God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 922: Inferiority girl's counterattack road 3

Bai Ningmeng's grades were particularly good. After coming, she squeezed Chen Lu, who was originally the first grade in her grade, for the first monthly exam.

This made Chen Lu's group of little sisters very unhappy.

Moreover, although Bai Ningmeng has good grades, her personality is not gregarious, and she is even somewhat introverted. When the school did not require school uniforms, Bai Ningmeng still wears school uniforms every day, stepping on cheap canvas shoes under her feet.

The thick Liuhai covered her eyebrows. She always lowered her head in front of others, sitting in her own position all day long, not communicating with anyone or talking to everyone.

There was a kind of Cinderella's breath all over the body.

This is also the case, so that everyone regards her as the object of teasing.

After the gambling agreement was established, Wen Yanpeng held the rose the next day and made a high-profile confession to Bai Ningmeng.

Although Bai Ningmeng is a Cinderella, she has no dream of marrying a prince.

Moreover, she also clearly knew that she and Wen Yanpeng were not from the same world, so Ningmeng directly refused Wen Yanpeng's confession.

But the gambling contract has been established, how could Wen Yanpeng be such an easy person to let go.

Seeing that Bai Ningmeng did not accept his confession, Wen Yanpeng changed his approach and began to adopt a soft policy, hoping to slowly impress Bai Ningmeng's heart.

Wen Yanpeng, who always likes to be late for absenteeism, arrives at school on time every morning and brings breakfast to Bai Ningmeng.

Bai Ningmeng refused to accept it, so he put it directly on Bai Ningmeng’s table and said disapprovingly: "I don't care, anyway, I brought it. This is my intention. If you don't accept it, then lose it. ."

Bai Ningmeng is a child of poor parents. How could she be willing to waste food, she was forced to accept it, but she decided in her heart that after the young master's patience was exhausted, she would pay back all the breakfast money after she ate his breakfast. give him.

However, Wen Yanpeng did much more for her in front of her.

In addition to sending breakfast, Wen Yanpeng also began to warm up Bai Ningmeng's various cold and cold, and prepared a glass of warm water for her every day. When it rained when Bai Ningmeng did not bring an umbrella, he would plug the umbrella in his hand to Bai Ningmeng. Moe, and then ran out of school under the rain.

No one in the class dared to laugh at or deliberately embarrass Bai Ningmeng. It was all because of Wen Yanpeng's face.

After all, Bai Ningmeng is an individual, and he grew up in the country, a child who was far away from his parents since childhood and was brought up by grandparents.

Grandparents prefer sons to daughters. Although they don't abuse her, they don't give her much warmth.

However, Bai Ningmeng and his parents rarely see each other several times throughout the year, and the lack of communication with his parents makes the relationship between Bai Ningmeng and his parents not intimate.

Bai Ningmeng lacks love more than ordinary people.

She didn't know that all that Wen Yanpeng made to her was just a bet.

She thought that Wen Yanpeng had been pursuing her for so long and had done so much for her, but she actually had her in her heart.

Because Bai Ningmeng is introverted and has just transferred to this school, she has no friends in the class, so she doesn't know the relationship between Wen Yanpeng and Chen Lu.

No one came to tell her, everyone was waiting to see her joke.

Bai Ningmeng was deeply caught in the trap created by Wen Yanpeng. When Wen Yanpeng invited her to go out to watch a movie on Saturday, although Bai Ningmeng knew that she could not continue to get involved with Wen Yanpeng too deeply, she was thinking of the oppressive suffocation. After home, she told herself in her heart that she would indulge once and allow herself to indulge once. After watching the movie, she returned all the things Wen Yanpeng gave her and kept her distance completely.

However, it is just such a time of indulgence.

Let her fall completely into hell.

Everyone's bet at the time was to let Bai Ningmeng and Wen Yanpeng go on a date.

Now, although Bai Ningmeng did not agree to Wen Yanpeng's confession, she agreed to Wen Yanpeng's invitation to go to the movies together.

This is also a kind of appointment.

However, after Bai Ningmeng agreed to Wen Yanpeng's request to go to the movie together, what she got was not a juvenile response, but the roar of laughter and ridicule from other people who had already hidden in the corner.

The blood on Bai Ningmeng's face was lost, and she knew that all this was really a joke.

If Ningmeng did not pass through, Bai Ningmeng would be expelled from the school by Wen Yanpeng after being laughed at by everyone.

Because Chen Lu was upset, Wen Yanpeng wanted to coax her.

After everyone mocked Bai Ningmeng, they immediately felt out of interest and left one after another.

Standing in the same place, Bai Ningmeng listened to them laughing and discussing where to go to play tonight, and saw Wen Yanpeng hug Chen Lu, with a gentle expression on his face and patience when he spoke. They have been with him for more than half a month. It was exactly the same in front of her.

It turns out that his tenderness is fake, but what is ridiculous is that she put her sincerity under their feet and let others trample on her.

Everyone left her behind, and they didn't know how much harm this interesting game caused to her. I don't even know, a light sentence that made her get out of this school is equivalent to ruining all the hope of her life and cutting off all the retreats in her life.

Bai Ningmeng did not go home, but was brought up by her grandparents. Bai Ningmeng had a feudal thought in her bones.

This may be a game in the eyes of Wen Yanpeng and others, but in Bai Ningmeng's heart it is a hurdle that cannot be passed.

She felt ashamed of herself. After being ridiculed by Wen Yanpeng and others, and vowed to drive her out of school, she was terrified and frightened, and she also felt desperate.

She didn't have the courage to face the rumors that followed, she didn't have the courage to face the ridicule and ridicule of her classmates, and she didn't have the courage to go home and face the white fathers and mothers who were fortunate enough to work every day.

Therefore, after knowing that what Wen Yanpeng had done recently was nothing more than a game, after being ridiculed and mocked by everyone, Bai Ningmeng did not go home, or even leave school.

She climbed to the teaching building, jumped off the top of the building, and died instantly.

When she jumped off the building, Bai Ningmeng had no regrets.

But after she died, when she saw the white father and mother who had received the news kneeling in front of her smashed corpse, crying, and even seeking Wen Yanpeng and the others to pay for her life, Bai Ningmeng felt that she was inexplicably affected by her parents. Care for the warmth of maintenance.

Children are born with an admiration for their parents.

Bai Ningmeng is actually very eager to get close to her parents, but she has developed an introverted personality, and her father and mother are usually very busy. Even if the three live together, they don't have much communication.

Bai Ningmeng always thought that Bai Ningmeng didn't like her.

But it wasn't until after she died that Bai Ningmeng felt regretful when she looked at Bai Ningmeng who was kneeling beside her body and crying bitterly.

She died worthless, and she was not filial.

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