God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 882: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 28

Ningmeng wanted to share this good news with Qi Yu for the first time.

However, she called Qiyu's communications and found that Qiyu could not be reached.

Ningmeng did not panic, but silently hung up the communication.

Qi Yu told her some time ago that sometimes he would go to some remote places when doing tasks, and he might not be able to contact him.

Moreover, Ningmeng didn't feel the sign of Qi Yu's accident from her contract with Qi Yu, so she was relieved.

Ningmeng hasn't opened the communication function for ten days.

In order to be able to concentrate on her research, she turned off the optical brain communication function when she was in the refining pharmacy, and she would turn it on once a week or half a month.

Previously, when Jin Sui placed an order for the medicine at Ningmeng, all of them were text messages. Then, after Ningmeng had time to see it, he started to make the medicine, and then sent it to him by express delivery.

Now, as soon as Ningmeng turned on the communication function, several unread messages lay quietly in her message box.

Those friends of Liu Ningmeng broke clean when Liu Ningmeng was driven out of Liu's house.

The one who still contacts Ningmeng now is Jin and Sui.

Every time Ningmeng opened the message box before, the reply was a message from Jin Sui.

But this time, among these news, besides Jin and Sui, there was another one that was actually sent by Zhang Ming.

When Ningmeng saw Zhang Ming's name, what she remembered in her mind was the form she filled out in the Pharmacy Guild last time.

As expected, when Ningmeng clicked on the news, she found that Zhang Ming was really talking about the last time.

The last form of Ningmeng was handed in by Zhang Ming in his own name.

Therefore, relevant personnel of the alliance will contact Zhang Ming as soon as possible after the test.

Zhang Ming didn't know that Ningmeng was refining medicine. He used Ningmeng's newsletter many times, and he chose to leave a message after failing to get through each time.

Zhang Ming first greeted Ningmeng's recent situation and asked her if she was busy developing a new medicine. Then, Zhang Ming told Ningmeng the news that the alliance had replied.

The Alliance has approved the two medicines produced by Ningmeng, and even asked when Ningmeng has time. They will send staff to visit them to discuss contracts, patents and other matters.

Even if Zhang Ming is not in front of him, from this long short message, Ningmeng can see Zhang Ming's excitement at that time.

Ningmeng thought about it, and then replied to Zhang Ming.

After replying to Zhang Ming's short message, Ningmeng went to see Jin and Sui again.

There were as many as seven or eight short messages sent from the Jin and Sui Dynasty.

And these short messages were not sent on the same day, as if he suddenly remembered and sent one.

In fact, the short messages sent by Jin and Sui were nothing major. Most of them were talking to Ningmeng about some things that happened when he and Qi Yu were out on a mission together.

It can be said that Jin and Sui came to Ningmeng to complain.

Because Qi Yu treated him coldly and squeezed him.

After Jin Sui was "ill-treated" at Qiyu, he sent a text message to Ningmeng to complain.

Even if Ningmeng couldn't reply to him immediately, he didn't get tired.

Only the last short message was a little different. The last short message was very short. Jin Sui said that he and Qi Yu were going to investigate in an abyss, and might not send a short message to Ning Meng for several days.

And Ning Meng's lingering light swept away, and the last short message was sent three days ago.

Ningmeng just called Qi Yu's communication, but it couldn't get through, so it must be the same for Jin Sui.

Ningmeng responded to Jin Sui's news that she had successfully developed a potion, and asked Jin Sui to contact her after she came out of the abyss. She wanted to give Jin Sui a surprise.

After replying, Ningmeng had nothing to do. Thinking that she had stayed in the refining pharmacy for so many days and had not paid attention to the outside affairs, she opened Xingwang and took a look.

The star network of this era is equivalent to the microblogs, post bars, and forums of those modern planes before.

However, there is no aqq anymore at this time. Xingwang has powerful functions and brings together all the functions of aqq.

Starnet has all the functions that other aqq has.

Ningmeng brushed and brushed, and suddenly a high-definition photo of a character came into view.

Of course, if it's just a picture of a person, it won't make Ningmeng look different.

But because the person in this photo is actually Shi Luyue.

Although the person in the photo was extremely beautiful and stunning with heavy makeup, Ning Meng recognized her at first sight.

Ningmeng looked down at the following narrative: Luyue was surprised to see Guang'an Airport when Honghuadan, and countless fans rushed to pick up the plane...

Ningmeng raised his hand and slid the picture. There are several pictures behind this picture, all of which were taken by reporters on the spot.

In the photo, Shi Luyue has delicate and beautiful features and a smile on her face. She feels gentle and generous. It is completely different from the aggressive, arrogant and indifferent Shi Luyue that Ningmeng saw in the Pharmacy Guild that day.

Ningmeng suddenly remembered that in Liu Ningmeng's memory, Shi Luyue had also entered the entertainment circle, and under the **** of Liu and Feng, Shi Luyue was quite popular in the entertainment circle.

Ningmeng searched Shi Luyue's name, and all she found were reports about Shi Luyue, as well as Shi Luyue's official verified account.

Ning Meng clicked into Shi Luyue's official certified account and took a look.

Shi Luyue made her debut now in just two months, but the fans following her are as high as millions.

Moreover, the last time Shi Luyue posted a selfie on Starnet last night, in just half a day, under her selfie, there were nearly 10,000 comments.

With such a high traffic, let alone a newcomer, even a star with some qualifications in the entertainment industry, there are not many who can have such a big enthusiasm.

Ningmeng quit and looked at the reports of those reporters on Shi Luyue, only to find out that Shi Luyue's person was originally a kind and wealthy lady.

Shi Luyue made her debut directly in an entertainment company under the name of Fengjia Group. She did not develop a conference, did not run a crew, and did not release a new song. Instead, she went to participate in a live variety show.

This live variety show is not about anything else. There is only one protagonist in the live broadcast-Shi Luyue.

The content of the program is to investigate the remote and poor places that Luyue went to during the live broadcast, and then build roads and construction for the local people.

Except for a small part of the money for road construction and construction, the Liu family will cover the rest of the money except for a small part of the money that the sponsor will bear.

When the live broadcast content came out, it drew a lot of criticism from the majority of netizens.

Some netizens support Shi Luyue, but more netizens think that Shi Luyue’s charity is no problem, but it should not be such a high-profile charity. It is almost like making it for everyone to see. Not sincere.

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