God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 891: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 37

Ningmeng was taken aback for a moment, and then a huge joy came out from the bottom of her eyes: "Host?!"

"Are you injured?" Qi Yu said, strode over and pulled Ningmeng into his arms.

The living room was a little messy, and Feng Hang and Shi Luyue were still lying on the ground, as if they had just had a fight.

Qi Yu pulled Ningmeng into his arms and looked at it carefully, then bowed his head and kissed Ningmeng's forehead.

"I'm fine at all." Ningmeng leaned against Qi Yu's arms, raised her head, enjoying Qi Yu's intimacy to her.

Qi Yu suddenly appeared in front of Ningmeng, but she was pleasantly surprised.

Because the previous attention had always been on Shi Luyue, Ningmeng didn't notice that the distance between herself and Qi Yu was getting shorter and shorter.

The two held them intimately for a while, and Qi Yu said, "Leave here first."

"Okay." Ningmeng nodded, but looking back at Feng Hang who was lying on the ground, Ningmeng asked: "Host, can you take Feng Hang away with you?"

Qi Yu: "Huh?"

"I suspect that he was controlled by Shi Luyue, as well as Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue. I smelled a stinky smell on Sun Yingyue and Feng Hang," Ningmeng said.

"Smelly?" Qi Yu walked to Feng Hang and sniffed.

"Can't you smell it?" Ningmeng looked at Qi Yu with doubts in her eyes.

Qi Yu shook his head, then bent over to carry Feng Hang up: "Let's go."

"Just walk the main entrance and go out like this?" Ningmeng was a little worried.

"Well, don't be afraid, I will solve the rest."

Qi Yu's words made Ningmeng relieved immediately.

Ningmeng went out. After Qi Yu came out carrying Feng Hang, Ningmeng glanced at Shi Luyue, who was lying on the hallway, and slammed the door closed.

The three of them took the elevator directly to the ground floor, and Qiyu's aircraft stopped on the ground floor.

When Ningmeng saw Qiyu's aircraft, she suddenly thought of her aircraft, and she didn't know where her aircraft had gone, whether it was still in the position where it stopped today.

After Qi Yu carried Feng Hang on the aircraft, he threw it to the side, and then sent a message to Jin Sui, asking him to send someone to do the finishing touches.

Qi Yu was driving the aircraft.

Ningmeng looked at Feng Hang in a coma, remembering that he was stunned by a palm of her own, and felt a little worried. She took out a dose of the drug from her arms and injected it into his body.

After setting it up, Ningmeng clapped her hands and sat in the passenger seat.

"Why are you here today?" Qi Yu asked.

"It was Shi Luyue who sent someone to arrest me. After I went to the Pharmacy Guild today, I went back to Liu's house. Then I was followed by Shi Luyue when I came out. There was not only one, but more than ten. I wanted to know her purpose, so I was deliberately arrested and brought here by her people.” Ningmeng told Qi Yu in detail about what happened to her today, and then exclaimed: “I just don’t know Shilu. How did Yue control Feng Hang and the others? She said it was medicine, but I couldn't see any disease in Feng Hang's body."

"I have a copy of Feng Hang's physical examination report here, and there is nothing wrong with it." Qi Yu said.

"Huh?" Ningmeng blinked.

It turned out that Qi Yu had begun to doubt so early.

Moreover, it was amazing to be able to get Feng Hang's medical examination report.

Qi Yu sent Feng Hang's physical examination report to Ningmeng, and Ningmeng took a look at it. Feng Hang's physical examination report was very comprehensive, and his physical examination was also very thorough this time. All parts and organs of his body were examined.

But Qi Yu was right. On the physical examination report, Feng Hang was in poor health and had no disease at all. And Ningmeng took a look at the time of the physical examination, a month ago.

After returning home, Qi Yu watched Feng Hang go upstairs.

Yaoyao and the others were really waiting for Ningmeng to return, and when they heard the sound of footsteps outside the door, they immediately opened the door.

Qi Yu watched so many people come out of his and Ningmeng's home, her brows frowned subconsciously, only then did Ningmeng remember that she actually forgot to tell Qi Yu about this matter.

"Host, these are all the people I brought back. I'll talk to you later." Ningmeng approached Qi Yu and said softly.

Qi Yu said.

In fact, except for Yaoyao, the people behind her were shocked by the strong aura of Qiyu after seeing Qiyu.

Just as Qi Yu didn't see them, they didn't know who Qi Yu was.

If Ningmeng was not standing next to Qiyu, they would definitely pull Yaoyao and close the door.

"Sister, brother, have you eaten yet?" Yaoyao, the only one brought back by Qiyu, asked.

"Take it. Go back and rest first, we have something to discuss." Ningmeng said.

Yaoyao responded, and everyone came out from inside and walked to the next door.

The house in Qiyu is not big, it is just an ordinary two-bedroom and one-living room, plus a study and pharmacy.

When I brought Yaoyao back, the three of them were inconvenient to live, and Ningmeng and Qi Yu didn't like people walking around in their private realm.

Therefore, after more people were needed to test the medicine, Ningmeng simply rented out a few free houses next to him. Yaoyao and the people who Ningmeng brought back from the slums later lived in the rented rooms at the back. Here, Ningmeng will let them come over only when they are eating and testing their bodies.

Today it is because Ningmeng has not come back for too long. Yaoyao and the others are a little worried about Ningmeng, so they gather in the living room to wait for her.

Ningmeng entered the door, and Qi Yu knew that Ningmeng asked him to bring Feng Hang back to test Feng Hang's body. So Qi Yu directly carried Feng Hang and went to the refining pharmacy.

Ning Meng first Qi Yu stepped into the room.

There is a bed in Ningmeng's refining pharmacy with handcuffs and handcuffs on the bed.

This bed, Ningmeng was originally used by those people brought out of the slums.

Because she was afraid that some people would not be able to withstand the stimulus of the medicine, now she is ready to handcuff Feng Hang.

Even if there is no problem on Feng Hang's medical report, Ningmeng still doesn't believe it.

There is a problem with Feng Hang's smelly body.

Ningmeng almost couldn't wait to use the machine to scan Feng Hang's body, but Qi Yu, who had just left the refining pharmacy, walked in and took Ningmeng's hand and led her out: "Shi Luyue is gone."

"Huh? Was someone discovered?" Ningmeng's first reaction was this, and even wanted to go to Star.com to see the situation.

Ningmeng shot Shi Luyue twice, one shot directly on Shi Luyue's left atrium.

Shi Luyue will definitely die.

Ningmeng didn't regret it when she killed Shi Luyue, but after seeing that the person outside the room was Qi Yu, she regretted it for a moment.

Because if you keep Shi Luyue, maybe you can still ask something out of her mouth.

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