God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 902: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 48

The content on the screen made Jin and Sui's cold hair stand up.

He turned his head and looked at the two people who were unconscious on the bed by Ningmeng, his eyes looked suspicious, and his expression was uncertain.

Ningmeng glanced at Jin Sui, motioned for him to go out, and then Ningmeng took the lead to go out.

After leaving, the door in the room closed, and Jin Sui felt as if he had suddenly escaped from a nervous and weird atmosphere.

But he still didn't forget what he just saw. He asked Ningmeng, "What is the thing I saw just now? Do they both have it in their heads?"

"Yeah." Ningmeng nodded, "It's a bug egg."

"The worm eggs! How could the worm eggs run into their heads!" Jin Sui just thought about the scene, the whole person is not good.

Ningmeng: "I don't know how to get in, but this has been discovered in three people."

As soon as Jin and Sui's brains turned, they quickly realized: "The first person is Feng Hang."

Ningmeng said.

But Jin Sui, who had guessed this matter, did not see how happy he was on his face.

Jin Sui supported the wall with his hands, and knocked his head against the wall. It took a while before he calmed down.

Jin and Sui Dynasty asked Qi Yu: "So you have been busy these days because of this matter?"

Qi Yu: "Yeah."

"Now, is there any clue?" Jin Sui said, but before Ningmeng and Qi Yu could answer, he said again: "By the way, has this matter been reported to the Alliance?"

Qi Yu: "Part of the report has been reported, but it is still too late."

"Then what are you waiting for? The physical results of the three of them have all been checked, and you can report it now." Jin Sui looked at Qi Yu anxiously.

Such an important thing! How could it not be known to the Alliance!

Qi Yu didn't speak, but raised his hand and opened Guangnao.

Because in Qiyu's plan, it is also intended to report this matter to the Alliance today.

"Wait a minute, I will send you the pictures of the eggs and the inspection report of the three Feng Hang and the others, and you will submit them together." Ningmeng said, turning on the light brain, and quickly sent the organized file package to Qi Yu.

Qi Yu tapped a few fingers on the screen, quickly organized the language, and then passed these things out.

"Who did you send to?" Jin Sui was a little curious.

Qi Yu: "President."

Jin Sui: "..." It's amazing.

However, only people with the status of Qiyu can have the correspondence number of the president of the alliance.

It is not realistic to sit on the sofa and wait for the president to reply. Ning Meng can't help but gets up and goes into the room to check the condition of Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei.

Qi Yu and Jin Sui had nothing to do, and followed Ningmeng into the room. But they didn't bother Ningmeng doing business. One sat on the stool next to him, and the other closely observed whether Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei were different from ordinary people.

Ningmeng had already written a few simple recipes yesterday.

But I haven't had time to experiment. Now that I have time, herbs, and medicine refining containers, Ningmeng will get started quickly.

Jin Sui, who was observing Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei, originally wanted to ask Ningmeng about the worm egg in the two people’s heads, but now that Ningmeng is obsessed with refining medicine, Jin Sui raised his hand and scratched it. Hair, sitting aside, I am embarrassed to ask.

When Lemon Meng was refining medicine, he was very serious and almost devoted himself to it.

Until Qi Yu Guangnao had the notification sound of communication access, he pulled Ningmeng out of that serious state.

Even Jin Sui, who was sitting on the side in all kinds of boredom, stared at Qi Yu's Guangmin with hot eyes after hearing this voice.

"It's the president." Qi Yu glanced down and said softly.

"He must have seen the file package you sent! Hurry up and pick it up!" Jin Sui urged, wishing to **** Qi Yu's light brain and pick it up by himself.

Although Ningmeng was also a little curious, the medicine in her hand hadn't been refined yet.

Moreover, Qi Yu has agreed to the president's communication request. After changing the voice method, Ningmeng can hear the dialogue between Qi Yu and the president even if he fails to pass.

After the communication was connected, it was the president who spoke first: "Admiral Han Qi, where did you get these information?"

The president is a young and elegant man with a low voice with the usual majesty of a superior.

But whether it was Qiyu, Jin Sui or Ningmeng, the three of them all heard the anxiety in the president's tone.

However, Qiyu and the others did not think too much, because this matter was too serious, and it was normal for the president to be anxious after seeing it.

"We discovered it ourselves. The three of them are now with me." Qi Yu said, his voice was as cold as usual, and even the expression on his face was as indifferent as usual.

"Major generals of Jin and Sui are also there?" Because Jin and Sui leaned forward, the president naturally saw Jin and Sui's figure on the screen.

"Yes. Jin and Sui met the President." Jin Sui couldn't help standing up and paying a military salute to the president on the screen, with a respectful and pious look on his face.

President: "Well, you did a good job this time. Send me your current address, and I will send someone over to investigate this matter."

"Okay." Qi Yu responded, and quickly and quickly sent the address of the three people.

After the business was finished, the communication was hung up and the room was quiet again.

When they communicated, Ningmeng had already refined the bottle of medicine in his hand, then quickly bottled it and put it in the test instrument on the side.

While waiting for the results of the medicine, Ningmeng was not idle, and quickly cleaned up the messy desktop.

Jin Sui walked around Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei, and said to Ningmeng suspiciously: "Little Mengmeng, it's been two hours now. Why do they sleep so heavily? And the one in their brains? Worm eggs, just stay in your head peacefully, don't you mess up?"

"The medicine I put in the teacup before was specially developed yesterday. In addition to making Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei coma, this medicine also has a certain soothing effect on the worm eggs in the brain." Ningmeng opened her mouth and turned her head to take a look. Two people sleeping peacefully in bed.

Jin Sui did not notice that Ningmeng called his adoptive parents directly. He raised his hand and made a gesture to Ningmeng: "Is there any way..."

"No." Ningmeng shook her head regretfully.

The worm egg in the heads of Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei, like the worm egg in Feng Hang's head, has grown to the size of a baby's fist and is already a mature egg.

In other words, Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei are actually two zergs wearing human skins.

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