God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 893: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 39

The next day, Ningmeng went on the star network.

Realizing that things were as she expected, Shi Luyue's injury caused a lot of trouble on the star network.

Shi Luyue's recent traffic was already high. After the incident about her injury was exposed, Ningmeng saw that everyone was asking Shi Luyue's hand and the murderer who injured Shi Luyue.

However, this news came from the staff around Shi Luyue. Because Shi Luyue was injured, some of the originally planned itineraries and commercial performances could not be carried out now, and they had to be suspended or replaced.

Shi Luyue herself did not show up in front of the media, nor did she give any explanation about this matter.

Ningmeng already knew from Qi Yu’s mouth that Shi Luyue’s heart was growing on the right, so after reading the news on the Star Network and not involving herself for the time being, Ningmeng turned off Guangnao and left. Into the refining pharmacy.

She must find out what Shi Luyue did to Feng Hang today, and why Feng Hang was so smelly!

Ningmeng's potion made Feng Hang awake after ten hours of lethargy.

After waking up, Feng Hang was very angry when he discovered that he was actually tied to the bed by Ningmeng.

Especially after seeing the equipment in the room, the look on Feng Hang's face became even less calm.

When Ningmeng wanted to conduct a thorough examination of his body, Feng Hang even twisted his body, very uncooperative.

Feng Hang also tried to persuade Ningmeng with his mouth:

"Ningmeng, if you let me out now, I can treat all of this as if it hadn't happened."

"Human experimentation is illegal. If someone knows about it, the Alliance will definitely impose the death penalty on you."

"Mengmeng, have you forgotten that we grew up together? How could you do this to me."

"If you need someone to do an experiment, let me go out, I will give you, ten or eight, I will find as much as you want."


In memory, it seems that Feng Hang is not such a stubborn, spineless person.

Ningmeng looked at Feng Hang with questioning eyes, and then poked his dumb acupoint with a silver needle.

The world suddenly became quiet.

Feng Hang watched Ningmeng holding the silver needle and falling on him. He felt a tingling pain and spoke more vigorously. He was making the final struggle.


Feng Hang's eyes widened. It was obvious that he was talking, but how could he not hear his own voice.

Feng Hang looked at Ningmeng, his mouth closed, his expression blank, and then it turned into horror.

Ningmeng didn't pay attention to Feng Hang, and stuck the silver needle by the bed, not far from Feng Hang's head, where Feng Hang could see as long as he opened his eyes.

Feng Hang looked at the silver needle and realized that it was Ningmeng's threat to him.

He stopped talking immediately.

And I can't tell.

Feng Hang already knew that Ningmeng would not let him go easily, and he didn't put hope on Ningmeng. He kept accumulating energy secretly, thinking about how to escape with his own ability.

It's just that Ningmeng's bed is specially customized to deal with S-level mental powers.

No matter how hard Feng Hang struggled, the handcuffs and shackles handcuffed him were still securely handcuffed, without any cracks.

When Ningmeng inspected Feng Hang, Feng Hang was originally disgusted and tried to resist.

Especially when Ningmeng wanted to perform a brain examination on him, Feng Hang's attitude was extremely fierce.

Ningmeng picked up the syringe and gave Feng Hang a shot of softener. Feng Hang suddenly felt that her whole body was drained, and her whole body was soft.

He is safe, and Ningmeng can continue to check.

But when Ningmeng was preparing a machine to check his head, Ningmeng could feel Feng Hang's gaze on her at the moment.

It was a very vigilant look full of murderous intent. Just being stared at by him was like being stared at by a snake entrenched in a cave, making Ning Meng feel a sense of crisis for no reason.

Even last night, when Feng Hang wanted to kill Ningmeng, his eyes were not so dangerous.

Now it was just a night after handcuffing him, Ningmeng felt that the aura on his body had changed, and it was a bit crappy by negative test.

Moreover, with his look, even Ningmeng herself has a strong hunch. Perhaps this time, she can know the truth that has always been perplexed.

Because Feng Hang's identity is inconvenient to be known to outsiders, and what she did to Feng Hang cannot be known by others, so today Ningmeng did not let Yaoyao and the others come over.

Know less, and be safer if something happens in the future.

It's just that Feng Hang's eyes were too terrifying, falling on Ningmeng's body, as if he had substance.

And there is always an ominous premonition in Ningmeng's heart.

Ningmeng came out of the refining pharmacy and pulled Qi Yu from the study over.

There is no need for Qi Yu to do anything, he just needs to stand aside.

Ningmeng began to inspect Feng Hang.

Originally, there was no medical equipment for checking the body in the refining pharmacy.

But for those people brought back from the slums, Ningmeng was afraid that their bodies would be unhealthy and could not survive the impact of the medicine, so they bought a whole set of medical equipment.

It's better now. Whether it's a bed or medical equipment, all of them are used on Feng Hang.

The machine made a small buzzing sound when it was working. It covered the top of Feng Hang's head, and in the equipment connected to the other side, a shadow map of the internal structure of Feng Hang's head appeared.

Ningmeng sat on the stool, holding the mouse in her hand, watching carefully.

When the shadow map on the back of Feng Hang's head came out, Ningmeng noticed at a glance the thing that did not belong to the internal structure of the human head.

Ningmeng held the mouse's hand for a while, clicked on the picture individually, and zoomed in.

It was something like a pea, the size of a baby's fist, hidden outside Feng Hang's brain, and his body shape almost merged with his brain.

What is this?

Ning Meng stared at the picture intently.

Qi Yu noticed Ningmeng's movements and walked over.

"It's a worm egg." Qi Yu said.

Qi Yu went out for missions during this period, and the Zerg killed the most, and he had seen a lot of worm eggs.

Ningmeng had also seen this thing before, the last time I went to Beishan with Qiyu to rescue the Jin and Sui Dynasty.

I didn't know that I had seen it once, so Ningmeng didn't combine them with this thing in Jin Sui's brain.

But after Qi Yu's reminder, Ningmeng also felt that it looked more and more similar.

But if this is the case, it would be too bad.

Ningmeng's expression sank, and he checked Feng Hang's brain again, and found that the thing in his brain had vital signs!

And also very active!

Ningmeng turned around and looked at Feng Hang, whose hands and feet were handcuffed on the bed. Just thinking about the existence of a worm egg lurking in his brain made Ningmeng feel terrified.

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