God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 877: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 22

Bullets enter the body, although it will not kill the Zerg in an instant, but it is okay to make them feel pain.

There were originally dozens of Zergs surrounding the Jin and Sui Dynasty, but after Qi Yu appeared in the aircraft, most of the Zerg's attention fell on the aircraft.

In an instant, he was relieved of a lot of burdens by Jin and Sui.

Qi Yu drove the aircraft all the way, hovering in the sky.

He was repelling the Zerg around Jin and Sui dynasties one by one, and was also trying to get close to Jin and Sui dynasties.

The cabin door was opened, and Ningmeng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, stood by the door.

As the aircraft rushed towards Jin Sui's position, Ningmeng bent over and stretched out her hand. At the moment of the moment, she pulled Jin Sui up from the ground.

Those Zerg wanted to stop, but Qi Yu controlled the aircraft to avoid their attacks and hovered high in the sky.

Those terrestrial zerg eggs can't reach the height even if they attack with enough strength.

In the aircraft, Ningmeng had dragged Jin Sui in and closed the door.

Jin and Sui's whole person fell to the ground, motionless.

Ningmeng looked at him a little worried, and leaned forward: "Are you okay? Where did you get hurt?"

"It's nothing serious, it's just collapse, just let me take it easy." Jin Sui said, the body really didn't move at all.

"Drink this." Ningmeng thought for a while, took out a bottle of medicine from her body and gave it to Jin Sui.

Jin Sui was exhausted. Although he heard what Ningmeng said and saw what Ningmeng handed over, he just looked at it and didn't reach for it.

Upon seeing this, Ningmeng opened the bottle cap, grabbed Jin Sui's back collar with one hand and lifted his whole person from the ground, then stuffed the medicine into his mouth with one hand and forced it into it.

Jin Sui's eyes widened, and Ningmeng's action was done in one go, leaving him no time to resist.

As soon as the potion entered, Jin Sui could only swallow it in.

"You...cough cough cough cough cough..."

Jin Sui just wanted to ask what it was, but was choked.

Moreover, after watching him drank the potion, Ningmeng had no sympathy at all and threw him back to the ground very rudely.

Jin Sui sat on the ground, bowed his head and coughed for a while.

"Xiao Mengmeng, you are too violent, what did you give me to drink? It seems to be delicious?" After the cough passed, Jin Sui raised his head and couldn't wait to ask Ningmeng continuously.

But after asking, he seemed to have found something, his eyes widened.

Jin Sui raised his head, looked down at himself, and then got up from the ground.

He could feel that after swallowing the cool liquid just now, it seemed that his fatigue was washed away by the coolness.

He didn't feel any tiredness, but was full of energy, and he could not wait to fight the Zerg for three hundred rounds.

Jin Sui looked at Ningmeng with eager eyes.

"It's a potion I developed by myself to replenish physical strength. I haven't named it yet." Ningmeng, who had already sat back in the passenger seat, said.

As soon as she said this, Jin Sui's eyes immediately changed when he looked at her.

The level is high, the look is beautiful, the personality is good, and you can make medicine!

Jin Sui clutched his chest and felt uncomfortable for a second, and he didn't know where Xiao Qiqi, the cold-faced iceberg, found this capable little fellow.

Why does he float around outside every day and never meet this kind of baby!

But a second later, Jin and Sui were resurrected with full blood.

He looked at Ningmeng eagerly: "Do you still have it in your hand? I'll buy it!"

The Jin and Sui Dynasty had never drunk this kind of medicine before, and it was able to instantly replenish a person's physical strength. This kind of medicine, if used on the battlefield, would undoubtedly be the best life-saving talisman.

"Yes, but not much. I can only give you two bottles, not your money."

"That won't work, I will buy a lot from you in the future." Jin Sui responded, and before Ning Meng refused, he quickly transferred the account to Ning Meng on Guang Brain.

Moreover, the amount is huge.

