God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 875: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 20

There is a machine for testing the purity of the medicine next to it.

The higher the purity of the potion, the greater the potency of the potion.

In the alliance, pharmacy is divided into ④ levels. Those with purity below 30% are inferior products, those with 30% to 50% are medium-grade, and those with 50% to 75% are top-grade.

As for more than 75% of the medicines, few people can refine them today.

The alliance has appeared several times with a purity of 82% of the medicine, the price has been fired out of the sky.

Zhang Ming once refined a 79% pure medicine, which also made him famous in the league.

It's just that the success of that time was like a flash in the pan, and he never refined a potion with higher purity than that.

When Ningmeng was evaluated in the experiment, the purity of the two refining tubes was as high as 92%!

This is why Zhang Ming personally sent her the newsletter.

However, Zhang Ming knew that this matter was of great importance, so besides Zhang Ming, only the master pharmacist who tested the Ning Meng medicine was the only one who knew about this matter.

Zhang Ming stood in front of the machine and waited for the test results, feeling a little nervous.

He is now more than 170 years old, and he is considered an advanced age in the league.

Moreover, he has been sitting in this position for so many years, and this kind of nervousness has not appeared in his life for a long time.

But now, he actually felt this long-lost emotion again.

It's like the anticipation and anxiety of each time waiting for the result when I first started contacting refining medicine when I was young.

It feels like the teacher is standing on the podium and is about to announce the results after every exam.

The machine dinged, and on the screen, the purity of the potion: 83.5% appeared on the screen.

Zhang Ming: "!!!"

Zhang Ming's eyes widened, and even his hands were shaking.

"Dean Zhang, congratulations." Ningmeng laughed lightly.

And Zhang Ming finally discovered his gaffe.

However, his expression still contained a trace of excitement that could not be concealed. He even spoke a bit of verbal fighting, and it took a long time to recover: "This, this...this is your credit."

Ningmeng smiled, and there was no deep meaning in the words: "In fact, the formulas of many medicines are correct, but there are some things, adding more, but it is counterproductive."

When Ningmeng saw it last week, she discovered that the purity of the medicine in this era is generally low, and the efficacy of the medicine has also weakened.

But it's not that these formulas are wrong, but that there are too many herbs to be added to these formulas.

There are many herbs that have similar effects, and some herbs are mutually contradictory.

Therefore, although the refined medicine is successful, there are a lot of impurities in it.

Hearing Ningmeng's words, Zhang Ming looked thoughtful, and then looked at Ningmeng with extremely grateful eyes.

Zhang Ming took Ningmeng and Qi Yu to the other side of the table where many documents were placed, and then pulled out a table for Ningmeng to fill in.

This was what he had agreed with Ningmeng yesterday. Ningmeng sat down and wrote quickly, filling out the form in one go.

In the line of the instructor, Ningmeng drew a horizontal line directly.

After filling it out, Ningmeng handed the form to Zhang Ming, Zhang Ming took it, and said, "I don't know when the above will have a result, but it should be within a month."

"Yeah." Ningmeng nodded, she was not in a hurry.

Then, Zhang Ming handed Ningmeng a box.

Ningmeng opened it and saw that there was a badge inside.

Unlike the badge on Qiyu, the badge in Ningmeng's hand is silver-white. The front of the badge is carved with a pattern of a plant of notoginseng. On the back, there are the words scribbled Pharmacist Master, with delicate lines on both sides.

Zhang Ming said: "This badge is the highest level of pharmacists. At present, there are less than ten people who have obtained this badge in the Alliance. We have also made changes to your profile on the Star Network. If you need any herbs in the future, you can Get the corresponding discount. If you can’t buy herbs outside, you can contact me.”

"Thank you." Ningmeng nodded.

The matter of coming here has been settled, Ningmeng and Qi Yu left the Pharmacy Guild.

However, as soon as he got on the aircraft, Qi Yu felt that he and Ningmeng were being followed.

Qi Yu looked down at the control interface, his eyes gloomy.

There were only a few people he and Ningmeng met in the Pharmacy Guild just now, so you don't need to think about who sent them to follow behind.

Ningmeng, who was sitting next to him, didn't feel that it was wrong, but when he looked up and found that the scenery outside was a bit strange, Ningmeng's eyes were suspicious: "Host, where are we going?"

"Someone is following behind."

"Ah!" Ning Meng was stunned, and she subconsciously wanted to turn her head.

But thinking that the outer shell of the aircraft was not transparent, she stopped moving.

Ningmeng frowned, "Is it Shi Luyue?"


The people in the Pharmacy Guild had no reason to follow Ningmeng and Qi Yu. Except Shi Luyue, no one else could do such a thing.

When she wanted to come, Luyue also noticed the changes in Ningmeng, knowing that she was not as easy to control as before, and she had not received the address information from Ningmeng, so she let people secretly follow Ningmeng and Qi Yu.

Shi Luyue's actions made Ningmeng very disgusted. She opened her mouth and asked Qi Yu: "Host, what should we do now?"

"It's okay if you dump it," Qi Yu said, and then suddenly accelerated the speed of the aircraft.

Although Qiyu had spotted someone behind him before, the Pharmacy Guild was located in the most prosperous part of the capital. There were not many aircraft coming and going in the sky. There were speed limits in this and that area.

Therefore, Qiyu deliberately drove in a remote and sparsely populated direction.

Until now, after arriving at a place where the speed is not limited, Qi Yu immediately speeded up.

The person who followed the two behind was startled, and immediately knew that he might have been discovered. But thinking of Shi Luyue's instructions before leaving, he gritted his teeth and increased the speed of the aircraft to the fastest speed, chasing Ningmeng and Qi Yu.

It’s just that Qiyu’s aircraft seems to be ugly, and it’s no different from ordinary aircraft.

But in fact, this aircraft has been modified by Han Qi himself before. Whether it is the aircraft engine or other accessories, they are all things that are not available on the market.

Therefore, the modified aircraft is also comparable to human aircraft.

The first thing that is reflected is the speed of the aircraft.

Even if the person adjusts the speed of the aircraft to the fastest, it is no better than Qiyu's speed adjusted to two-thirds.

The distance between the two aircraft was getting larger and larger, but within a few minutes, the man could only watch the aircraft that Ningmeng and Qi Yu were riding disappeared from him.

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