God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 862: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 7

Ningmeng and Qi Yu first went to find a restaurant nearby and were full before discussing the next thing.

Liu Ningmeng has now been kicked out of the Liu family and rented a small room to live outside.

Because she didn't have much money, Liu Ningmeng was very frugal. Not only was the rented house a small single room, but the environment was very poor and the security was also poor.

So the two of them discussed, returned the room Liu Ningmeng had rented, and moved all the things to Qiyu.

Qi Yu's body also has some background.

Although he is not the nobleman of the alliance, he is the future heir of Xing Moxing.

Simo Star is a medium-sized planet around the Aqua Blue Star. The planet is rich in resources, but it is the private property of the Han family.

And the Han family is a single pass, Han Qi, as the only child of the Han family's generation, is not the future heir of Xing Mo Xing.

To say something popular in the 21st century, Han Qi now has a mine at home!

Although not a member of Aquastar, Han Qi also has a lot of real estate in Aquastar.

After eating enough, Qi Yu drove the aircraft with Ningmeng together. The two went to the room rented by Liu Ningmeng, packed their things and returned the house, they went to Han Qi’s settlement in Beijing. point.

This plane is really different from the missions I've been to before.

Whether it's transportation or other things, everything is developed beyond imagination.

Living in this world, being rich is a kind of enjoyment.

Liu Ningmeng is still a college student, but because of her low energy, she chose pharmacy based on her own interests.

In addition to her own liking, Liu Ningmeng chose this major. The biggest reason is because Liu's main business is the pharmaceutical industry. Even if she has no talent in business management, she can still contribute to Liu's family.

But now, the Liu family has kicked her out and she doesn't need her anymore.

But this major, Ning Meng really likes it.

It’s just that the pharmacy major burns money especially, and the herbs used to make the pharmacy in each class are all bought by the students at their own expense.

After Liu Ningmeng was kicked out of the Liu family, Liu Ningmeng was penniless, and it was a problem even to support herself. There was no money to study, so she dropped out.

Ningmeng lay on the sofa and thought for a while, but decided not to go to school for the time being.

From the fact that Liu Ningmeng was in trouble but did not have a friend to help her, we can see how bad her popularity is.

This is not to say that Liu Ningmeng's personality is not good or what, but because of her low level of mental power.

D-level mental power may be normal for ordinary people.

However, in the eyes of this group of rich ladies and officials, who are born with a superior status and status than ordinary people, even their talents are also overwhelming, Liu Ningmeng, who has a d-level mental power, is somewhat dismissive of Liu Ningmeng. On it.

This is also the reason why Liu Ningmeng has never been able to truly integrate into it.

Qi Yu has a lot of things about the body, and as much rights as he has, there are so many responsibilities on his shoulders.

Even if it was on vacation, the communication to him was one after another.

When Qi Yu was busy in the study, Ningmeng was not idle either.

Ningmeng bought a lot of books on refining medicine from Xingwang.

In fact, it can also be downloaded directly from Star.com, because now the people in the alliance rarely read books, even in schools, they use virtual books.

But Ningmeng still prefers paper reading.

Xingwang delivered the goods very quickly. It took only half an hour from the time Ningmeng placed the order to when the things were delivered to her.

Ningmeng opened the package and looked at it with relish while holding a book.

Although the font of the alliance today makes Ningmeng a little unaccustomed.

But after I got used to it, it went smoothly.

When it migrated from the earth that year, the Alliance brought a lot of earth seeds to cultivate.

But I don't know if it was due to environmental and soil reasons. After the seeds germinated, they all mutated.

Although the effect is the same, the shape has changed a lot.

Ningmeng has been reading the books for several days in the apartment, and she has some general understanding of StarCraft's current pharmacy industry.

Pharmacists have a very high status in this era, and they are also very popular, just like the ancient aerial planes where Ningmeng and Qiyu can practice before, where the status of alchemists or pharmacists is also very high. Very popular.

It's just that the alchemy masters in the overhead plane, in the eyes of Ningmeng, all have real talents.

And now the strength of these pharmacist masters on the interstellar plane...

Ningmeng: An embarrassing but polite smile.

Because the departure from the earth was carried out in a critical and hasty situation, so many books and so on were not brought over.

These are the cultural treasures of the people of the earth, and most of them are now lost in history.

It is conceivable that people who need to explore again have made many detours in medicine over the years.

Moreover, Ningmeng carefully recalled that when Liu Ningmeng was in school, what the teacher taught...In fact, many of the contents were wrong or incomplete.

This is not to say that teachers are not really talented, but because after the disaster and turmoil of the end of the world, everyone's knowledge of this industry has become a little lacking.

Even the contents of these books purchased by Ningmeng have many knowledge points that are incorrect.

It happens that the pharmacy industry is popular now, and it is recognized as difficult to learn.

After gaining a general understanding of the pharmaceutical market in this era, Ningmeng became picky when reading books.

She did not read the books on the formulations and theories of medicines, but chose some books that introduced herbal medicines, such as "Ancient Chinese Pharmacopoeia", "Heroro", "Encyclopedia of Chinese Herbal Medicine"...These recorded the names, appearances, and even the names of herbs after they were mutated Some books on medicinal effects.

There was a lot of money in Qiyu's account. On the night after the two came to this world, Qiyu transferred to Ningmeng the stars that were enough for ordinary people to live for a few lifetimes.

In Xingwang, you can buy anything, and the delivery speed is fast.

Ningmeng is obsessed with reading, and hasn't gone out for several days. What the two ate is that Ningmeng buys fresh ingredients on Xing.com and waits for it to be delivered to the door.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu had a comfortable and leisurely life, but they didn't know that, on the other side, Zhou Huo was going crazy looking for her to find someone.

Zhou Huo didn't expect that Ningmeng had disappeared again.

After learning that Ningmeng had left the club that day, he didn't think where Ningmeng could go, so he didn't come to the rental room that day to block Ningmeng. Instead, he chose to go out and live a night, and then came to the rental house to find someone the next day.

In the end, he was told that Ningmeng had already checked out.

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