God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 883: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 29

Regardless of how much the star network is raging, how low Shi Luyue belittles Shi Luyue, there is no doubt that Shi Luyue took her live show and went on fire together.

More netizens have seen this live show.

Moreover, with the progress of Shi Luyue's philanthropy, astronomical figures appeared one after another in front of major netizens.

Whether it is building roads or building school houses, it is a very money-consuming thing.

Moreover, Shi Luyue did not hide from everyone at all, and directly exposed these amounts to everyone.

Just building a school may cost ordinary people a lifetime of money.

However, Shi Luyue did not blink her eyes and signed and sealed it.

Many netizens have been fans of Shi Luyue's move.

In particular, many people have already dug up Shi Luyue's identity. It is the daughter of the Liu family who had been living out since childhood and had only recovered some time ago.

The major media published articles one after another, saying that Shi Luyue has a warm love. Because of the miserable experiences I experienced when I was young, now I have the conditions and ability to do so desperately for charity and love.

I have to say that Shi Luyue's experience and deeds are really easy to attract fans.

Especially during the interview, when facing reporters and many netizens on the star network, Shi Luyue bluntly stated her ambitions: "In fact, many people are right. I did this live broadcast deliberately. For people, I want popularity, I want to enter the entertainment industry, and I want to be popular. Because the Liu family’s money is always used up for a day, I need to be able to make money and make a lot of money, in order to better help and more need help People who support me, I am grateful. People who do not support me, please feel free."

During that time, the entertainment section of Starnet was almost swiped by Shi Luyue's words.

And Shi Luyue also officially entered the entertainment circle.

Because of her popularity on the Internet, coupled with her status is not low, many partners have come to the door.

During this time, Shi Luyue's exposure rate was very high, and the charity live broadcast has never stopped, and there is even a trend of getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, during the two months when Ningmeng stayed in the refining pharmacy to study medicine, Shi Luyue has become a popular Xiaohuadan in the entertainment industry, and some netizens call her the "positive energy goddess".

Anyway, there is no doubt that Shi Luyue is already on fire.

Ningmeng looked at the reports about Shi Luyue’s recent charity and the amount of donations. If it weren’t for her deep knowledge of Shi Luyue’s personality and the things she did to Liu Ningmeng, even Ningmeng might also be a fan of Shi Luyue.

I just don’t know, Shi Luyue spent so much energy and financial resources, what is the purpose of entering the entertainment industry?

It doesn't seem to be for acting, and it doesn't seem to be for money.

Ningmeng couldn't figure it out, so she didn't think about it, but she took this matter to her heart.

Moreover, looking at the photo of Shi Luyue on the Star Network, Ningmeng was also thinking about whether to return to Liu's house.

After coming to this plane for so long, it's time to start the mission.

Ningmeng found the contact information of Liu's father and mother from his contacts. Although he was kicked out of the house, Liu Ningmeng did not delete the contact information of the two.

In the past, Liu Ningmeng deleted their contact information when they called one by one to "greet" or ridicule.

But Liu's father and mother's were not deleted. Not only did they not delete, Liu Ningmeng also gave them a star.

It can be seen that she still has feelings for Liu's father and Liu's mother.

After expelling her from Liu's house, until her death, Liu's father and Liu's mother did not contact Liu Ningmeng once.

Ningmeng slid her finger, and when she was considering whether to call Mother Liu to visit her door, another communication was inserted first.

It was Zhang Ming who called, and I should have seen Ningmeng's reply to his message.

Ningmeng connected: "Dean Zhang."

Dean Zhang stared at Ning Meng's beard on the screen: "Hey! You girl, you can be contacted."

"Sorry, I'm a bit busy during this time, so I shut down the communication." Ning Meng pursed her lips.

"It's okay." Zhang Ming waved his hand immediately. He wasn't really angry, but he was excited when he heard the good news. He wanted to tell Ningmeng the first time, but he couldn't find Ningmeng.

If it wasn't for ignorance of Ningmeng's home address, otherwise he would have come to block people.

Zhang Ming said again: "Then are you busy with the things on hand? When do you have time? People at the Alliance Research Institute have contacted me several times."

"I have time now, will you be there?" Ningmeng asked.

Zhang Ming originally wanted to say that he could be directly at Ningmeng's house. But thinking about the situation where Ningmeng said last time that she has no father, no mother, and no teacher, what she was going to say turned around in her throat. After she said it, the meaning of her words changed instantly: "That's OK, come here. Let me here. It just so happens that I can also help you look at the contract."

"Okay, I'll go now." Ningmeng nodded.

After Zhang Ming finished the communication with Ningmeng, he immediately dialed the communication from the staff of the Alliance Research Institute, and told them that Ningmeng would come to the Pharmacy Guild later and ask them to come over.

Zhang Ming is not afraid that people from the research institute will not come, because during this period, they will call almost every day to ask about Ningmeng's news.

Sure enough, after Zhang Ming finished speaking, the other party immediately said that they would go out immediately and head to the Pharmacy Guild.

One is raw and the other is cooked.

Not to mention that this is already Ningmeng's third visit to the Pharmacy Guild.

Cheng Sang, who received Ningmeng and Qiyu last time, stood in front of the gate of the Pharmacy Guild early. He still remembered Ningmeng's appearance, and happily greeted him as soon as he saw Ningmeng.

Cheng Sang took Ningmeng to Zhang Ming's office.

After Zhang Ming saw Ningmeng, he asked her to sit down first, and also told her about the people from the research institute who would come over soon.

Ningmeng nodded when she heard this. She was not in a hurry, so she was not in a hurry.

But Ningmeng was anxious, and the people at the research institute were afraid that she would be impatient and ran away.

So, almost after hanging up Zhang Ming's newsletter, they took the materials they had already prepared and hurried to the Pharmacy Guild.

There were two people sent by the research institute. Both of them were dressed in black striped suits, tall and thin, with clear looks, and they looked very gentle men.

One of these two men is called Fang Ang and the other is Shu Yang.

The two walked into Zhang Ming’s office. When they saw Ningmeng’s youthful and childish appearance, the eyes of both of them were surprised. Obviously they did not expect to be able to develop the two bottles of top-level medicines and combine the two formulas and medicines for free. The people who donated their production methods are actually so young.

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