God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 879: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 24

It takes a while for the mental capacity test to know the results.

After putting on the helmet, Ningmeng closed her eyes and leaned against Qi Yu's arms.

Qi Yu hugged Ningmeng, and the hands placed beside her couldn't help squeezing the person in her arms.

After about three to five minutes, the mental power test is over, and the level result is displayed directly on the front of the helmet.


When he saw the three letters, Qi Yu was not surprised at all.

Already in his expectation.

Qi Yu stretched out his hand and took the helmet off Ningmeng's head.

"How is it? Is it d?" Ningmeng opened her eyes and asked Qi Yu curiously. She even planned to get off Qi Yu and get the potion she put on the table today to improve her mental power.

"No." Qi Yu hugged Ningmeng and prevented her from leaving: "It's 3s."

"Ah." This result was obviously beyond Ningmeng's expectation, and her eyes widened in shock.

Isn’t Liu Ningmeng’s mental power level only D?

If she had the mental power of SSS, how could she have been the laughing stock of celebrities for so many years.

If Liu Ningmeng had this strength, even if she was not the daughter of the Liu family, the Liu family would have to treat her as a VIP.

"Because the person in the body is you now." Qi Yu said.

This is what Qi Yu suddenly thought of today.

Because I have been with Ningmeng for too long, and Ningmeng is in good physical condition in every world. It can even be said that in some aspects of the body, she is better than ordinary people.

So in this world, even when Ningmeng and him fought side by side against the mutant zerg in the seaweed forest last time, Qi Yu didn't think there was anything wrong with Ningmeng.

The words of Jin and Sui Dynasty suddenly reminded Qi Yu.

Ningmeng's combat ability is indeed not what a D-class mental power person should have.

Otherwise, the Jin and Sui Dynasty would not directly recognize that Ningmeng's spiritual power was above s.

Qi Yu took Jin and Sui's words to heart, thought about it all the way, and finally understood the reason.

And now, it turns out that his previous guess was correct.

Ningmeng was still opening her eyes, staring at Qi Yu blankly, obviously not understanding the meaning of Qi Yu's words.

Seeing this, Qi Yu raised his hand and squeezed Ningmeng's pink cheeks, and chuckled lightly: "You can also understand that your spiritual power level is higher than Liu Ningmeng's spiritual power level."

What Qi Yu said, Ningmeng finally understood.

Ningmeng's eyes widened unbelievably: "So this is all right."

"Yeah." Qi Yu answered, actually he just thought of it.

Otherwise, he would not be so restrained and suffocated when he had just crossed over before.

It's not that the mental power level of the silly girl in front of him is too low to withstand his coercion.

But now that I know it, it doesn't seem to be too late.

Qi Yu's eyes were deep, and he approached Ningmeng, and her well-defined face rubbed her cheeks, lowering his own voice: "Mengmeng, how do you say you should repay me for forbearing you before?"

Ningmeng didn't understand what Qi Yu's words meant at first, but when she felt the heat sprayed by his ears, Ningmeng thought inexplicably, the day she and Qi Yu had just crossed into this plane world.

That day.

When she crossed into this body, this body was already Chinese medicine.

Qi Yu hugged her and wanted to go to the bathroom to wash away the medicinal properties, but she refused, and kept relying on him, clinging to him like an octopus.

In the end he couldn't bear it and threw her on the bed and pressed her heavily, but did not enter. Instead, he used his fingers to help her resolve the heat rising from the bones.

Obviously those pictures should be very vague, but at this moment, in Qi Yu's warm breath, she remembered everything that day, so detailed.

She still remembered that when he went in with his fingers that day, it was the same as today. The two sat face to face, and he held her waist with one hand to fix her figure, not letting her soften or letting her escape.

He tightly imprisoned her in his arms, she couldn't bear it when he slowly poke his fingers inside, and he was very anxious and restrained, so he hugged her tightly in his arms, his head kept rubbing against him. Her face, in the rapid breathing of each other, the two are like two cross-necked mandarin ducks.

Many, many days have passed since this matter.

When she woke up the next day before, Ningmeng had also been ashamed of this incident.

But now when I really remembered everything in detail, Ningmeng's cheeks suddenly became hot, and she wanted to lower her head and find a hole to get her into it.

Looking at her like this, Qi Yu didn't understand anything else.

Qi Yu was even more happy: "Do you remember Mengmeng?"

Ningmeng did not speak, lowered her head and plunged her head into Qi Yu's arms, and stretched out her hand to cover her ears, as if she could avoid it and never respond.

But how could Qi Yu let him go so easily.

It's not that he hasn't seen her shy.

The two have been together for so long, and she has no reservations in front of him, he has seen what she is like.

But this does not prevent Qi Yu from wanting to tease her.

"What to hide? If Mengmeng still doesn't remember, then I can popular science to Mengmeng again.

In this world, people with a wide range of spiritual power levels will also be disharmonious in bed. In serious cases, one party may even be unable to withstand an explosion and die. That's why the alliance has a rule that different spiritual powers cannot fall in love. "He who cherishes words like golden words in front of others is concise and concise. Now when he arrives in front of her, facing her who has made it clear that he does not want to talk, he seems to have changed, not only talking string after string, but also disregarding her wishes. Pulling away her hand covering her ears, made her hear more clearly.

"It was the same when we crossed over that day. Mengmeng was drugged and kept holding on to my body..."

"Don't don't, don't say it!" Ningmeng finally raised her head, her face was ashamed and dry, and she reached out to cover Qi Yu's mouth, not letting him continue.

"If you don't tell Mengmeng, then feel it? Anyway, I prefer to do it." Qi Yu reached out and pinched Ningmeng's waist and moved her body forward.

Originally, Ningmeng was sitting on Qiyu's thighs close to his knees, but his movement made her almost move to his lower abdomen... and it also made Ningmeng feel the familiar and long-lost stiffness.

Sitting directly on it, being pounded straightly, Ningmeng was uncomfortable at all, and she was ashamed to cry.

She accused Qi Yu: "You just want it!"

"Yeah, so Mengmeng give it?" Qi Yu lowered his head and touched the corners of Ningmeng's red eyes with his thin lips, in a pitiful tone, but before Ningmeng could answer, he had already kissed the tenderness of the other party. Cherry lips.

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