God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 863: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 8

It has been a while since Zhou Huo knew Liu Ningmeng.

However, every time he came to see Liu Ningmeng before, Liu Ningmeng's life was a two-point line.

Either rest in the rental room, or wash dishes in that small restaurant.

After signing a contract with Zhou Huo, Liu Ningmeng quit her job of washing dishes.

And now, Liu Ningmeng secretly returned the rented house.

This made Zhou Huo wonder how to find her.

Zhou Huo gave the owner of the rental house a little money and asked her to take a look at the surveillance video of Ningmeng when she checked out.

Then, Zhou Huo discovered that Ningmeng hadn't come to check out alone. There was another man who was traveling with her!

Moreover, this man is very familiar!

It was the man who took Ningmeng from the clubhouse!

Zhou Huo didn’t know the relationship between Ningmeng and Qi Yu. After seeing the video, he grinded his teeth, but in his heart he felt that Ningmeng’s luck was also quite good. The people who came and went in the club were so lucky. Many, and almost all people who enter and leave the club are people who come out to have fun.

Although everyone is looking for fun outside, it is usually a one-night stand.

No one wants to be responsible.

It seems that Ning Meng's luck is so good that she ran into a man responsible for her for the first time.

However, Zhou Huo wouldn't give up so easily.

Shi Luyue hired him and asked him to do this.

Not only because Shi Luyue paid him a lot of money, but also because Zhou Huo had some ugly handles held by Shi Luyue.

So in any case, Zhou Huo had to find Ningmeng, hold Ningmeng again in his hand, and torture Shi Luyue according to Shi Luyue's will, so that Shi Luyue was satisfied.

So in the next few days, Zhou Huo was looking for the whereabouts of Qi Yu and Ningmeng.

Although Zhou Huo wandered at the bottom of the society, he also had something to do with him.

He thought it was not difficult to find two people, and he had photos of them.

In the past, when he was looking for someone, he took out a photo, and within a few days, he dug up all the eighteenth generations of his ancestors.

But this time he encountered hard stubble.

After several days, there was no news.

Let alone dig out the 18th generation of the man's ancestors in the photo, even the name of the man, how old is the other party, where he lives... there is no information at all!

It's like there is no such person in the league!

Zhou Huo was stunned.

After using all his abilities, but there was still no progress, Zhou Huo had to contact Shi Luyue and told Shi Luyue about Ningmeng running away with an unknown man.

Shi Luyue is in front of others, a gentle, intellectual and capable temperament goddess.

But in private, as an S-level mental power who grew up in an orphanage since she was a child, and then wandered at the bottom of society for many years, she did not know how much blood was contaminated in her hand. When facing Zhou Huo, she had nothing Don't hide his impatience and irritability: "Why let her run away! A d-class mental power woman who has been drugged, you can't help it? It's just a waste!"

Being bluntly scolded as a trash, Zhou Huo's expression on his face was a little uncontrollable, and at the same time, there was some slight anger in his heart.

But Zhou Huo didn't dare to show the slightest, so he could only compliment Shi Luyue: "I really don't know that she can hide so much, and the man who took her away is also very weird. I checked here for several days, and I was stunned. I haven't found out the slightest information about him, and I don't know if his face was painted with cosmetic medicine..."

Cosmetic syrup is colorless and tasteless. After being applied on the face, it is not a real cosmetic surgery, but can change the appearance of a person in a short time.

After the effect of the medicine is over, it will return to its previous appearance.

However, Shi Luyue didn't listen to Zhou Huo's defense, she said coldly, "Is there a picture of him?"

Zhou Huo nodded again and again: "Some and some, I will send it to you."

The optical brain can also use other functions when communicating.

Zhou Huo bowed his head and quickly sent several photos of Qi Yu and Ningmeng to Shi Luyue.

Some are personal photos of Qi Yu, and some are photos of Qi Yu and Ningmeng.

These photos were all intercepted by Zhou Huo from the surveillance video of the landlord’s wife.

Shi Luyue hung up the phone after receiving the photo, apparently checking Qi Yu's identity by herself.

Zhou Huo looked at the hung up communication, rolled his eyes, and decided to go out to have a good time and relax. After all, since I just took anger here at Shi Luyue, how could I vent it out?

Ningmeng didn't know, she didn't even think about meeting Shi Luyue. But Shi Luyue has been looking for her whereabouts all the time.

In fact, Ningmeng stayed here in Qiyu every day, looking through herbal books, not because she didn't want to do tasks, or to avoid Shi Luyue and Feng Hang.

But because Ningmeng had other plans.

Although the mission is important, her foothold in this society is equally important.

Moreover, she now has a low level of mental power and no skill, so running to Shi Luyue and Feng Hang like this is really irrational, and it is almost the same as sending Shi Luyue to the door to humiliate her.

Ning Meng don't want it.

Moreover, there is no time limit for this task. Ningmeng and Qi Yu are not in a hurry at this time.

Instead of getting slapped in front of Shi Luyue, it's better to improve yourself first.

Isn't it just a low level of mental power?

This is something that everyone thinks is destined to be born, but in the eyes of Ningmeng, it is not too difficult to change.

She just needs some time.

Ningmeng never forgets. After reading the books for a few days and familiarizing himself with almost all the herbs currently owned by the Alliance, Ningmeng began to think about making potions.

Han Qi is not a pharmacist, so now Ningmeng and Qi Yu live here, and there are no utensils or herbs to make potions.

However, these satellite networks can all be solved.

Ningmeng picked things out on the star network, bought a lot of utensils, and a lot of herbs.

In order to facilitate Ningmeng's refining pharmaceutical agents, Qi Yu set up the robot butler, but within half a day, the robot butler modified Ningmeng's refining pharmacy.

Ningmeng once again marveled at the technological development of this society.

After the refining pharmacy was rebuilt, Ningmeng plunged in.

When reading a book before, Ningmeng still took care of three meals a day. When the time came, Ningmeng would buy food from Starnet, and then go to the kitchen to cook rice and stir fry.

But now Ningmeng is addicted to refining medicine, and she doesn't care about the trivial life of three meals a day.

Fortunately, Qi Yu has also lightened her cooking skills. While Ningmeng was busy concocting medicine, Qi Yu undertook the household chores of shopping on the Star.com and cooking rice every day.

In fact, the robot housekeeper can also make it, but the robot housekeeper will not make it too delicious.

And to be able to do things for Ningmeng, Qiyu Gan is like a sweet potato.

However, if this scene of Qi Yu entering the kitchen is seen by Jin and Sui, his jaw will definitely be stunned.

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