God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 895: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 41

There are a lot of things recorded in the two file packages. Qi Yu and Ningmeng worked together. One looked at Shi Luyue’s life over the past two decades, and the other compared Shi Luyue’s and Feng Hang’s itineraries over the past two months. See if the two met before Shi Luyue returned to Liu's house.

Qi Yu came to check Shi Luyue's life over the past two decades, while Ningmeng compared the places Shi Luyue and Feng Hang had visited in the past two months.

Qi Yu sent a copy of the package to Ningmeng, and the two quickly got to work.

Fortunately, Ningmeng and Qi Yu both have unforgettable memories. Otherwise, it would be really not an easy task to draw a cocoon from so many investigation results.

Ningmeng took a closer look at the places Shi Luyue and Feng Hang had visited in the past two months. Then, Ningmeng discovered that Shi Luyue and Feng Hang had indeed visited the same place two months ago.

It was a week before Shi Luyue revealed that she was the real daughter of the Liu family.

Feng Hang was training recruits in Zhonghei County at that time.

Then Shi Luyue also went to Zhonghei County.

What Shi Luyue did when she went to Zhonghei County, it is impossible to tell from the data.

Because the two illustrations below this text are the number and date Shi Luyue traveled back and forth.

Ningmeng found that the date of the round trip was only one day apart.

In other words, Shi Luyue only stayed in Zhonghei County for one day.

Zhonghei County is very far away from where Shi Luyue lived at that time, almost spanning over half of the Aqua Star.

Moreover, Zhonghei County is not a famous scenic tourist destination. Shi Luyue's itinerary seemed a little deliberate. Ningmeng wrote the place name on white paper.

If it is found that Shi Luyue does not have any friends or acquaintances in Zhonghei County, then it is basically certain that she laid the eggs for Fenghang at this time.

Qi Yu wanted to see a lot more things than Ningmeng. After Ningmeng finished reading it, he waited for a while before Qi Yu finished it.

Ningmeng leaned forward, and Qi Yu also recorded a lot on the white paper, all of which he thought were suspicious.

"I'm going out, you wait for me at home." Qi Yu folded the piece of paper Ningmeng had recorded and put it in his pocket. "If you feel scared, ask Yaoyao to come and accompany you. you."

"Not afraid." Ningmeng shook her head.

"Well, I'll be back soon." Qi Yu walked out of the door, and when he reached the entrance, Qi Yu turned around and hugged Ningmeng, then opened the door and walked out.

Jin Sui has been busy all day for this, and there are some things that he needs to investigate by himself.

Ningmeng watched Qi Yu's back disappear into the corridor, and then closed the door.

In fact, Ningmeng wanted to go with Qi Yu more than staying at home.

It's just that Feng Hang needs to be guarded personally, and Ningmeng and Qi Yu are not at ease with others.

Ningmeng went to the refining pharmacy and took a look at Feng Hang. He was still asleep after being injected with the sleeping potion.

Ningmeng exited the room, sat on the sofa in the living room, and connected to Star Network to see if there was any progress on Shi Luyue's news.

News of Shi Luyue’s injury became more and more intense on the Internet, but she herself never responded. Instead, the entertainment company that Shi Luyue signed with issued a notice saying that Shi Luyue is still in a coma. When Shi Luyue was injured yesterday, she was alone. So everyone didn't know how exactly she was injured, and she had to wait until Luyue woke up before she could tell everyone.

The entertainment company's remarks made the major netizens even more worried.

I don't know who revealed that Shi Luyue did not go to any hospital, but was treated in Liu's villa. In the afternoon, many Shi Luyue's fans organized into groups and knocked on the door of Liu's villa with gifts, wanting to personally visit the injured Shi Luyue.

However, Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue did not agree, so the robot butlers who were guarding outside regarded these people so hard that they did not let these fans in.

Ningmeng looked at the photo of Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue on Star. The photo was taken by a paparazzi near Liu's villa. In the photo, the two looked haggard, like a pair of parents worried about their daughter's life.

However, after thinking that the brains of these two people may be controlled by a worm egg, Ningmeng's mood can't be said to be beautiful.

After Qi Yu returns, she must discuss with Qi Yu to see if she can take Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue into captivity.

If there are worm eggs in their brains, Ningmeng will try to save them.

But if it can't be saved, Ningmeng will wipe out Sun Yingyue and the worm eggs together, which can be regarded as revenge for the two.

Except for what Liu Hongwei and Sun Yingyue did to Liu Ningmeng after the eggs were controlled, the former Liu Weihong and Sun Yingyue were really good parents and foster parents.

Ningmeng can't let two worm eggs occupy their bodies and control their thoughts. This is an offense to them and a blasphemy when they are humans.

There is just one problem that Ning Meng hasn't figured out until now.

She had clearly found out that the egg had been lurking in Feng Hang's brain for at least two months, but the physical examination conducted a month before Feng Hang did not show the existence of this egg.

Ningmeng took out the draft book and pen and sat on the sofa to calculate. She didn't understand medical equipment, but she could try to make a medicine that is mutually exclusive with the eggs.

Ningmeng checked a bunch of information about the zerg and worm eggs on the star network, and their preferences. It's just that too many things on Starnet are still too one-sided, and there is very little really useful information.

Ningmeng contacted Zhang Ming, the director of the Pharmacy Guild, and asked him if he had any information about the Zerg.

Zhang Ming asked Ningmeng what she wanted this to do.

Ningmeng thought for a while, and felt that the existence of insect eggs in the human brain was too important and too unbelievable, so she concealed this matter for the time being, and only told Zhang Ming that she wanted to develop a new medicine.

Zhang Ming just asked casually, and didn't expect that Ningmeng would really answer.

Moreover, Ning Meng's answer Jin surprised Zhang Ming.

Ningmeng just donated two medicine formulas, so soon she had a new research direction.

Zhang Ming sighed for Ningmeng's energetic brain and energy, and then he sent all the books and materials about the Zerg from Ningmeng to Ningmeng.

Some books were on paper. After Zhang Ming asked for Ningmeng's address, he immediately packaged them and delivered them.

Ningmeng thanked Zhang Ming in various ways.

The books and materials sent by Zhang Ming are comprehensive and detailed, and they are all based on some investigations, and they are things that Ning Meng can't find on the star network.

Ningmeng sat on the sofa and looked down, and soon was immersed in the ocean of books.

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