God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 876: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 21

After Qi Yu got rid of the person sent by Shi Luyue, he took Ningmeng back to the apartment.

Ningmeng's optical brain was ticking, and when he looked down, it turned out that it was a communication from Shi Luyue.

Probably, Shi Luyue already knew that her subordinates had lost the news, so she contacted Ningmeng directly.

Ningmeng did not answer, and refused Shi Luyue's communication invitation, intending to let her retire.

But I didn't want to. After Ningmeng rejected Shi Luyue's communication, within two seconds, a new communication came in again.

There seems to be a trend that she will not stop if she is not picking up.

Ningmeng stretched out her hand and followed the method of the previous mission plane, pulling Shi Luyue's contact information into the blacklist.

Then the world was quiet.

Ningmeng avoided Shi Luyue, not because she was timid.

It was that her current mental power level was too low, and Shi Luyue was obviously unkind.

She now listened to Shi Luyue's words and went to Liu's house, pointing out what Luyue would do to her from time to time.

This is unwise.

With a thought, Ningmeng logged into Star.com and found that her shopping authority in the herbal medicine area had indeed increased.

Those rare herbs that Ningmeng could not buy before are now all open to her, and the price is very low.

Ningmeng didn't blink, she reached out and brushed, and bought dozens of herbs.

Xingwang quickly delivered and delivered the herbs. After getting the herbs, Ningmeng entered the refining pharmacy with satisfaction.

She must refine the potions that increase her mental power level within this month!

Mental power is determined by a person from birth.

It is not simple for Ningmeng to rely on medicines to improve his mental power.

Even if she had a general direction in her mind before, it was still a little difficult to experiment.

Ningmeng lowered her head and indulged in refining medicine, fascinated.

Even, in order to concentrate on refining medicine without being affected by anyone, Ningmeng turned off her optical brain communication function and refused to accept any communication and information from anyone.

Shi Luyue couldn't find Ning Meng, and angrily smashed the tea cup she was holding on the ground, and then made a decision: she wanted to enter the entertainment industry.

And when Ningmeng was refining medicine, Qi Yu was not idle either.

His vacation was over the day after Ningmeng entered the refining pharmacy, and he had to continue to go back to accept the tasks arranged by the country. He was very busy every day when he went out early and returned late.

It was not until half a month later that Ningmeng finally came out of the refining pharmacy.

Her test of mental enhancement medicine was successful.

Ningmeng was ecstatic. After coming out of the refining pharmacy, she found Qi Yu in the study and shared the good news with him first.

"That's it?" Qi Yu looked down at the medicine he had received from Ningmeng.

The transparent glass bottle contains one-third of the transparent liquid, even if it is drunk, it is still a bite.

"Yes. I have used the machine to detect it many times, and it must be correct." Ningmeng was excited, and looked at Qi Yu with a long gaze: "Host, do we have a machine to detect mental power levels in our house?"

"Yes, I'll get it." Qi Yu nodded, returned the medicine in his hand to Ningmeng, and then walked out of the study.

Ningmeng immediately followed.

The machine for testing the mental power level is placed in the innermost grocery store.

But Qi Yu didn't take a few steps before his light brain rang.

Qi Yu stopped, and as soon as he connected, Jin Sui's handsome face suddenly appeared in front of Qi Yu and Ningmeng.

However, unlike the happy and smiling Jin and Sui that I saw before, this time Jin and Sui obviously encountered some trouble, with a solemn expression on his face and a hint of anxiety.

He seemed to be lying in the grass. After the communication was connected, Jin Sui didn't even wait for Qi Yu to speak. He hurriedly said, "Han Qi, come and support us. We found several female worms in Beishan!"

After speaking, Jin and Sui hung up the communication.

"I'm going out now. The machine is in the grocery room. You can get it yourself or wait for me to come back." Qi Yu turned around and explained to Ningmeng.

It stands to reason that Jin and Sui’s mission is in danger, and he should not be contacted even for support.

But this time, Jin and Sui contacted Qiyu, probably because the mountains and rivers were exhausted.

"No, I'll go with you!" Ningmeng said in a firm tone, looking up at Qi Yu.

Ningmeng also felt the extremely critical situation in the Jin and Sui Dynasty.

Since it was so dangerous, how could she watch Qi Yu go alone.

"Go." Qi Yu said, walking out quickly.

Ningmeng was overjoyed, couldn't help but hook her lips, put the potion aside, and followed up.

It was Qi Yu driving the aircraft, and he drove the flying chess to the fastest speed.

Beishanao was nearly a thousand kilometers away from the alliance capital, and it was not within the jurisdiction of the capital for a long time. I don't know how the Jin and Sui Dynasty would go there.

Fortunately, this modified aircraft is so fast that it greatly reduces the journey time.

When I was approaching Beishan, Qiyu dialed the communication between Jin and Sui.

Jin and Sui were quickly connected.

It was only more than ten minutes before he sent a letter to Qi Yu asking for help, but Jin Sui in the projection was very different from just before. His hair was messy, his head was gray, and the cloth on his shoulders had scarlet blood stains exposed.

"We are almost at Beishan, don't turn off communications." Qi Yu said.

Beishan Mountain covers a large area, and is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the sky and trees are uneven.

If you don't rely on accurate positioning, it is still difficult to find Jin and Sui.

"You have to hurry up, you won't be able to hold it anymore." Jin Sui said slightly panting.

He was surrounded by the Zerg, and he was still struggling single-handedly among the Zerg.

He didn't turn his head to look at the screen, but was struggling to avoid the sharp minions that the Zerg attacked him.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Ningmeng also noticed the unoptimistic situation on Jin and Sui's side.

Ningmeng bent down, took out the poisoned double-edged dagger and held it in his hand, looking up at the surroundings, ready to go to the battle at any time.

"Host, there seems to be movement over there." Ningmeng raised her head and pointed in a certain direction.

And the direction she pointed out was exactly the direction given in the positioning.

Qi Yu said, and drove the aircraft along the river.

Then, both of them saw the singles gang fight between the humans and the Zerg in the forest.

"we are coming."

Qi Yu spoke to Jin and Sui in the communication.

Jin Sui quickly turned his head and glanced, and then continued to fight with the Zerg.

Qi Yu didn't bring Ningmeng down the aircraft, but directly drove the aircraft to Jin Sui and Zerg.

Then, Ningmeng saw several bullet-like objects, which were emitted from the aircraft and shot at those Zerg bangs.

Qi Yu avoided Jin and Sui, did not let the bullet hit Jin and Sui, but also distracted the Zerg.

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