Ningmeng glanced at it and didn't refuse any more, but when handing it over, she added another bottle of acceleration potion to Jin Sui.

After Jin Sui took the potions, he put them in his pockets like a baby.

"What is going on with the zergs below?" Qi Yu, who had been silent, finally said.

Speaking of business affairs, Jin Sui instantly straightened his expression: "I am not sure. I originally came to see two friends to play today. They took me here to climb the mountain and suddenly found traces of the Zerg." Jin Sui said. The expressions on their faces were slightly sinking: "The two of them saw that there were more and more Zerg, so they left me and ran away, and then I sent you a distress letter."

"Where is the mother bug? Does the Alliance know about it?" Qi Yu asked the most important thing.

"I know, it should be coming soon." Jin Sui looked down at the time and continued: "The mother worm is in a Gobi cave east of Beishan Mountain. When I found them, they were already moving. Just that. I saw three female worms, and there must be more in the cave."

The female worms do not have any attack power, but their reproductive power is strong, so they are very noble in the Zerg race.

But generally speaking, there is only one female worm in a group of Zerg. There are hardly many female worms appearing together, which is simply weird.

But what is even more surprising is that so many zergs appeared on Aquastar, but no one noticed it.

If it weren't for Jin and Sui's collision, with the Zerzu's rapid reproductive ability, within half a month, the entire Beishan Mountain would be occupied by the Zerg.

Jin and Sui also thought of this consequence today, so they wanted to follow up and find out.

In the end, he was messed up by his two cowardly friends, disturbed the Zerg not to say anything, and the two people left him and ran away.

Just think about it and get angry.

"Then wait for people from the alliance to come and make plans." Qi Yu said.

Jin Sui and Ningmeng had no objection to Qi Yu's decision.

Qi Yu deliberately moved the aircraft farther away. The Zerg who originally wanted to catch up saw that the distance was getting farther and farther, so they decisively gave up chasing and turned to the east side of Beishan Mountain.

After Jin and Sui asked Qiyu for help, they also sent a request for support to the Union Army.

The troops supported by the alliance did not come as fast as Qi Yu and Ningmeng, but the three of them did not wait long.

They successfully reunited with the Qiyu trio.

Because the Jin and Sui Dynasty had already told the Alliance about the number of Zerg in Beishan, the number of Alliance troops sent to support this time was also different.

From the Jin Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, we will take everyone to the Zerg Cave on the east side of Beishan Mountain.

The previous actions of the Jin and Sui dynasties had obviously stunned the snake, and when everyone hurried away, the zergs had already dug tunnels and planned to escape.

However, the Alliance army was armed with enough weapons and manpower, and commanded by Qi Yu, they fought **** for three hours.

When the sun went down, the zerg in this nest was finally kicked.

When everyone kicked the worm nest together, the number of female worms was shocking.

In this cave, there are twelve female worms alone.

If it hadn't been discovered by the Jin and Sui Dynasty, it would really be less than half a month before the entire Beishan Mountain would be covered with Zerg.

During the Jin and Sui dynasties, he drank a bottle of physical potions bought from Ningmeng, so he didn't feel tired at all at the moment, and he even had the energy to get to Qi Yu's side and joked: "Xiao Qiqi, what do you want?"

Qi Yu raised his eyes to look at him.

Jin Sui smiled smirkly: "Where did you kidnap Xiao Mengmeng, with such high mental power and so powerful potions. Does she have any other sisters and sisters of the same age? I'll kidnap one too." The same mother grew up in the same environment, so it shouldn't be too bad.

But Qi Yu's attention fell on other points: "High mental power?"

"Yeah. Don't tell me that you don't know Xiao Mengmeng's mental power level." Jin Sui looked at Qi Yu with a slight contempt: "She can lift me from the ground into the aircraft with one hand. But she just avoided the Zerg attack with such agility. I have been paying attention to her and wanted to take care of her. It turns out that she kills the Zerg better than me."

Qi Yu listened to Jin and Sui's words with a thoughtful expression.

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