God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 892: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 38

"No." Qi Yu relayed what Jin Sui had just said to Ningmeng: "Jin Sui said that when he went there, Shi Luyue had disappeared. And blood stains were found at her door and in the elevator. Shi Luyue left by herself."

"She's not dead!" Ningmeng's eyes widened, but how could this be possible? Her last shot hit Shi Luyue's left atrium, and Shi Luyue's body fell to the ground.

Ningmeng frowned slightly, she couldn't figure it out.

"Jin and Sui have gone to check Shi Luyue's whereabouts." Qi Yu stopped, cupped Ningmeng's face with both hands, and bowed his head and kissed Ningmeng's forehead.

Ningmeng originally thought that Qiyu would be enough.

But after Qi Yu kissed her forehead, her thin lips moved directly along her cheeks onto her cherry lips.

Touching the cherry lips that hadn't been tasted for a while, Qi Yu licked it, then pushed against Ningmeng's lips and leaned in.

The hand that was holding her cheek also unknowingly loosened, and put the person in his arms.

Qi Yu's breath was a little unstable, Ningmeng felt something, she looked up at Qi Yu, and she saw the familiar emotion in his eyes.

After Qi Yu tasted it briefly, he separated from Ningmeng, dragged her to the big bed, and what he wanted to do was self-evident.

"Host..." Ningmeng was led by Qi Yu, her face flushed immediately.

Just now, her attention was attracted by Shi Luyue's affairs, and she didn't even notice. Qi Yu talked to her while pulling her to the bedroom.

Qiyu clearly had a bad intention from the beginning!

"Jin Sui has gone to investigate the matter with Shi Luyue, it's okay." After Qi Yu pressed Ningmeng on the bed, he also pressed it up.

The breath of Qi Yu instantly enveloped Ningmeng, and Ningmeng reached out and grabbed the material on Qi Yu's waist. She was very embarrassed: "But I haven't taken a shower yet..."

Qi Yu bowed his head to the neck of Ningmeng and took a deep breath: "It's okay, it's fragrant."

Ningmeng wanted to say something more, but Qi Yu's hand was already familiarly poking into her clothes.

The strength of his caressing was light or heavy, stimulating her again and again.

Ningmeng hurriedly closed her eyes, biting her lips tightly, not allowing herself to scream so quickly.

Qiyu hasn't touched Ningmeng for more than half a month.

In this regard, he was originally a person with high demand, but for him, a half month is already the limit.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to push people onto the bed in such a hurry as soon as he came back.

When the previous person was not in front of him, he thought about it. But now people are infatuated with this feeling even after they are in their arms, and I can't wait for the time to go on for such a long time.

All the thoughts and longings were all vented at this point, and I just wanted to melt people into my own bones and blood.

Ningmeng felt like a fish in a pot, crushed under her by Qi Yu, frying over and over until she was squeezed out of her last bit of strength.

But this time, Ningmeng did not faint.

After Qi Yu was comfortable, she lay down on the bed with Ningmeng and rested for a while, then took them to the bathroom to take a bath.

In the bathroom, Qi Yu inevitably got into chaos again. When Ningmeng was carried out by him, it was already half an hour later.

Before entering the bathroom, Ningmeng still had some energy. But after being carried out, everything is weaker than before.

Qi Yu put Ningmeng on the newly laid bed sheet, and as soon as he touched the soft big bed, Ningmeng couldn't help but rubbed it sleepily, as if he was about to enter a sweet dream in the next second.

But the sudden sound of Guangnao on Qi Yu's wrist disturbed her.

Ningmeng frowned subconsciously, as if she wanted to open her eyes but was too sleepy.

Qi Yu refused to receive the communication, opened the thin quilt on one side and covered Ningmeng's body, bowed his head and kissed her hair.

Ningmeng's frowning brows eased open, her breathing became even and heavy, and she was obviously asleep.

Qi Yu looked at it for a long time before he stepped out of the bedroom.

The newsletter was sent by Jin and Sui, Qi Yu walked into the study and called back to Jin and Sui.

Jin Sui seemed to be waiting for this communication over there, and he answered almost in seconds: "You just hung up on my communication! Don't tell me that I disturbed your sleep!"

If Qi Yu dared to say that he was sleeping just now, Jin and Sui promised that he would not kill him!

"No." Qi Yu responded, sitting at his desk, turning on the computer.

The light brain projection changed position with Qi Yu's movements. Jin and Sui people over there also saw Qi Yu's movements, and subconsciously said, "Strange, why did you enter the study to turn on the computer at this time? Like you Workaholics, shouldn't they have been sitting in front of the computer for most of the night?"

Although Jin and Sui were Han Qi's subordinates, the two of them grew up wearing a pair of crotch trousers. They are not brothers but are better than brothers. Jin Sui thinks he knows Han Qi's living habits well.

Qi Yu did not answer the question of Jin and Sui Dynasty.

But when Jin Sui's eyes fell on Qi Yu's newly changed pajamas and the slightly damp hair, he finally realized something.

Jin Sui raised his hand and patted his thigh, and pointed at Qi Yu on the screen: "It's too much! You let me go out to run errands for you all night! I have been busy most of the night, and you are hiding at home and happy!"

"I will give you a holiday tomorrow night." Qi Yu said. He is the boss of Jin and Sui and can give Jin and Sui a holiday.

But when Jin and Sui heard these words, his heart became even more angry, and the original handsome face was now filled with a frog.

Even if it’s useful to give him a vacation...

What he lacks is not a vacation, but a girlfriend who is under the blanket.

"How is the matter for you to check? Did Shi Luyue leave by herself?" Qi Yu asked.

In fact, Jin and Sui were not really angry that Qiyu University sent him out to do things at night. Otherwise, there were a lot of people in Jin and Sui's hands. He could not go if he asked two people casually.

Now when Qi Yu talked about business, the expression on Jin Sui's face became serious: "It has been found out. She is in Liu's house and went home by herself. Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue were both frightened and called her a doctor overnight. "

Qi Yu: "How is her physical condition?"

Jin Sui: "Okay! You would never expect her heart to grow on the right."

The heart is on the right?

Qi Yu's eyes flashed across, no wonder Shi Luyue was able to walk out of the apartment by herself.

Because before, even Qi Yu thought that Shi Luyue was dead, so he gave the address of Shi Luyue's apartment to Jin Sui, who originally asked Jin Sui to deal with Shi Luyue's body.

"Also, I just sent you a newsletter, just to ask you, do you want to give her another shot? Anyway, I'm still outside now." Jin Sui asked Qiyu in a cold wind.

From beginning to end, Jin Sui thought that the gunshot wound on Shi Luyue's body was Qi Yu's hand.

Qi Yu didn't explain, "No, that's it." Anyway, he kept Shi Luyue still useful.

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