God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 905: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 51

Those who have eggs in their heads...just call them patients.

Yuanli and Wang Xinghua didn't know that after the eggs had developed to a certain level in the host's head, they could read the host's memory and manipulate the host's body.

They just didn't want to affect the mood of these patients, so they never told them about the eggs in their heads.

Even after being sent to the research institute and laboratory, in addition to restricting their freedom, they are still treated well.

Ningmeng came with everyone this time, the main purpose of which was to test whether the potion she refined had mutually exclusive reactions to the worm eggs.

A few days earlier in the research room, a batch of new worm eggs were bought back, and they were kept in special boxes.

The eggs are packed separately, Ning Meng selected one of the small boxes and poured the medicine in her hand.

Under the eyes of everyone, I saw the worm eggs lying in the box slumbering, suddenly as if being stimulated, the body rolled around in place for a few times, and then quickly twisted and squirmed.

Ningmeng didn't pour a lot of medicine in, and the liquid didn't even cover the bottom of the small box.

Then everyone watched the worm egg twisting its chubby body, crawling and rolling, rolling to the side where there was no medicine.

"It's done?!" The person who followed Yuanli couldn't help but exclaimed in exclamation.

"Just when Ningmeng took out the potion, I glanced at it. The purity was 97%, and I knew it would be successful." Another person followed.

"Huh? Ninety-seven percent?!"

This purity made everyone silent. I originally thought that the 95% pure drug she refined last time was already against the sky, but they were still too naive.

Only Yuanli keenly noticed the solemn look on Ningmeng's face, and asked, "What's the matter? Is it still not working?"

"The effect of the potion seems to be worse than I thought." Ningmeng looked at the half bottle of potion in her hand, "Are there any smaller eggs?"

Yuanli: "Yes. I have someone to get it."

The new worm eggs were delivered to Ningmeng, and Ningmeng poured the remaining half of the potion in his hand.

This time, Ningmeng poured the medicine directly on the worm egg.

Then, everyone watched the worm egg roll quickly in the potion. About two or three minutes later, it gradually stopped moving, motionless, as if dead.

Yuan Li and the others looked at Ningmeng in dismay.

These days, their heads are almost bald, but they just can't figure out how to use medicine to kill the worm eggs.

The eggs born by the Zerg are different from the eggs born by ordinary bugs.

Zerg's eggs have strong vitality, and when they are still eggs, they already have their own consciousness.

These days, Yuanli and the others have prepared several kinds of medicines, and they have not killed them once, but sometimes they can cause them to be rage.

In the eyes of Yuanli and others, Ningmeng is already very powerful in developing medicines that can kill insect eggs.

But Ningmeng was very dissatisfied.

The efficacy of this medicine is still somewhat different from what Ningmeng had imagined before.

Ningmeng couldn't imagine what those people would look like after drinking it. Could it be that the worm eggs are like these two worm eggs, rolling and jumping in the human head in various ways?

...Think shuddering.

Ningmeng took out the draft book and pen he carried with him, flipped out the formula of the medicine, frowned to check which herbal medicine was still missing.

Yuanli and the others were not idle either. Everyone looked at Ningmeng after earnestly studying, they also found a familiar place, either immersed in research, or gathered together to discuss, or talked to Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei. A thorough investigation was carried out on his body to see if there were any major problems.

And when Ningmeng was busy, Luyue was communicating with a man when she was lying in bed in the villa of Liu's villa and recuperating.

The man who communicated with Shi Luyue on the screen had blond hair and blue eyes, and had a very heroic and cold face.

He was wearing a white coat with buttons tied to his collarbone, exuding a sense of cold and abstinence.

It's just that his eyes are too cold and full of hostility.

After making people look at him for a second, they never dared to look up at him again.

If you are a timid person, I am afraid you will cry directly.

Shi Luyue on the communication side did not dare to look up at him, sitting on the bed with her head drooping.

But the man with blond hair and blue eyes obviously didn't agree with her to pass the blunder.

The man was very angry, spoke indifferently, and carried a kind of high-minded conceit: "I have seen the things on the star network."

Shi Luyue quickly raised her head and glanced at the man with a guilty expression, and then lowered her head again.

Man: "You can solve your own personal grievances, but you can't mess up my plan. Next time, I don't think you need to think about it anymore."

"Yes, I see." Shi Luyue looked terrified.

Man: "I will go out for charity tomorrow, and quickly finish what I explained before."

"Okay." Shi Luyue nodded her head in fear, no matter what the man asked, she did not dare to refuse.

Shi Luyue still felt cold all over after the man hung up the communication.

Shi Luyue moved her body and got out of bed.

She was injured in the arm and left chest, and her legs can still walk normally.

Shi Luyue went downstairs and didn't see Sun Yingyue, but she didn't care either. Instead, she contacted her agent and special assistant and asked them to arrange tomorrow's itinerary.

Neither Sun Yingyue nor Liu Hongwei came back until the sun was about to set.

Shi Luyue sent a newsletter to Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei, and then found that neither Sun Yingyue nor Liu Hongwei answered.

After making several calls and no one answered, Shi Luyue frowned. She thought that Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei were busy, so she ignored Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei and ate the warm food delivered by the robot butler.

After Shi Luyue had eaten, she would rest early in the morning. After all, she still had a lot of schedule to rush tomorrow.

But when she woke up the next morning, she didn't see Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei, and when they couldn't communicate with them, Shi Luyue finally realized that Sun Yingyue might be in an accident.

Shi Luyue did not call the police immediately, but contacted her special assistant Qin Fa and asked him to find out where Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei went yesterday.

It’s just that the people who have been taken away by the National Research Institute are naturally very clean.

No matter how Qin Fa probed, he could only find out that Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei approached the Huayuan community and then lost their traces.

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