God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 916: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 62

Coward looked arrogant and just wanted to speak, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

It's too quiet.

When did those desperate ghost crying wolf howling and cry for help disappear?

Was it when Ning Meng was fighting Shi Luyue?

Or was it even longer ago, when he was fighting with Ningmeng?

Coward didn't even care about Ning Meng, turned his head and looked around.

The place they stayed at was a crossroads.

Originally, when they just appeared in front of Ningmeng, there were still many people nearby.

However, now, these people have all disappeared, and Coward's gaze swept around. Except for the Lemon Moe in front of him, there were no other people, and even the Zergs were gone.

The zergs are connected by brain waves, even when Koward ordered them to change.

Because they received Coward's instructions, they suddenly mutated.

And all of this is just a moment for everyone.

However, now, although Coward received the brain waves of those zergs, but the number was very small, and their brain waves were very weak, as if they were dying.

Coward was cold, not knowing what was going on.

Ningmeng looked at Coward's reaction and suddenly laughed.

Ningmeng's smile made Coward stare at her sharply: "You made the ghost?"

"Why, I don't have such a great ability." Ningmeng helplessly spread her hands, not afraid of Coward's turn of the face.

But Ningmeng's reaction has already made Coward very angry.

"Go to hell!" Coward looked angry, quickly stepped forward, and stretched out his hand to Ningmeng.

His hands were raised in the air and changed at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye. The hands that belonged to humans suddenly became thick, the cloth from shoulders to wrists were stretched, the bones became thicker, and the skin changed from white to black. , There are many veins of veins on it.

His palms turned into sharp claws like beasts, his nails were pitch black, and his fingers were sharp.

You can feel the bravery and powerful lethality contained in his arm just by looking at it.

Ningmeng backed away quickly, and Coward knelt on the ground with his claw, forcibly smashing the ground out of a small hole, and there were countless cracks spreading around the small hole.

This ground is not yellow mud, but a big street built with special materials.

Such a hard ground can be shot such a big pit by Coward's palm. If it is shot on a human, it will undoubtedly smash the human body and even the bones.

But this did not affect Coward at all.

Although this blow did not hit Ningmeng, it vented the anger in Coward's heart and brought back some of his sanity.

He stood up, glanced at Ningmeng, and then quickly attacked again.

But this time, he did not meet with Ningmeng as he wished, because on the way, another person joined in and prevented Coward from moving.

Ningmeng opened her eyes wide when she saw Qi Yu appear, her eyes were full of joy.

The sudden appearance made Coward very unhappy, and he was in a bad mood at this time, the person who sent him to the door, he had decided to knock to death to ease his mood.

However, after a few consecutive moves, he did not take advantage of this person.

Moreover, when fighting against this person, Coward also felt a sense of familiarity, as if they had also fought before.

In the blink of an eye, there were no fewer than ten moves between the two.

The two quickly separated very tacitly.

Qi Yu stood next to Ningmeng. When he saw Ningmeng talking to Qi Yu happily, Coward suddenly realized that he felt familiar, because Ningmeng and Qi Yu had the same moves in many ways.

"Host." Ningmeng happily called out in a low voice.

"Thanks. Is there any injury." Qi Yu's worried gaze fell on Ningmeng. If it weren't for two potential hidden dangers on the opposite side, Qi Yu would like to hold the person in his arms and check it out.

"No." Ningmeng shook her head immediately. She has fought a lot, and every move has been deeply remembered in her mind. Many times, Ning Meng's brain does not respond, but the body has already acted accordingly, but this situation is rare. What's more, she also has the blessing of sss-level mental power.

Qi Yu said, not speaking, his eyes fell on Coward.

-Da da da da da da da da

There was a small voice, Ningmeng couldn't help but raised her head, and then she saw countless black muzzles.

On the balconies and windows of the surrounding buildings, I don't know when they went up to ambush. Now, their guns are all aimed at Coward and Feng Hang.

Ningmeng saw it, and Koward naturally saw it.

Looking at the allied soldiers in ambush all around, Coward didn't have the slightest expression on his face. Instead, he glanced at the ambushers with a foolish look, and then landed on Ningmeng and Qi Yu, and said Said: "Although I don’t know how you settled this chaos in a short time, do you think it’s safe to kill these 500 mutant bugs in the city? It’s a joke! You actually sent so many people to spend. In my case, have you ever thought that I have other plans?"

Qi Yu's expression was cold: "If you are talking about those outside the city, I'm sorry, it's still eliminated."

"How is this possible!" Coward's eyes widened, and he roared subconsciously.

Qi Yu did not speak any more.

And Coward didn't need his reply.

Coward himself was able to use his brain waves to connect with the Zergs outside the city.

However, after he sent out the brainwave information, no! not a single one!

The Zerg is absolutely loyal to their leader, and there is no possibility of half betrayal.

And there is no insect reply to Coward, there is only one possibility.

They are all dead.

But this is not acceptable to Coward.

In his plan, these five or six hundred high-level mutant insects would create chaos in the city and attract the attention of the Alliance. Then on the other side, there was his zerg army attacking the city.

The worm eggs that made milk tea for Shi Luyue were all carefully selected by him. Each worm egg was a good worm with high combat effectiveness and strong vitality.

In Coward's plan, after these fully developed eggs hidden in the human body mutate directly, they should be able to cause chaos in the city for a long time.

Because every one of them was released, it was a high-level zerg.

A high-level zerg is nothing to the Alliance army, but five or six hundred at the same time?

Not to mention, this is in the city, crowded with people, the Zerg can wreak havoc without restraint, but the Alliance soldiers can't.

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