God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 903: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 49

The people sent by the President to deal with this matter came quickly. There were six people in total, all of whom were familiar faces.

They are high in the league, and they can often be seen on the league news.

The older one is Wang Xinghua, who is the dean of the Alliance Research Institute. He is now more than 130 years old.

Among these six people, he is also the oldest and the highest in status.

He was the first one even when he knocked on the door.

As soon as Jin and Sui opened the door, when he saw the six big Buddhas outside the door, no matter how knowledgeable he was before, he was still shocked at this moment.

"Dean Wang, Guo Fuchang... please, please, please inside." Jin Sui quickly opened the door, welcoming people with both hands.

But Wang Xinghua and the others were obviously anxious. After entering the door, they asked Jin and Sui, "Where are the three people?"

"It's in the inner room, please come with me." Jin Sui led a few people into it: "But there are only two here, and there is one in another place."

Jin and Sui led Wang Xinghua into the room.

In addition to Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei, Ningmeng and Qi Yu are also in the room.

Qi Yu stood on one side, while Ningmeng sat on the side, holding a pen, and writing quickly on the draft book she carried with him.

When Wang Xinghua and the others came in, Ningmeng looked up at them and found that they were all people she didn't know, she quickly lowered her head and continued to scribble on the draft.

"Admiral Han Qi, are these the two in the information?" Wang Xinghua and the others directly ignored Ningmeng, walked to the side of Qi Yu, and looked down at Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei who were handcuffed on the bed.

Because a few years ago, Wang Xinghua was kidnapped once, and it was Han Qi who rescued him when his life was at stake.

Although he didn't usually contact him very much, Wang Xinghua always remembered Han Qi's kindness.

Qi Yu: "Well. What are you going to do with this matter now?"

Wang Xinghua didn't speak immediately, but his gaze fell on Ningmeng, which was self-evident.

Qi Yu frowned slightly, "There is nothing hard to say. The eggs on these three people were all discovered by Mengmeng."

At this time, Jin and Sui also reacted, and came over with a smile and rounded off: "Yes, yes, they are all their own. Moreover, Ningmeng’s medicine refining technology is so powerful that he donated two medicine formulas to the research institute for free. Dean Wang, did you forget so soon?"

Wang Xinghua was startled, and the others looked at Ningmeng with slightly shocked eyes.

Ning Meng Acceleration Potion and Ning Meng Detoxification Potion have been uploaded on the Star Network in the past two days, and they are also masters of pharmacy. In the past two days, they have also refined the two medicaments according to Ning Meng’s potion formula. The purity is the pinnacle of their history.

Everyone has long admired the Ning Meng who can develop these two kinds of medicine.

But they don't watch Star.com very much, and they don't know that Shi Luyue and Ningmeng are making a lot of noise on the Internet.

So I don’t know, the deity is so young!

Wang Xinghua’s gaze fell on Ningmeng. Although he was old and high in status, he didn’t have much prestige. After realizing his mistakes, he calmly looked at his mistakes and apologized to Ningmeng: "Sorry, sorry, it’s mine. I have never had a chance to see Ms. Liu before, but now I finally saw it. Thanks to Ms. Liu for her donation. Your medicine formula is very good."

"It's okay." Ningmeng got up quickly and smiled at everyone: "I don't know what you plan to do with the three of them? Is it convenient to talk about it."

After everyone knew Ningmeng's identity, they suddenly had no doubts about her.

"Yes, look at this." Wang Xinghua turned on his optical brain and produced a projection.

There were many document packages on the screen, and Qi Yu and Ningmeng also saw a very familiar document package, the one that Qi Yu sent to the president just now.

But Wang Xinghua clicked on another file package.

There are many medical reports and the like in the file bag.

Wang Xinghua pointed out one by one for everyone to see.

When Ningmeng saw the above, her face suddenly became serious.

Although the expression on Qi Yu's face didn't change much, there was a coldness in his slightly deep eyes.

Jin and Sui didn't watch as fast as the two of them, he was a little slower, but he could understand the content in the picture.

"This... This is not the same as..." Jin Sui was dumbfounded, looked at the report sheet, and then looked down at Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei who were lying unconscious on the bed.

"Yes." Guo Qiong, who was standing behind Wang Xinghua, connected to Jin and Sui's words: "In fact, we have discovered this matter last week, but this matter is still in a state of confidentiality. Because you have already We found out, so the president asked us to come over. But afterwards, no one can disclose this matter until a good solution has been thought of."

"Guo Fuchang rest assured, we must be tight-lipped." Qi Yu said, Jin Sui and Ningmeng also nodded.

Although Qi Yu's identity is special. But among senior executives at the national level, his identity is transparent.

Everyone knows Qi Yu's identity and has a certain sense of trust in him.

Since Qi Yu had opened this mouth, everyone believed that he would be able to do it.

"Can we touch these devices?" Yuan Li, the youngest of the six, asked.

When he first came in, he was attracted by the data displayed on the device.

These medical devices in Ningmeng are very common, very common and unattractive.

But these medical equipment are now in operation, and there are a series of data refreshed on the equipment, which are all about the bodies of Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei, as well as the recent status of the eggs in their bodies. This is what really attracts Yuan. Place of strength.

"Yes, you are free." Ningmeng said generously.

With Ningmeng's words, Yuanli's actions suddenly became more calm.

Wang Xinghua slowly circled Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei, while Yuanli and Guo Qiong were amazed by the data given on the device.

Yuanli walked to Ningmeng with a humble attitude: "Can I ask you for advice? I just read your data and found that the data in two places are different from mine. I will show you mine... "Yuan Li said, turning on the light brain and calling out the documents stored in it.

Although Yuanli is young, his contribution to the medical industry is not small.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so young and would hold up an important job.

Ningmeng is willing to share and communicate with colleagues, which is a good thing for mutual benefit and mutual assistance.

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