God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 896: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 42

Ningmeng waited until late that Qiyu didn't come back.

On the contrary, Shi Luyue finally woke up at 8 o'clock in the evening, and also took a small video and posted it on Star.com to express her gratitude to the fans on Star.com who were worried about her.

Moreover, at the end of the video, Shi Luyue did not hide it, she actually directly said Ningmeng's name. She also said that she had already reported the case and let Ningmeng join the net as soon as possible.

Ningmeng is obsessed with books, so naturally he didn't discover the news so quickly. But Yaoyao, who lives next door, saw this video of Shi Luyue when they were surfing the star network, and then hurriedly ran to tell Ningmeng.

Yaoyao and the others didn't know the relationship between Shi Luyue and Ningmeng, but they knew Ningmeng's name.

Not to mention, Shi Luyue was injured yesterday, but Ning Meng went out yesterday.

"I see, you guys rest early. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Ningmeng comforted Yaoyao and the others, and sent them out.

On Guangmin, Jin and Sui also sent greetings.

Jin and Sui first sent a shocked emoticon, and then said: Xiao Mengmeng, you can actually use a gun? !

Ningmeng: Yes.

Jin Sui: So you really did the two shots in Shi Luyue's body?

Ningmeng: Yes.

Jin Sui: 666666, but don't worry, it's okay. I erased the traces of you and Xiao Qiqi going in and out there last night. Moreover, you are now living with Xiao Qiqi. Without his permission, those people would not dare to break in and arrest you.

Ningmeng: Yeah. I'm not afraid.

Ningmeng is really not afraid.

As long as Qi Yu finds Shi Luyue's evidence of crime, it will not be enough for Luyue to die 10,000 times at that time.

However, looking at Jin Sui's portrait, Ningmeng suddenly remembered that she hadn't given him the surprise she wanted to give Jin Sui before.

Ningmeng poked Jin Sui: I said I wanted to surprise you before, where are you now? Are you at home?

Jin Sui: Are there really surprises? I thought you were joking haha. I just got home now, what are you going to do?

Ningmeng: Are you alone? I will send you a bottle of medicine. I won’t talk to you about the role. After you receive it, drink it anytime you want. This medicine is a little irritating. Please pay attention when drinking. Find a safe private area and don't have other people present. After drinking the medicine, your whole body will be burning. This is a normal reaction.

Jin Sui: Hehehehe, what kind of medicine is so mysterious. But I'm the only one in my family, and there is a robot butler. You can send it here.

Ningmeng: Okay.

Ningmeng sent the packaged medicine to Jin Sui.

Because he had already sent things to Jin and Sui many times before, Ningmeng didn't need to ask him for an address.

Within three minutes, Jin Sui replied to Ning Meng.

Jin Sui: I have received things. I'll try it first, and talk later~

Ningmeng: Okay.

Jin and Sui did not reply again, it should be to drink medicine.

Ningmeng turned off Guangnao. After flipping through the books, she took a pen and wrote on the draft paper her inspiration for the new formula after reading tonight.

Ningmeng altered it, thinking that time hadn't been long, but when the simple formula in her hand was finally written out, almost an hour had passed.

Ningmeng looked down at the simple formula in her hand, and was about to move inwardly, wishing to refine it in the refining pharmacy now.

However, after thinking that Feng Hang was lying in the refining pharmacy, Ningmeng lost his mind in an instant.

In the presence of a successfully developed egg, a potion to resist the egg was developed, and the consequences... She refused to imagine.

The pleasant doorbell interrupted Ning Meng's thoughts.

Ningmeng raised her head and looked at the hallway. She didn't know who would ring the doorbell at this time.

Moreover, the person who rang the doorbell seemed very impatient.

After the first beep, the second, third, fourth, and fifth beeps immediately sounded, as if there was a tendency that Ning Meng couldn't open the door and the other party kept pressing down.

Jin Sui: Open the door! I am the one who rang the doorbell! ! !

The suddenly received message made Ningmeng a little speechless, but she still got up and opened the door.

Outside the door, it was indeed Jin and Sui Dynasty standing.

Moreover, he was still a refreshing Jin and Sui with wet hair.

But what Ningmeng noticed was the other side of him.

The spiritual power level of Jin and Sui Dynasty changed from s to ss.

Ningmeng squinted and smiled: "Ah, congratulations."

After Jin Sui came in, he closed the door. He looked at Ningmeng nervously: "Where did you come from this medicine?"

"I developed it myself, how about it?" Ningmeng smiled.

"Excellent, it's almost like a dream." Jin Sui spoke his true inner thoughts to Ningmeng without hesitation.

Even before he received the potion, Ningmeng had already told him that it was a surprise.

But Jin Sui thinks more that this is a potion that can make him taller and handsomer, or more powerful and agile.

Can improve mental power...

This really exceeded Jin and Sui's expectations.

Moreover, Jin and Sui also never thought that things like mental power could also be changed.

This surprise was simply too big, it was like a fireworks exploding in Jin Sui's mind, making him feel extraordinarily unreal, and the whole person was a little dizzy.

After improving his mental power, his body was also drained of some stains.

If this were not the case, Jin and Sui would rush to Ningmeng’s house without taking a shower.

Only now, after seeing the brisk smile on Ningmeng's face, did Jin and Sui finally find some sense of reality.

"So, I'm really a ss spiritual man now." Jin Sui looked down at his hand.

"Yes." Ning Meng reached twice the hot tea and put it on the coffee table: "Since it's here, just sit down and have a cup of tea."

"No. I just came over to confirm." Jin Sui raised his hand and grabbed his hair, with a rare embarrassment expression, "It's getting late, I'll go back first, and I have time to call Shang Hanqi to have dinner with everyone."

"That's okay." Ningmeng was no longer reluctant.

But when Jin Sui walked to the entrance, he suddenly stopped, turned to Ningmeng and said, "Everyone is innocent and guilty. Although Han Qi has the ability to protect you, you must be careful. If so, If you need any help, please feel free to contact me."

"Okay." Ningmeng nodded, watching Jin Sui go out.

Jin and Sui came and left in a hurry.

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