God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 907: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 53

Although Qin Fa's Shi Luyue's itinerary and charity recruitment sent to Starnet caused various controversies, in the end, there were still many people who signed up for this charity.

Today, although the alliance's technology is increasingly developed. However, where there is light, there is shadow, and where there is rich, there are poor. Even in the bustling and lively capital of the Alliance, there are still slums.

Shi Luyue has done a lot of charity work during this period. Some time ago, she even donated several teaching buildings.

Of course, building a school building is a job for construction workers. Volunteers recruited by Starnet cannot do this.

For the volunteers recruited by Starnet, Shi Luyue took them to do things within his capacity, such as going to some orphanages to deliver supplies to the children, and playing games with the children.

Today’s charity time and place are written on the recruitment. Shi Luyue brought her charity team to the orphanage first.

The paparazzi followed all the way, taking many photos of Shi Luyue.

Although Luyue's reputation on the star network has plummeted in the past few days, at least the popularity exists.

They stayed in Liu's villa for so long, just want to take some exclusive photos of Shi Luyue in private, the best thing is to be able to get a wave of Shi Luyue's popularity on the Internet.

However, the woman in the photo has a nice face and a bright smile. No matter how she looks, she doesn't look like the kind of scheming girl mentioned by netizens on Starnet.

Sure enough, people can't show themselves.


"Hey, Xiao Qiqi, we have been investigating Shi Luyue for two days, and there is no problem at all. Could it be that your investigation is in the wrong direction? There is nothing wrong with Luyue in real time." On the desk, his expression was wretched.

After separating from Ningmeng and the others yesterday, Qi Yu brought Jin Sui to investigate what Shi Luyue did after returning to Liu's house. And the most researched is Shi Luyue's recent charity work.

The two went back yesterday when they saw the sun set, and then early in the morning, Jin and Sui were dragged out by Qi Yu to continue investigating the documents.

Jin Sui now feels a headache when he sees the words on the document.

In real time, what Luyue did after returning to Liu's house, after Qi Yu and the Alliance said that Shi Luyue was different last time, the Alliance had already sent someone to check it once.

But the people sent by the alliance did not find anything wrong in Shi Luyue's recent behavior.

Qi Yu didn't believe in evil, so he did it himself and dragged Jin and Sui together by the way.

Then the consequence was that the evidence of Shi Luyue's difference was not found, and Jin Sui was tired and collapsed on the desk, like a salted fish.

"Look again." Qi Yu's back was straight, sitting at his desk, he flipped through documents faster than Jin and Sui, and he looked up more documents than Jin and Sui, but his expression was not impatient.

After searching for a while, Qi Yu paused with his fingers, and then stood up from his seat: "Go."

Jin Sui: "!!!"

"Aren't you looking for it?" Jin Sui's eyes were shining, and he jumped up from his seat. Seeing his full of vitality, there was no half of the frustration of just being paralyzed by the salted fish.

"I have found it." Qi Yu strode out.

Jin Sui immediately stepped forward and followed Qi Yu.

Because Shi Luyue posted her itinerary on the Star Network, and Qi Yu had always sent someone to stare at her secretly, it was easy to find her trace.

Qi Yu stood at the entrance of the orphanage, Jin Sui stood beside Qiyu, looked at Qiyu, and then at the door of the orphanage in front of him: "What are we doing here? Stand here? Don't go in?"

Qi Yu's words are concise and concise: "Wait for someone."

"Oh." Jin Sui replied, standing by and waiting with Qi Yu.

The two waited not long before Jin Sui watched a young man walk out of it.

After seeing Qi Yu and Jin and Sui, the man walked towards them respectfully.

"Admiral, what you want." He reached out from his pocket and handed it over.

Jin and Sui took a closer look: "...This is, milk tea?"

"Yes." Su Hong nodded. Luyue had been tracking him for many days when he was sent by Qi Yu, but he had not found anything unusual about Shi Luyue, and Qi Yu had not contacted him.

As a result, the first order he received from Qi Yu was to get a cup of milk tea.

Su Hong didn't understand Qiyu's practice very well either.

Jin and Sui, who followed Qiyu back to the aircraft, didn't quite understand it either.

The two of them went around most of the city for a cup of milk tea?

Jin and Sui took the milk tea that Qiyu put aside in his hand and carefully examined it. This cup of milk tea was just packed, and the bottle was hot. Although it was covered, the aroma of milk tea still spilled out of it.

But no matter how fragrant it is, in the eyes of Jin and Sui, this is a cup of ordinary milk tea.

Is it better than milk tea outside?

Jin Sui lowered his head and slowly approached the straw.

"Don't drink!" Qi Yu suddenly said aloud as he sensed Jin and Sui's intentions.

Jin Sui was frightened by Qi Yu's stern tone, holding the milk tea motionless, as if frozen.

The flying aircraft that had been moving landed on the ground, Qi Yu took the milk tea in Jin Sui's hand and walked out of the hatch.

Jin and Sui followed down and saw the familiar building outside, which turned out to be Yuanli's laboratory.

Qi Yu is here to find Ningmeng.

Ningmeng fell in love with this laboratory after spending an afternoon at Yuanli yesterday.

And Yuanli and the others also welcome Ningmeng to join, so this morning, when Yuanli and their doorkeeper Feng Hang moved from Qiyu's home to the laboratory, Ningmeng came with them.

Qi Yu found Ningmeng and asked her to test the milk tea.

Qi Yu: "Check all the ingredients in this milk tea."

"Okay." Ningmeng nodded, did not ask why or where Qiyu's milk tea came from.

"Is there still a problem with this milk tea?" Jin Sui, who had been working with Qi Yu the whole time, looked ignorant.

The milk tea test is very fast, about ten minutes, and the report form comes out.

Ningmeng got the report form, looked down, frowned instantly, and asked Qi Yu, "Host, where did you get this milk tea?"

Qi Yu: "What's the problem?"

Ningmeng looked at Qi Yu with a fixed gaze, and said, "There are worm eggs in the milk tea."


The scream came from Jin and Sui.

Even after hearing the words of Ningmeng, Jin Sui jumped three meters high, and quickly backed away, staring at the machine behind Ningmeng guarded all over.

Milk tea is in that machine.

"How is this possible? How can there be worm eggs in the milk tea? I have only heard of adding pearls and never heard of adding worm eggs." Jin Sui only needs to think about the eggs in the milk tea, and he just tried to take a sip. ...

The whole person in Jin and Sui Dynasty is not good.

"This machine was specially invented in the past few days to detect worm eggs. If it were the previous detectors, I am afraid they would not be able to detect them." Ningmeng said, but it also shows that there are worm eggs in the milk tea. fact.

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