God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 864: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 9

Ningmeng stayed in the room for a week and produced two bottles of medicine.

A bottle is an acceleration potion that can increase the speed to the top in a short time after drinking.

One bottle is an antidote that can detoxify mid-level insects after drinking.

Ningmeng had been relieved before. Although there were also accelerators and detoxifiers in this era, the effects were not high.

Today’s accelerated medicine used by the Alliance, although drinking it will increase the speed in a short period of time, it also has very powerful side effects.

The side effect after the speed is increased is that it will make a person's body weak for a period of time, and the length of the weakness depends on the strength of the person's body.

The acceleration potions refined by Lemon Meng will greatly improve people's speed in a short period of time without side effects.

As for the antidote, the effect is clearer and more practical.

Although the Zerg now retreats to remote areas and other remote planets.

However, the boundaries of human habitation are still haunted by Zerg from time to time.

Most zergs carry their own toxins, and the strength of the toxins of the zergs depends on their race and their level abilities.

However, human resistance is limited, and there are countless people in the Alliance who die under the poison every year.

For so many years, insect poison has always been a headache for the masters of pharmacy.

Moreover, the Alliance’s antidote medicine can only resist the toxins of the low-level Zerg.

If the two pharmacies refined by Ningmeng were known to the people of the Alliance, they would surely cause an uproar!

It's just that Ning Meng didn't make these two potions just to be famous.

If possible, Ning Meng would like to make potions that can increase the level of human mental power.

However, the Alliance not only has limited books on herbal knowledge, but also herbal medicine!

In addition, in order not to waste herbal resources, the Alliance has many kinds of precious and rare herbal medicines. If you want to buy them, you actually need level permissions!

Now, Ningmeng, a pharmacy student, even if he has money, he can't buy precious herbs.

This is simply sad news.

However, there is also good news that, because of the popularity of pharmacists, and truly capable pharmacists are very rare, the Alliance’s treatment of pharmacists is actually very high.

When the strength of refining medicine is recognized by everyone, and when the level reaches the master level, many precious herbs that ordinary pharmacists cannot buy are open to master-level pharmacists for free. Even if you need star coins, you only need a little star coins after the discount.

Although Liu Ningmeng has studied pharmacy for two years, her talent in this area is not high, and she has never come to participate in the level assessment.

Therefore, Ning Meng who does not have any level now has to use some ordinary herbs to refine these two bottles of ordinary medicines in her eyes.

The alliance has a pharmacy guild, and the pharmacy guild will have a pharmacist level assessment every month.

If everyone wants to upgrade their ranks and get more rights and benefits, they must participate in the guild's rank assessment.

Ningmeng spent 30 Star Coins on Star.com and booked herself a place for the next level assessment.

The level assessment of the Pharmacy Guild this month has not passed, and it will be three days later.

Time flies by.

On the day of the level assessment, Qi Yu is now on vacation, and instead of going out to perform tasks, he will go with Ningmeng.

This is the first time the two have gone out since they came.

Although I have seen the development of technology in this era last time, when I see these flying vehicles of various shapes and colors floating in the air, and the complicated and strange buildings next to them, Ning Meng still feels shocked.

Human wisdom is indeed infinite.

The disaster of thousands of years, although it almost forced mankind into desperate situation, it caused mankind to leave their homeland.

However, on the other hand, it has promoted the potential of mankind and promoted the development and progress of society.

The speed of the aircraft was very fast, and it came to the front of the Pharmacy Guild in a short while.

Qi Yu parked the aircraft aside, and the two got off the aircraft.

Perhaps because today is a level assessment, there are a lot of people standing in front of the Pharmacy Guild, and aircraft of various shapes are parked on each side in a row, which looks quite spectacular.

Qi Yu and Ningmeng walked into the Pharmacy Guild, and the spacious hall was almost overcrowded.

However, although it seems that there are so many people, not many really come to participate in the level assessment.

Most of these people who came here accompanied their friends or family to participate in the assessment competition.

It's like when the college entrance examination in the ancient earth era, the children were taking the exam in the classroom, and the parents were waiting at the school gate anxiously.

However, the grade assessment is different from the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination takes several days, while the grade assessment requires only the time to make a bottle of medicine.

Because Ningmeng made an appointment and queued up on Xing.com, the number of people in front of her will be updated at any time on the order.

It is precisely because of this that Ningmeng and Qi Yu almost came here with a pinch.

You don’t have to wait here early, and you don’t have to line up again when you arrive late.

When Ningmeng came in, there were only two people ahead of her.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu waited for a while, and soon it was her turn.

The drug test is in a room.

Ningmeng swept at the door, and after identifying her identity, she stepped forward.

Except for Ning Meng, there are no other people in the assessment room, which also reduces the chance that some unsteady assessors will be nervous and make mistakes under the eyes of the appraisal master.

There are not many things in the room, just a variety of processed herbs on clean shelves, and an incomparably complete set of equipment for refining pharmaceutical agents.

After entering, the air in the room is refreshing and refreshing, making people feel particularly comfortable and relaxing after smelling it.

However, although there is no one, the room is full of 360 invisible cameras without blind spots. If you want to do something secretly in the room, that's not good.

Each examiner has three chances to refine the medicine, and then choose the perfect bottle and put it in the safe.

The safe will be automatically transmitted to the master appraiser through a secret channel.

Ningmeng doesn't need three chances, for her, just one is enough.

Ningmeng has been refining pharmaceutical agents at home these days, and has been very comfortable with the equipment for refining pharmaceutical agents in this era.

In addition, Ningmeng is in a particularly good state today, and she refined the potion for the first time.

After putting the potion in the safe, Ningmeng stepped out of the room.

The pharmacy guild will send a short message to inform you of the results of the level assessment within three days.

So after Ning Meng's assessment, the two left the Pharmacy Guild.

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