God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 921: Inferiority girl's counterattack road 2

Ningmeng gave a chuckle, raised her hand and directly grabbed Wen Yanpeng's skirt, and pulled it down, forcing him to lower his head and meet his sight.

Ningmeng's move was quick and swift. Not only did the people next to him have time to stop it, but Wen Yanpeng himself didn't have time to escape.

In front of everyone, she was actually pulled down by the most despised girl, which was unacceptable to Wen Yanpeng.

After he reacted, he struggled quickly, but he didn't know what the man in front of him had grown up with. He was a big boy, and he couldn't break her hand!

Wen Yanpeng said angrily: "Bai Ning Meng! You TMD let me go!"

"Let go?" Ningmeng grasped Wen Yanpeng's hands more and more harder, "You lost the game, and you made a bet with me. Has anyone agreed with me? Asking such a large number of people to stop me? After taunting me Still wanting to get my apology? I haven't settled this account with you yet."

Ningmeng smiled and opened her mouth, not at all affected by Wen Yanpeng's angry appearance.

Bai Ningmeng's facial features are very good-looking, but because the original owner of this body has a low self-esteem, often bows his head, and has no temperament, so when everyone talks about her, more often they notice her soft and deceptive character. And the first good grades. No one noticed that when she curled her lips and smiled, the raised eyebrows and the amber-like bright and clear eyes were so dazzling.

Especially when looking up close, Wen Yanpeng felt that he was almost taken away from him.

The anger in his heart didn't know when to dissipate, but there was another emotion that he could barely notice, slowly rising from the bottom of his heart.

It was like a tiny seed, slowly sprouting on the tip of his heart.

Wen Yanpeng's face was flushed, and he knew whether he was too angry or suddenly became angry.

"If you don't want to be expelled, then quickly let me go." Wen Yanpeng glanced aside in embarrassment, avoiding the problems that Ningmeng had just asked.

"Yanpeng!" Chen Lu, who was on the side, widened her eyes in disbelief, glanced at Wen Yanpeng, and then set her gaze on Ningmeng's body.

She planned so much, she was about to kick her out of school.

How could Wen Yanpeng break her business at this time!

Chen Lu looked at Ningmeng's eyes full of disgust and ruthlessness, and even a trace of fear she hadn't noticed.

"Bai Ningmeng, you quickly release Wen Yanpeng."

"Heh." The girl's red lips lightly opened, and a single-sound word hummed softly from her mouth.

I don't know if he is responding to Chen Lu's words or laughing at Wen Yanpeng's ignorance.

Not only did she not let go of Wen Yanpeng, but she even increased her strength. With a hard hand, Wen Yanpeng was pulled by her, and her body couldn't help leaning forward, but Ningmeng let go of her hand holding Wen Yanpeng's shirt at this moment. At the same time, the body quickly took two steps back.


Wen Yanpeng couldn't help but exclaimed and knelt directly in front of Bai Ningmeng, supporting the ground with both hands.

"Bai Ningmeng!" Wen Yanpeng raised his head, roaring at Ningmeng's name, his eyes flushed, and his eyes flashed with anger.

Wen Yanpeng was really angry.

Regardless of the pain coming from her knees, it was because Ningmeng was in front of so many people, causing him to kneel to her, causing a loss of face.

Someone nearby immediately helped Wen Yanpeng up.

Everyone stared at Ningmeng angrily, almost thinking that this person was driven crazy by them.

Otherwise, how dare she make such a move.

Wen Yanpeng is the eldest son of the Wen family, and even the principal has to be a good student.

But Bai Ningmeng forced Wen Yanpeng to kneel for her. Isn't this crazy?

However, Ningmeng, who was stared at by everyone, seemed to not feel everyone's malice towards her, nor could he detect the tension at the moment.

After watching Wen Yanpeng being assisted by someone, she even laughed out: "Okay, this kneeling, just as you kneel down and apologize for my deception this month."

As Ningmeng said, she glanced at Wen Yanpeng with an abusive look: "It's just a parasite that only relies on family power to bully the weak. If I see it, then I'm blind."

After speaking, Ningmeng turned and left without nostalgia.

Everyone thought that Wen Yanpeng would say something, and they were even ready to beat women.

But he didn't expect that Wen Yanpeng was just staring at Bai Ningmeng's back. Although his expression was gloomy, he did not speak.

Chen Lu, who was supporting Wen Yanpeng, also noticed Wen Yanpeng's strangeness. Chen Lu's eyes flashed a little bit of discomfort and winked at Wan Yaya.

Wan Yaya nodded slightly, and stepped forward, reaching out to push Ning Meng, the best thing is to let her fall a dog to eat shit, publicly embarrassed, so as not to look like she is dragged into the sky.

Everyone looked at Wan Yaya's actions, their eyes flickered, but no one made a sound.

Everyone was waiting to see Ningmeng’s joke, but the walking Ningmeng seemed to have eyes behind her. After Wan Yaya reached out to her, she didn’t know how she moved. Everyone only heard "Ah "When I recovered, Ningmeng stood beside him intact, but Wan Yaya was lying on the ground very embarrassed.

"It's just that there are some villains who are only worthy of some conspiracy and tricks behind them that can't make it to the table." Ningmeng spoke softly. Her words made the boys behind them look a little shame and bow their heads. The girl looked at Ningmeng's back Still disgusted, but no one dared to be a bird like Wan Yaya, and could only watch Ning Meng go further and further with a look of resentment.

[Master...] 001's voice sounded from Ningmeng's mind.

"Huh?" Ningmeng answered doubtfully.

[You just... are so cool, you don't look like you were before. 】

"Hahahahaha, that's because I was anxious to get rid of them to find the host! Moreover, their behavior toward the original owner was even more excessive. I obviously didn't do anything, just let him kneel down. It's too cheap for them." Ning Meng Speaking, in fact, Ningmeng also felt that she had just been a little affected by the emotions of the original owner.

Just after crossing in, Ningmeng received all the memories of the original owner.

Because it was a high-level mission, Ningmeng passed directly into the body of the client of this mission.

The client, Bai Ningmeng, is only 16 years old and has only transferred from the countryside to the big city.

A month ago.

When Wen Yanpeng, his fox and dog friends, and Chen Lu and a group of her little sisters got together for a party, they made a bet on a whim.

Betting that Wen Yanpeng can catch up with the new transfer student Bai Ningmeng in the class within one month.

Ewha High School is also a well-known aristocratic school in Beijing. Those who study here are all rich second-generation students.

Otherwise, it is a special enrollment with particularly good grades.

Bai Ningmeng belongs to the latter.

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