God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 865: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 10

After leaving the Pharmacy Guild, Ningmeng and Qi Yu did not go back immediately, but went to a nearby department store to stroll around.

Although the department store of the Interstellar Age is decorated with splendor like crystal palaces, but after the initial surprise passed, Ningmeng was somewhat lacking in interest.

At exactly this time, there was a communication from Qiyu.

As the heir of the Han family trained from childhood to adulthood, Han Qi has a cold personality and few friends around him.

And because of the particularity of his current position, he has cut contact with many friends.

Now, besides his family and subordinates, only Jin and Sui are still actively contacting him.

Once the communication was connected, the handsome face of Jin and Sui appeared in front of Ningmeng and Qi Yu following the screen.

"Hey hey! Xiao Qiqi, the weather is good today, come out and play! It's boring to stay at home all the time..." As soon as the communication was connected, before Qi Yu could speak, Jin Sui had already issued an invitation to Qi Yu with a smile. .

However, when he noticed the background behind Qi Yu on the screen, Jin Sui widened his eyes in disbelief, and exclaimed: "Fuck! Fuck! Are you outside? Are you going to the mall too?! Also! There is sister paper!!!"

Qi Yu has become accustomed to the surprises of Jin and Sui these days, so he didn't answer immediately, giving this friend with an IQ of 250 a little bit of time.

And when Jin Sui on the other side of the screen saw the person standing next to Qi Yu, he quickly reacted. Qi Yu didn't seem to be shopping alone.

Although in the clubhouse, he only vaguely saw a back of Ning Meng.

But in their profession, memory and observation are indispensable.

Jin and Sui, who had originally been in a casual posture, raised his hand and quickly straightened out his somewhat messy hair, put on a pose that he thought was the most handsome, and beckoned to Ningmeng standing beside Qi Yu with a smile on his face: "Hi~ The little beauty of Xiao Qi Qi's family, I am Jin Sui, Xiao Qi Qi's friend."

"Hello, my name is Ningmeng, and I am also...Han Qi's friend." Ningmeng opened her eyes wide, staring curiously at the Jin Sui projected on the screen, with undisguised novelty in her eyes.

These days, although she knows that Qi Yu often communicates with people, it is the first time for Ningmeng to greet people in the communication positively.

It's not that Qi Yu deliberately avoided her, but that Qi Yu stayed in the study room when doing business, and when he answered the communication.

While Ningmeng stayed in the refining pharmacy, she also had her own things to do.

Moreover, even if Qi Yu communicated with others, even if she was a little curious, she couldn't get together to greet them rashly.

Ningmeng didn't know how cute she looked curiously in front of the screen.

At least, in the Jin and Sui Dynasty, she seems to be a fanciful, but in the eyes of an old virgin, she is so cute.

People are so cute, even their names are so cute!

However, why does the word Ningmeng make him feel familiar?

No matter what, don't think about it if you can't think of it.

Anyway, Xiao Qiqi’s person is right...

Jin Sui looked excited and sent out an invitation to Qiyu and Ningmeng: "Little Mengmeng, stop visiting the mall, come and play with me. I am now in the seaweed forest. I heard that there is a sixth-level mutant zerg here, and I will find it. After that, I will give you its corpse as a meeting gift."

Ningmeng: "..." Taking the corpse as a meeting ceremony? What kind of friend did her host meet?

However, after the words were spoken, Jin and Sui also seemed to feel something was wrong.

He smiled and quickly explained to himself: "It's not a corpse, but a nucleus. I will give you the nucleus as a gift."

At the moment when Qiyu next to him called Ningmeng's name in the Jin and Sui Dynasty, his expression sank.

As soon as the Jin and Sui Dynasty finished speaking, Qi Yu immediately hung up the communication, and he didn't even say "see you later" to Jin and Sui.

"Host." Ningmeng grabbed Qi Yu's arm and shook, looking up at Qi Yu, her eyes were too focused, as if she could only pretend to be Qi Yu alone.

Qi Yu lowered his eyes and stared at Ningmeng.

Although the possessiveness made Qi Yu want to hide her very much, Qi Yu endured it and suppressed this idea.

After the Jin and Sui people over there were hung up on the communication, they were not angry. Instead, they smiled and whispered "the petty ghost" and sent their coordinates to Qi Yu.

Qi Yu and Ningmeng took the aircraft, and more than ten minutes later, they successfully met with Jin Sui outside the seaweed forest.

As an officer of the special forces of the alliance, the strength of Jin and Sui was placed there, and the physical condition was also not bad, the figure was tall and heroic.

It's just that he and Qi Yu are two completely different people.

Qi Yu has always been expressionless, only gentle with people he recognizes.

Jin and Sui are like a big golden sun. Under his handsome and charming appearance, he has a warm smile on his face, exuding his charm all the time, and he looks very cheerful and social, very active, and social.

After Qi Yu and Ningmeng came out of the aircraft, his eyes were more on Ningmeng's body.

Although he was looking at Ningmeng, there was no malice in his eyes, and it didn't make people feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, it was obvious that Qi Yu got off the aircraft first, but he didn't seem to have seen Qi Yu, so he walked around in front of Ningmeng and greeted Ningmeng with a full smile.

Although he blatantly ignored Qi Yu, his attitude, not knowing what was going on, made Ningmeng not angry.

Moreover, this is obviously the first time Ningmeng and him have met, but his tone of voice when speaking with Ningmeng is very familiar, as if the two have known each other for a long time. When talking with him, it will make people feel uncontrollable. Of relaxation.

In a short time, Ningmeng had a general understanding of Jin and Sui. He was a very active and organized person.

However, the Jin and Sui yelling "Little Mengmeng" obviously hindered Qi Yu's eyes.

Qi Yu intervened in the middle of the two with a strong attitude, blocking the chat between the two, and said to Jin Sui: "Where is the mutant zerg?"

Qi Yu's question finally reminded Jin Sui of his business here today.

"Actually, I have just arrived, and I haven't encountered the mutant worm head-on. However, this mutant zerg has attacked nearby residents several times. Yesterday, a citizen was injured by this mutant worm. According to it several times. The scope of activity that appeared should be in this position..." Jin and Sui turned on the light brain, cut out the map of the seaweed forest, and then marked a circle near the center of the map.

Qi Yu took a look: "Then we have to look for it separately, where are you going?"

"Here." Jin Sui raised his finger in one direction, while Qi Yu took Ningmeng in the other direction.

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