God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 874: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 19

"If I remember correctly, you have dropped out of school now." Shi Luyue's expression was cold, and she approached Ning Meng step by step: "Although you studied pharmacy before, the Pharmacy Guild is not everyone. I can get in."

Shi Luyue's impression of Ningmeng still stayed in the past.

She had seen Liu Ningmeng's previous results in school. Although she was diligent enough, she had no talent and had no results in refining medicine. So Shi Luyue took it for granted that Ningmeng appeared here today because she wanted to be an apprentice in the Pharmacy Guild.

"So? What do you want to say?" Ningmeng nodded slightly, staring directly at Shi Luyue, not at all shocked by the aura on Shi Luyue's body.

An accident flashed across Shi Luyue's eyes.

She clearly remembered that Liu Ningmeng before, every time she saw her, although her face was smiling, the low self-esteem in her eyes could not deceive anyone.

Why haven't seen her in a short period of time, she has changed so much.

Who gave her the confidence and courage?

Is this one next to her?

Shi Luyue turned her head and looked at Qi Yu, but she responded to Ningmeng's words: "If you have nowhere to go, you can go back to Liu's house."

Ningmeng refused unceremoniously: "Thank you, I am fine now, you don't need to worry about it."

At that time, Liu Ningmeng was suddenly driven out by Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue, and most of the reasons may be related to Shi Luyue.

Now Shi Luyue suddenly asked her to return to Liu's house. It was definitely not for her sincerely. Maybe she would use any tricks.

I have to say that Ning Meng is the truth.

Although Shi Luyue asked her to go back to Liu's house, what she was thinking in her heart was to let her go back as a helper.

Shi Luyue regretted the incident since Zhou Huo happened.

Knowing that Zhou Huo was so useless, she shouldn't have let Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue drive Liu Ningmeng out of Liu's house.

It would be great to stay tortured under one's eyelids.

Unfortunately, Ningmeng was not fooled.

Shi Luyue frowned, just about to start talking to Ningmeng, but the assistant behind her stepped forward and whispered in her ear: "Manager Shi, the time we agreed with Deputy Dean Liu is approaching."

"Okay, if you don't want to, just forget it, but your parents have raised you for so many years. It should be okay to go back and see them occasionally." Shi Luyue said, with a tough tone that makes Ning Meng irresistible: " You will send me the location of where you live now, and I will have someone pick you up another day."

Shi Luyue said, she didn't even think about waiting for Ningmeng's reply. After she finished speaking, she stepped towards the elevator.

The high-heeled shoes collided on the ground and made a crisp sound. Ningmeng looked at her back, a little confused about what Shi Luyue wanted to do.

However, no matter what Shi Luyue wanted to do, there was nothing good at all.

Therefore, Ningmeng didn't take the words she said when she left to heart.

Give her the address? There are no doors.

It is also impossible to send a communication.

After the three people of Shi Luyue disappeared in the elevator, the person Zhang Ming sent to pick up Ningmeng and Qi Yu was finally late.

That was a handsome young man wearing a white coat and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. After hurriedly running in front of Ningmeng and Qi Yu, he began to apologize: "I'm sorry, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, it didn't take long." Ningmeng smiled and said: "Then let's go up."

"Okay, please come with me." The young man took Ningmeng and Qi Yu into the elevator.

In the elevator, the young man apologized to Ningmeng and Qi Yu again, and by the way, he also explained why he was late: "When the dean asked me to pick you up just now, I happened to be in the last step of refining the medicine. , That’s why I’m late. By the way, my name is Cheng Sang. I’m the dean’s assistant and a low-level pharmacist. You can call me Xiaocheng."

"Okay, Xiaocheng." Ningmeng nodded, and also reported her name to Cheng Sang: "My name is Liu Ningmeng, and he is my friend Han Qi."

"Yeah." Cheng Sang nodded repeatedly. After the three people got out of the elevator, Cheng Sang took Ningmeng and Qi Yu through several door cards that needed identification, and then went into a huge laboratory.

There are many things in the laboratory, but they are in order and not messy.

There are more than a dozen people in their positions, bowing their heads and busying with the things in their hands, it seems that they are all pharmacists.

The appearance of the three of Ningmeng did not attract their attention.

Cheng Sang walked for a while, then suddenly stopped, turned his head to indicate a certain direction, lowered his own voice, and said to Ningmeng and Qi Yu: "That's the dean. Go by yourself, I won't go there. Up."

"Okay, thank you." Ningmeng nodded.

Cheng Sang went back to his job.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu stepped forward.

When communicating yesterday, Ningmeng had already seen Zhang Ming's appearance. He was an amiable grandfather with a white beard.

But compared to the projection on the communication screen, the person in front of him looks more real.

Zhang Ming is refining a kind of medicine, and it has reached a critical period.

Ningmeng approached quietly, glanced at the medicinal materials on the table, and understood the medicine the dean wanted to refine.

Zhang Ming was attentive, and did not notice anyone approaching behind him.

Ningmeng didn't say a word either, she just watched Zhang Ming refining the pharmaceutical agent quietly.

Originally, as a bystander, I shouldn't have spoken rashly.

But after watching Zhang Ming stretch out his hand and take Su Baicao and obviously want to add it, Ningmeng reminded in a low voice: "Dean Zhang, without Su Baicao, it would be better to put purple sky leaf directly."

Zhang Ming heard the sound and moved his hand for a while, then turned his head to look at Ningmeng.

Zhang Ming has a gentle smile on his face, without being disturbed at all, "Are you here?"

"Yeah, do it first." Ningmeng nodded.

When refining pharmaceutical agents, the reason why you can't be distracted is because each herb is put in at a specific time, otherwise, it will affect the efficacy of the medicine.

The slightest loss is a thousand miles away.

And at this point in time, whether Zhang Ming believes Ning Meng's words or not, the root of Su Baicao in his hand does not have much effect.

Zhang Ming looked down at the boiling semi-finished medicine, and asked Ningmeng: "What about now? Should I put the purple sky leaf directly?"


The purple sky leaf was originally placed behind Su Baicao. Zhang Ming seized the opportunity, staring at the change in the color of the potion, and chose the most suitable time to put the purple sky leaf in.

The medicine in the container kept boiling, and the color seemed to be half neutralized, changing from light to dark, and finally turned into a faint orange.

This is the first time Zhang Ming has refined an orange healing agent.

But there was an inexplicable intuition in his heart, perhaps this time, he was going to succeed.

Zhang Ming held his mind, checked the time, and turned off the fire.

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