God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 878: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 23

After strangling the Zerg here, there is nothing about Qi Yu and Ningmeng.

Qi Yu took Ningmeng and drove the aircraft to leave early.

Originally, Jin and Sui should stay and give a report to his superiors, but he really didn't want to stay here to deal with the corpses of the Zerg, so he said that after he reported that he would go back and pay the army again, he left with Qiyu's aircraft .

When they arrived, there were only Qi Yu and Ningmeng in the aircraft. The two were anxious and rushed to Beishan, so there was almost no exchange during the whole process.

But after returning, there was an extra Jin Sui in the aircraft, like a group of chicks, twittering, and almost half a minute of peace was not left to Ningmeng and Qi Yu.

"Little Mengmeng, the potions you refine are so good. If it's normal, after just being rescued, I will have to rest for a day and night to recover my energy. But I just got your potion blessing, I actually I went down and had a fight with the Zerg, and now I am not tired at all!"

"Little Mengmeng, are you still a student now?"

"Oh, I don’t want to study anymore. That’s just right. I can have more time to refine some potions. Moreover, in my opinion, there are few in the entire league that can compare to you, and the school can’t teach you anything. I bought all of the medicines from you. Are you considering opening a store on Starnet? I will introduce many friends to patronize."

"By the way, you can also go to the Pharmacy Guild to participate in the level assessment. It is strange, you have such an outstanding level of refining medicine, I have never heard of your name at all, and you hide it too deeply."

"But... Liu Ningmeng... Liu Ningmeng... I seem to have heard of this name somewhere."

Jin Sui frowned, thinking back earnestly.

But before he finished thinking about it, he already felt the faint sight of death that Qi Yu cast on him.

Jin Sui immediately sat up straight, and suddenly came to his senses.

Cough cough cough, how could he forget Xiao Qiqi's strong possessiveness.

And he actually talked to Xiao Mengmeng for so long in front of Xiao Qiqi.

Xiao Qiqi was able to hold back only now and warned him with his eyes, and was already very tolerant of him.

Jin and Sui moved his body and moved slightly to Qiyu's side, then cheeky and chatted with Qiyu: "Xiao Qiqi, do you feel that the female worms just now are weird? How can there be so many female worms gathering? Together, have you seen this before?"

"No." Qi Yu looked cold.

"It's not because the Zerg wants to use quantity to dominate the water blue star." Jin Sui suddenly conspiracy theory.

But his idea is obviously unrealistic.

Qi Yu stopped the aircraft, opened the hatch, and signaled to Jin Sui: "You can go down now."

Jin Sui turned his head and looked outside and found that they had actually returned to the capital.

Moreover, Qi Yu also parked the aircraft in front of Jin's gate.

"Hey, so fast. Why don't you come down and have dinner at my house." Jin Sui said.

"It's another day." Qi Yu refused.

"No, just today. When I saw Xiao Mengmeng last time, I wanted to invite you to dinner. Today you helped me so much. My life is yours, and I will ask you to eat whatever you say. A meal. Not only this meal, but you can find me if you have any needs in the future." Jin Sui's expression suddenly became serious and serious.

Jin and Sui were all talking about it, and Qi Yu drove the aircraft into Jin's house.

Jin and Sui did not tell their parents what happened today, but Jin's parents already knew from other channels what happened to Jin and Sui this afternoon.

It was like knowing that Jin and Sui would bring friends back for dinner. When the three of them entered the Jin’s villa, the Jin’s servant had already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Jin's father and Jin's mother are also very enthusiastic about Ningmeng and Qi Yu.

Ning Meng had a pleasant and enjoyable meal for this meal.

After eating, Qi Yu turned down the invitation of Jin's parents to stay, and took Ningmeng back to their small apartment.

Ningmeng ran into the bathroom as soon as she entered.

After she came to this world, she stayed in the refining pharmacy almost every day, and she didn't have much time to go out for activities.

Although Ningmeng also likes to stay in the refining pharmacy to refine the medicine, but after too long without exercise, she feels that her body is not as light as before.

So when I was strangling the Zerg with everyone today, Ningmeng was very excited, and vented all the sullen suffocation in my heart these days.

Although Ningmeng deliberately avoided her, although she killed the enemy, she did not get blood on her clothes.

But after all, she had experienced a fight, even if there were no blood stains on her body, she seemed to be able to smell the **** minced meat.

Ningmeng ran into the bathroom and took a bath comfortably.

After she came out, she found that Qi Yu was sitting on the sofa.

Moreover, seeing Qi Yu's body only wears a white bath towel, and the appearance of moisture on her body, it should be that while she was in the bath, he also took a bath in another bathroom.

"Come here and blow your hair." Seeing Ningmeng coming out of it, Qi Yu's gaze fell on her wet hair for two seconds, then he picked up the hair dryer next to him and raised it to Ningmeng.

Ningmeng walked over and sat beside Qi Yu obediently.

But Qi Yu felt that it was not enough, and raised his hand to hug Ningmeng and put it on his lap.

Both of them had just come out of the bathroom. Qi Yu was wearing a bath towel. Although Ningmeng didn't do this, she only wore a thin nightdress.

Even, because she was going to bed later, she didn't even wear the inner yi.

When Ningmeng was held by Qi Yu and sat on his lap, the skirt that was originally knee-length slid up to the center of her thigh in an instant, revealing a long piece of white tender legs.

The two of them were close to each other, and Ningmeng could clearly feel Qi Yu's hot and strong body.

Ningmeng felt a little warm in her cheeks.

And Qi Yu, who was sitting on the sofa, was also lowering his head, his eyes fell on Ningmeng's white and straight legs, his eyes were deep.

Ningmeng has the feeling of being stared at by a wild beast.

She seemed to know where the video came from.

But she didn't dare to look back and confirm.

Ningmeng bit her lower lip and said softly, "Host, didn't you mean blowing your hair?"

Her voice interrupted Qi Yu's reverie. Qi Yu closed his eyes, moved his gaze away from Ningmeng's legs, and landed on the top of her head with her head down.

"Well, blow it now." Qi Yu responded, picked up the hair dryer, and began to help Ningmeng blow her hair.

The development of the alliance's technology is reflected in all aspects, and even the hair dryer is much more advanced than in the 21st century.

Within a few minutes, Ningmeng's waist-length hair, which was still dripping, was blown smoothly and elegantly.

But after Qi Yu put down the hair dryer, he didn't let Ningmeng get off his lap, but picked up another thing from the side.

Ningmeng took a curious look and found that it was a helmet, and it was also a helmet for testing mental power.

Ningmeng knew what Qi Yu was going to do instantly, and immediately obediently asked Qi Yu to wear the helmet on her head.

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