

Liu Ningmeng almost collapsed after listening.

Even if she had guessed before, it was only her guess.

Liu Ningmeng wanted to run up to Shi Luyue and asked her why she was doing this to herself. I also want to ask Feng Hang, whether he knows all this.

However, before she ran to the two of them, she died on the way.

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