God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 906: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 52

The disappearance of Sun Yingyue and Liu Hongwei left Shi Luyue in a very bad mood.

Moreover, after deleting the video last time, Shi Luyue has not been on the star network in the past few days.

She didn't bubbling on the star network, nor did Ning Meng.

So even if the major netizens have a lot of speculation about the dispute between the two, but the two parties did not come out to speak, gradually, everyone’s attention to this matter has declined, and all eyes have shifted to Ning Meng’s donation. On the formula of the two medicines.

Shi Luyue originally thought that this incident had just passed away, but last night, the Alliance Public Security Agency suddenly didn't know what happened, and said on the star network that there was no report from Shi Luyue from the beginning to the end. These words pushed Shi Luyue above the wind and waves once again.

Netizens are not fools. It was because of the charity that Shi Luyue did before, so I believed in her. But now that the lie was exposed, what was left for Shi Luyue, in addition to turning black, there was also overwhelming abuse.

But this time, Shi Luyue couldn't evade like before.

The last time she sent a video pinpointing to smear Ning Meng, not only failed, but also provoke a commotion in vain, which made the man very dissatisfied with her.

The man had already asked her to step up, so no matter how many people scolded her on the star network, Shi Luyue appeared in front of everyone early the next morning.

Because Luyue was injured in the past few days and her reputation has declined, many cooperative companies have asked her for a contract before.

Therefore, what the agent arranged for Shi Luyue were all charities that Shi Luyue had been doing before and had not been done.

This was also what Shi Luyue requested by herself.

Shi Luyue went out without fanfare, even a little low-key.

But this was the case, and it was discovered by the paparazzi guarding near Liu's villa.

Watching Shi Luyue leave in a flying vehicle, the paparazzi followed Shi Luyue secretly.

Shi Luyue's special assistant Qin Fa spotted the reporter behind him and asked Shi Luyue: "Miss, there are reporters following, do you want to dump them?"

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Shi Luyue sat in her seat with an indifferent expression. She went out today to do charity, and every charity Shi Luyue did was true, and she was not afraid of being photographed.

As if thinking of something, Shi Luyue's brows moved, and a sneer appeared on her face, and she said to Qin Fa: "If I announce my schedule, maybe there will be kind fans signing up for it."

"Okay." Qin Fa nodded, sat next to him, turned on the light brain, logged into the star network, and quickly posted the time and place when Shi Luyue was going to do charity today.

Shi Luyue does not do charity alone, but does it with fans.

Every time Shi Luyue does charity, she asks her assistant to announce her schedule, and recruits a group of volunteers to serve as free labor.

In the past, after Qin Fa sent out the news, there must be a bunch of loving fans vying to sign up.

But today, after Qin Fa sent out the news, several remarks were refreshed in a row, all of which were not very good:

"Ha ha ha ha, how long has it passed since then? Come out again? Are you disgusting if you still maintain the image of a good person?"

"Isn't it said that the injury was serious? Didn't you say that you want to call the police to arrest Liu Ningmeng? Last night, the public security organ issued a statement saying that you didn't file the case at all. Shi Luyue, your face hurts?"

"A few days ago, what I was eagerly looking forward to was Shi Luyue's recruitment news and wanted to sign up for charity together. But now, no matter whether this charity is true or not, I dare not sign up."

"Bah! Whoever loves to go, Shi Luyue is always dark! No matter how much charity she does, I can't forget the dirty heart in her video!"


Qin Fa refreshed a few more times, and the number of comments has piled up tall buildings.

Although Shi Luyue's reputation on the star network has plummeted in the past few days, there are some who have taken off fans and others who have always stood firmly on Shi Luyue's side:

"It's also a blessing. There are black fans everywhere. Sister Yueyue is such a kind-hearted person, why do you all scold her? I also watched the previous video, and I don't think Sister Yueyue has said anything wrong. Besides, is it because Sister Yueyue’s failure to report the crime is the fault of Sister Yueyue? Isn’t it because Sister Yueyue is kind-hearted and let Liu Ningmeng take care of her?

"That's right! Upstairs is right! Now in the entertainment industry, there is a celebrity who does charity and public welfare so grounded. Didn't Liu Ningmeng develop two kinds of medicine? As for the rush to kneel and lick it?"

"Upstairs talking too much. There are not many stars in the entertainment industry who do charity, but they are not as high-profile as Shi Luyue, let alone Shi Luyue in the entertainment industry, it seems that only Shi Luyue is doing charity.

And I’m just stacking it here. The effects and value of the two medicines developed by Liu Ningmeng are not only worthy of kneeling and licking, but also worthy of the people of the Alliance!

Then, don't you think Shi Luyue's character is suspicious?

Taking the incident of her pouring dirty water on Liu Ningmeng on the Star Network, we can see that she is not a really kind person.

If Liu Ningmeng had not developed those two bottles of medicine, it would have been possible to ruin her for a lifetime when she was hacked by the entire network at that time.

Such a cruel Shi Luyue, even if she does charity, she must have ulterior motives. Don't be deceived! Think twice before you act! "

"Well, you can go, then you can kneel and lick your Ancestor Liu! Why do you come here to our Yueyue?"

"That's right, let the black powder roll."

"If she decides her character based on this one thing, Luyue did so much charity and charity at that time. She was patient with the poor people, and she was patient with the fans who volunteered to help. And she did it in one day's charity work. After that, Shi Luyue will ask the staff to give each of the volunteers a cup of milk tea. People who are not sages and sages can make mistakes, even gods can make mistakes, I believe Shi Luyue."

"Shi Luyue pushed it all his life! I don't need your fake kindness, thank you, I won't send it out by myself."

Netizen Xiaoa, who had posted a long comment, saw that these people didn't believe in him, but after letting himself go, he walked out angrily.

Over the years, she has never missed anyone!

These netizens do not know people well, and sooner or later they will regret it after Luyue's character is exposed!

But at this time, the netizen Xiaoa hadn't thought that her thoughts today would actually become a stampede.

The netizens who still signed up for Shi Luyue's charity recruitment, later regretted each and every one. But some netizens who saw Xiao A's remarks and gave up not participating in this recruitment, all showed the color of rejoicing after the disaster.

However, this is a story.

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