God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 908: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 54

The consequences of this problem are very serious.

Qi Yu and Jin Sui immediately took people to the orphanage.

When they rushed, Shi Luyue and Shi Luyue had finished their day's charity activities. The staff was handing a cup of hot milk tea to the volunteers who had been busy for most of the day. A child also has a bottle in hand.

When Jin Sui saw this scene, he couldn't help his scalp tingling as long as he thought of the existence of worm eggs in the milk tea.

"Don't move!" Jin Sui shouted, and the soldiers behind Qi Yu and Jin Sui immediately stepped forward and surrounded everyone.

Everyone was frightened and stood motionless. Even the children looked at Jin Sui and the others in horror.

"Put down the milk tea in your hand." Jin Sui said.

Someone who was timid put the milk tea in their hands on the ground immediately, but there were also those who were a little bit bolder and shouted, "You are sick! What do you want to do when you suddenly surrounded us? Is it illegal to drink a cup of milk tea? Nothing?"

"It's illegal! Someone has reported that there is something unclean and bad for people's health in this milk tea. This is the result of the identification! I urge you to put down the milk tea in your hand quickly, and then come over for physical examination one by one." Jin Sui As he spoke, Ningmeng arrived with the people in the laboratory at exactly this time.

Jin and Sui, they all wore military uniforms, while Ningmeng was wearing white lab coats.

On the surface, they are very convincing.

"Those who drank milk tea hurry over, or don't regret it if you are not saved." Ningmeng calmly opened the medicine cabinet, and there were rows of medicines inside.

Ningmeng didn't say what the consequences were, but her words made some people panic.

"Sister, I, I just drank milk tea." A slightly fat girl walked in front of Ningmeng.

"Drink it." Ningmeng handed her a potion.

The girl took it and drank the medicine without even thinking about it.

With the first person, there will be a second and a third. More and more people throw away the milk tea in their hands and come to collect the medicine, but some people don’t believe in Jin Sui and Ningmeng’s words and still hold hands. The milk tea inside stood in place and looked dismissive.

If there are few people today, Ningmeng might still squeeze the medicine into these people's hands. After all, it is a life.

But now the manpower is obviously insufficient!

Not to mention the nearly 100 people who rushed forward to become volunteers today, there are more than 300 children in the orphanage alone.

Ningmeng carrying the box, called the staff of several other laboratories, fed the medicine into the child's mouth one by one, and watched them drink it.

As for the milk tea in the hands of the child, it has long been taken away by the people brought by the Jin and Sui Dynasty.

Children like to drink sweet and fragrant milk tea. After seeing the milk tea taken away, some children couldn't help crying.

With the first child crying, the second, the third, the fourth, and the fifth... they all cry together.

The scene was noisy at once.

However, at this time, the informed laboratory researchers did not have the thought of coaxing the children.

Instead, they have to open their mouths when crying, which greatly reduces their workload.

Ningmeng directly poured the medicine into their wide-open mouths, feeding them one by one.

"What's the matter??" The child's deafening cries alarmed the dean of the orphanage. As soon as the dean ran out, he saw the scene in front of him.

Behind the dean, followed Shi Luyue.

Because Shi Luyue brought so many people to the orphanage today to help deliver supplies, the dean especially thanked her, so she took Shi Luyue to talk for a while.

Shi Luyue stood behind the dean. She was also a little unclear at first, but after seeing the milk tea cup that had been discarded on the ground, the expression on her face suddenly changed.

If there is still a trace of luck in my heart, that trace of luck has disappeared without a trace when watching those white coats feeding the children to drink the medicine.

Moreover, Shi Luyue saw a familiar figure in her white coat-Ningmeng.

When she saw Ningmeng, the hatred in Shi Luyue's eyes could hardly be suppressed.

She lowered her head and slowly calmed her mood.

Shi Luyue never thought about running. After seeing so many green uniforms, she knew she couldn't run.

What she wants to think is how to pass the blunder in the next time.

It took only half a minute from the dean to the time she walked in front of the children.

After hearing the dean's voice, the children rushed towards the dean like a frightened little chicken cub seeing the mother chicken.

Only some of the children were stopped by the soldiers, and they were not allowed to leave the circle they formed before drinking the medicine.

As a result, the children cried more violently.

Hearing the children's crying, the dean's heart ached. He held the children holding her thighs with both hands, and raised his head to Qi Yu Ningmeng and the others and said angrily: "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"It's Dean Zhang, right? We received an anonymous report that there are harmful substances in the milk tea that damage the human brain. We are here to deliver the antidote. The certificate and the official Wechat account to find out." Jin Sui stepped forward and was already prepared. Pass the materials together. There is also the test report that Lemon Meng detected eggs in the milk tea.

The test report did not write the eggs, but replaced it with other letters, and then marked the harmful substances next to it.

"How is this possible..." The dean looked down at the children who surrounded her. Although she said that, she already believed in Jin Sui's words and the truth of these things in her hands. Sex up.

"Who brought this milk tea?" Jin Sui answered and took back the certificate and official Weibo.

"Miss Shi brought it." The dean frowned and whispered.

"Oh. Miss then, please come with us." Jin Sui looked at Shi Luyue with a smile.

"I'm not going." Shi Luyue stood on the spot, straightened her body, and said calmly: "Although this milk tea was given to everyone in my name. But from beginning to end, I didn't touch my hands. The people who make milk tea are the owner and wife of the milk tea shop, the people who buy milk tea are my assistants, and the people who bring milk tea to the orphanage are employees in my team. I just paid for it."

When Shi Luyue said something, she immediately picked herself clean.

However, Jin Sui smiled and said, "It's just for you to make a transcript. Not only you, but all the people in your mouth who have been exposed to milk tea are suspected, and they all want to come with us."

However, even if it was just a transcript, Shi Luyue didn't want to go.

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