God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 917: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter (end)

On the contrary, in the city, there are too many ordinary people, and the Alliance soldiers have too many scruples. It should be more difficult to capture and kill mutant insects.

The more troublesome mutant bugs in the city are, the more people will be sent by the Alliance to deal with them.

At this time, Coward had already organized a Zerg army to attack the city.

Internal and external troubles, the sound hit the west.

He has been prepared to plan for so long!

Even this time he used all the worms in his hand that could be manipulated.

His desperate effort actually made everyone die?

how can that be!

Coward still didn't quite believe it. He stared at Qi Yu and Ningmeng, especially doubting whether the Alliance had moved anything, such as the alliance used a tool to isolate the brainwaves between the Zerg.

After all, this tool alliance is not without it!

Coward wanted to say that he would not believe Qi Yu's words without seeing the corpses of the Zerg compatriots in person.

However, the dark guns that were touching everywhere, as well as the calm look on Qi Yu's face, all told him that for his life, the Alliance had a chance to win.

Moreover, if the alliance uses tools to shield brain waves, they can feel it themselves.

But now, Coward did not feel any shielding or interfering with his brain waves nearby.

The expression on Coward's face kept changing, from black to white, from white to blue, and he still couldn't accept this as he rushed forward and came to the league to throw himself into the net.

"Host, what do we do now?" Ningmeng pressed close to Qi Yu and whispered.

"I will contain him later, you take the opportunity to go first." Qi Yu whispered.

"No!" Ningmeng protested to Qi Yu's answer for the first time.

Coward's gaze now felt very wrong.

In his desperate situation, it is possible to do anything.

It's not that Ningmeng doesn't want to leave, but she can't leave Qi Yu here alone.

However, Coward is very strong. If the two want to go together, even if there are other Alliance soldiers who will shoot for the two, according to Coward's strength, the chance of them leaving together is not great.

"Observe." Qi Yu whispered, his tone a little harsh.

"Okay." Ningmeng lowered her head and compromised, her head downcast, her tone pitiful.

Qi Yu forcibly endured not touching her head to kill her, and also forcibly endured the thought of reaching out and holding her into his arms.

Qi Yu raised his eyes to look at Coward, his eyes stern and murderous.

The eyes of Coward and Qi Yu met in mid-air. After sensing the coldness and killing intent in Qi Yu's eyes, Coward suddenly reacted and asked Qi Yu: "Is it you, right?! It's you." Kill them!"

Coward had just fought Qi Yu and realized that Qi Yu's force was not lower than Ningmeng.

And looking at the intimate appearance of the two, it is obviously a pair!

Since it is a pair, why did he show up so late?

Obviously the two of them acted separately.

Qi Yu stretched out his hand and took one of the daggers in Ningmeng's hand.

After just separated from Ningmeng, he actually distributed potions to increase mental power to the Alliance soldiers.

Ningmeng has made a lot of potions to improve mental power these days.

These potions, each bottle, can change the mental power level of the person who drank it to s.

Otherwise, the five or six hundred-character mutant bugs in this city won't be solved so quickly.

Qi Yu originally didn't know the zerg army outside the city.

It was just that when he was distributing the potions, he suddenly had this idea in his mind, guessing whether the Zerg would make a slamming move, so he asked the guards to pay special attention to it. As a result, he found the Zerg lurking nearby.

Then Qi Yu personally led people out of the city to fight, until the situation stabilized, Qi Yu rushed over.

After Qi Yu grabbed the dagger in his hand, he tried the feel, raised his hand, and the tip of the dagger pointed at Coward: "Is it because you want to avenge them? Then you can do it, come and kill."

"Heh! Don't want to irritate me! I won't be fooled this time." Although Coward was angry, he was also clear-headed. His gaze turned on Qi Yu and Ningmeng, and he said: "You want to be with me Fighting, don’t you just want to give her a chance to escape? Unfortunately, I never thought of letting you go! You two, and even the humans in this city, all want to be buried with me!"

Since there is no chance of fleeing, what he is still struggling to do.

However, even if he died, he could not be reduced to a prisoner of humanity!

Coward's body changes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All his clothes and pants were torn apart by the bulging muscles on his body. The skin on his body changed from white to black. Whether it was his body, limbs, or head, it was slowly changing.

Whether it's Qiyu or Ningmeng, or other people in ambush all around, they all felt the change in the airflow in the air.

And Coward's body is slowly swelling...

"Host! He wants to expose himself!" Ningmeng grabbed Qi Yu's hand: "Let's run quickly!"

Ningmeng didn't know what Coward's blew up meant.

But Qi Yu is clear.

Coward's abilities are also top-notch among the Zergs, and his self-destructive lethality is enough to destroy a city.

"Mengmeng." Qi Yu held Ningmeng's hand back and then let go, standing still.

Ningmeng turned her head, her eyes met Qi Yu's four eyes, as if she understood something in an instant.

"Host, this!"

In front of them, two long swords suddenly appeared.

Ningmeng raised her hand to grab, grabbed two swords in her hand, and threw one to Qi Yu.

Qi Yu held the sword and stepped forward.

Coward's body was swollen and was almost reaching its limit. Seeing Qi Yu stepping forward, his bulging eyes moved, his mouth opened wide, and he seemed to want to laugh at Qi Yu's whimsical, but his internal organs had six internal organs. The feeling of being squeezed makes his face distorted.

At this time, Ningmeng had already rushed to him. At the moment when he was about to explode, Qi Yu closed his eyes and waved the long sword in his hand, inserted into his body, made a sharp stroke, and the long sword was in Coward. There was a big circle in his body.

Coward opened his eyes wide, and his body was completely dead.

However, everything is not over. The air currents have formed. Even if Coward is dead, the energy in his body is already contained. Although it is not all, its power cannot be underestimated!

However, Qi Yu seemed to have anticipated it a long time ago, woven a net with spiritual force, tightly wrapping the energy that was about to explode.

Then, when Coward's body suddenly burst open, a mouthful of blood spurted out of Qiyu's mouth.

"Host!" Ningmeng's eyes widened, her eyes scarlet.

She quickly stepped forward, holding the long sword in her hand, but instead of coming to Qi Yu, she rushed to Feng Hang's eyes.

Ningmeng raised her hand, cut through with a sword, and Feng Hang's head fell to the ground.

The task status is updated on the big screen in the system space.

Ningmeng took Qi Yu and quickly returned to the system space.

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