God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 880: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 26

Ningmeng got up from the bed after two rolls on the bed.

Qi Yu showered her before, and now Ningmeng is wearing another set of pajamas that Qi Yu has turned over from the closet.

Moreover, this is not Ningmeng's pajamas, but Qi Yu's clothes.

His clothes and pants were worn on Ningmeng's body, and he was fat in a circle, and he didn't know what he thought.

Ningmeng got out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash, and then quickly changed clothes.

While Ningmeng was tying her hair, the bedroom door was opened and Qi Yu came in from outside.

"Get up?" Qi Yu looked at the background of Ningmeng sitting in front of the dressing table, and his eyes fell on the clothes she had changed, his expression faintly regretful.

"A little hungry." Ningmeng turned her head and looked at Qi Yu.

I exercised so much last night and slept for so long. It's strange that I am not hungry.

Qi Yu lowered his head and coughed: "I'm done cooking, let's go out to eat."

Qi Yu’s craftsmanship is no worse than Ningmeng, and he also specializes in cooking the dishes that Ningmeng likes, and each bowl of dishes is full.

After Ningmeng had a round belly, she was upset about Qi Yu's lack of restraint last night and flew away in an instant.

The helmet used to test the mental power level yesterday was still on the coffee table. When Ning Meng saw the helmet, she instantly thought of her bottle of potion for improving mental power.

It's just that her current mental power level is as high as Qi Yu, isn't that medicine is useless.

Ningmeng held the bottle of potion in her hand, her expression a bit distressed.

Although the function of this bottle of medicine has been determined by Ningmeng before, the effect is geometrical, and it will take a personal experiment.

She wanted to use it herself, but now she doesn't use it anymore.

Thinking about her physical state when she woke up today, Ningmeng seemed to have some understanding of the benefits of a high level of mental power.

People with high mental power not only have high potential, but also have much better physical fitness.

Thinking of the ridicule treatment Liu Ningmeng had received because of his poor mental power level, Ningmeng wanted to produce a large amount of this kind of potion that raised his mental power level.

In this case, it will change the lives of many people.

Those with a low level of mental power can drink potions to increase their level of mental power, so that they will no longer be ridiculed by others, and can better protect themselves and the people they want to protect.

And if the soldiers in the army drank this kind of medicine, the combat power would also increase, the combat ability would be improved, and it would not be so difficult to deal with the Zerg.

However, the premise is that someone has to come and test the medicine for Ningmeng.

Ningmeng told Qi Yu about this idea, and Qi Yu nodded after listening, "I will help you find people."

There are too many people who want to become strong in despair. Even if they are in danger, as long as they are given the slightest light, they will hold on tightly.

After eating, Qi Yu went out for a trip, and when he came back, he followed someone alone.

The man was young, skinny, and he looked like he was only eight or nine years old, and he was still a child.

She was dirty and her long hair was knotted like a chicken coop.

There was an unpleasant smell all over her body, and it felt like Qi Yu picked it up from the garbage dump.

All over her body, only her eyes were amazingly bright, and when she saw Ningmeng, her eyes had a kind of beast-like vigilance.

Ningmeng didn't ask too much, and took her to the bathroom to take a shower.

There were no children’s clothes in the apartment. When she was taking a bath, Ningmeng quickly purchased several sets of children’s clothes from Xingwang. A few minutes later, the new clothes were delivered to Ningmeng’s hands.

Ningmeng picked a set of clothes and handed it to the child in the bathroom.

Then turned the refrigerator and cooked a bowl of egg noodles for the child.

When the child came out of the room, all he saw was the Ning Meng sitting at the dining table waiting for her, and the steaming bowl of noodles on the dining table.

The child seemed to be very hungry. After hearing Ningmeng said that the bowl of noodles was made for her, it seemed that he couldn't feel it hot. He quickly moved the noodles with his chopsticks and stuffed them into his mouth.

Ningmeng tried to stop it, but was mistaken by the kid to think that she was going to grab this bowl of noodles and ate even more impatiently.

Ningmeng was helpless, so she had to sit on the sofa a little farther away from her clothes.

However, these actions of the child made Ningmeng more sure that this child was picked up by Qi Yu from a certain garbage dump.

After the child had eaten the noodles, he stepped down from the table and stood in front of Ningmeng, and his eyes were less vigilant about Ningmeng.

Ningmeng asked her, "What's your name?"

The child stood in front of Ningmeng, and it took a long time before he replied, "Yaoyao, my name is Yaoyao."

"Well, Yaoyao." Ningmeng called her: "Do you know what Su... did that big brother bring you back?"

"I know, take me back to try the medicine." Yaoyao was unexpectedly composed.

But Ningmeng thought she didn't understand what it meant to test the drug, and she spoke to her popular science: "Testing the drug is very painful, and maybe you will lose your life. Are you sure you want to do this?"

In fact, Ningmeng deliberately made the situation more serious.

No matter how the medicine fails, she will not watch a person's life lose in front of her.

Not to mention, Ningmeng is sure about the potion that boosts mental power.

Ningmeng thought Yaoyao would be frightened, even if an adult faced this situation, she would have to hesitate for a while. However, Yaoyao, who stood in front of Ningmeng, spoke immediately after Ningmeng finished speaking: "I'm not afraid. Sister, I am thirteen years old today. I heard my elder brother say that I can change my mental power level. Here, I am not afraid of death. If I have been bullied and cannot resist, then I might as well be dead alive."

Ning Meng was surprised.

She was shocked at Yaoyao's true age and at what she said.

When Qi Yu led her into the door just now, Ningmeng looked at her like a beggar, and knew that she must have had a bad life before.

But now it seems that she had a very bad life before.

However, she did not see malice and hatred in Yaoyao's eyes, which made Ningmeng want to help her.

Ningmeng said, "What is your mental power level?"

"E." Yaoyao squeezed her hand on her side.

If it were not for her low level of mental power, her parents would not have driven her out of the house when she was five years old and had a younger brother.

If it were not for her low level of spiritual power, she would not have been bullied and tried all kinds of suffering.

She does not hate the parents who threw her away, nor does she hate those who have bullied her.

But she hated her weakness.

She wants to be strong.

She desires to be strong.

"Don't be nervous, take it easy. Isn't it an E-level? Although I am not sure to turn you into an S-level, you can still try it when you become A." Ningmeng raised her hand, gently on Yaoyao's thin shoulder Patted on.

Yaoyao raised her head, she felt as if she saw the light.

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