God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 894: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 40

"Host, what should we do now?" Ningmeng asked Qi Yu.

Even Ning Meng felt the seriousness of this matter.

"Check first to see what effect the one in his head has on the human body, and whether it is possible to take it out." Qi Yu said.

Ningmeng nodded, and immediately began to work.

When Ningmeng was busy, Qi Yu didn't leave, and sat on the side, guarding Feng Hang.

The worm egg in Feng Hang's brain felt like a time bomb to Qi Yu.

Without knowing its details, it was impossible for Qi Yu to put Ningmeng in the refining pharmacy alone, and let her face all this alone.

However, Qi Yu was not just sitting beside him. He contacted Jin Sui with his light brain and sent a text message to him, asking him to send someone to investigate Feng Hang’s two-month itinerary and what happened to him. , And what happened when Luyue grew up in her twenty years.

The reason why Qi Yu asked Jin and Sui Dynasty to investigate the Feng Hang for nearly two months was because Liu Ningmeng was expelled from the Liu family in these two months.

According to speculation, Feng Hang changed his attitude towards Liu Ningmeng during that time.

Associated with Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue, whose attitudes have suddenly changed. Maybe there is a worm egg as big as Feng Hang's brain in their brains.

And everything must be inseparable from Shi Luyue.

Because Jin and Sui had always believed that the gunshot wound on Shi Luyue's body was the hand of Qi Yu, and the reason why no one has discovered Feng Hang's disappearance until now is because of the hand and foot of Jin Sui.

So last night, after finishing what Qi Yu had explained, Jin and Sui had nothing to do, so he checked the identities of Shi Luyue and Jin and Sui on the star network.

When Shi Luyue returned to the Liu family, she was so high-profile. Regarding the real and fake daughters of the Liu family, there was a lot of excitement on the star network for a while.

And after Shi Luyue became popular as a charity, netizens also found out that she was distressed about her displacement and suffering in the past two decades.

So Jin and Sui were also popularized by science, and finally learned the identity of Ningmeng, who turned out to be the fake daughter of the Liu family.

No wonder he always felt that Ningmeng's name was familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen it.

When receiving the SMS from Qiyu, Jin and Sui were a little confused.

Obviously Fenghang people are already in Qiyu's hands. What is he going to do to investigate these?

Moreover, if Luyue is really not pleasing to the eye, it would be fine to just kill her directly. Why should we check her birth to the present time!

However, after the complaints were over, Jin and Sui still did it honestly.

Because Qi Yu said it was urgent, Jin and Sui not only went out in person, but also sent several right-hand men to help him.

Ningmeng stayed in the refining pharmacy for more than ten hours, and Qi Yu had always been with her.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Ningmeng finally figured it out.

However, Ningmeng did not immediately talk to Qi Yu, but first gave Feng Hang a shot of Ningmeng's medicine specifically to deal with Feng Hang. After watching Feng Hang pass out of a coma, Ningmeng shut down the equipment and went out with Qi Yu. The refining pharmacy.

"The result came out?" Qi Yu said softly.

"Yes. The one in his brain is undoubtedly the worm egg, and depending on its activity, it is still the worm egg of the advanced Zerg race." Ningmeng frowned and continued: "This worm egg has a very long incubation period, and it is sealing. It should have been in Hang’s brain for two months, but I don’t know why the physical examination at that time did not show it. And I found that the eggs can control the mind of the host, and even read the memory in the brain of the host. , And then pretend."

"Pretend?" Qi Yu narrowed his eyes and glanced at the refining pharmacy. "Now he is no longer a human?"

"Yeah." Ningmeng nodded: "If the eggs don’t go in for a long time, I might have a way. But now, there is no rescue. If I guess correctly, it’s not the worm eggs, but one that has developed. A mature worm. Because it combines the memories and thoughts of the body, it has its own IQ."

In other words, after the eggs enter the human body, they become smarter.

The current appearance of the worm egg is just a camouflage on its surface.

I just don't know how it got mixed up during the physical examination at that time.

Moreover, Ningmeng suddenly thought of something.

She looked up at Qi Yu: "Is it possible that the Zerg caves you found near the Alliance during this period are also related to this matter?"

"I have asked Jin Sui to investigate Shi Luyue's affairs." The look on Qi Yu's face was not very good, because he also thought of this possibility.

Shi Luyue alone is absolutely not capable of doing such things.

Not to mention how she got the eggs into Feng Hang, Liu Hongwei, and Sun Yingyue's brains, it was just the eggs of the advanced Zerg race, not something that an ordinary woman could touch Shi Luyue.

It's just that things didn't seem to go well in the Jin and Sui Dynasty, otherwise it wouldn't be a whole day without a reply.

"Eat first." Qi Yu said.

At noon today, Ningmeng was obsessed with the worm eggs. Qi Yu saw her look attentively and never disturbed her, so neither of them had a meal.

Ningmeng groaned in response to the occasion when she heard the words "eat".

Only after letting go of concentration did I feel hungry.

Qi Yu walked into the kitchen, checked the ingredients in the refrigerator, and decided to cook two bowls of noodles.

Qiyu set the pot to boil water, washed the mushrooms and shallots taken from the refrigerator while the water had not boiled, and sliced ​​the lean meat.

Seeing this, Ningmeng also came in to help, took out the plaid apron hanging next to Qi Yu.

But in more than ten minutes, two bowls of fragrant noodles were out.

As soon as Ningmeng and Qi Yu finished eating their noodles, Jin and Sui sent a message.

The Jin and Sui Dynasty sent Qiyu two document packages with the names of Shi Luyue and Feng Hang written on them respectively, so that Qiyu could distinguish them quickly.

Immediately behind the two file packages, there was a voice from Jin and Sui: "Xiao Qiqi, originally I wanted to help you sort out the places where these two people appeared together, but I was really hungry. I’ll go eat something first, and see if there is anything else you need to help."

Qi Yu opened the two file packages and looked at them. In the two file packages, things about Shi Luyue and Feng Hang were recorded in great detail. It is no wonder that Jin and Sui only sent it at this time, showing that he was also working hard outside For a day.

Qi Yu quit and replied to Jin Sui: Thank you, you have worked hard.

Jin Sui second returned a picture of a fight, a cartoon character eating hot pot sweating profusely.

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