God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 923: Inferiority girl's counterattack road 4

When Ningmeng just crossed over and received all the memories of Bai Ningmeng, that kind of regret and guilt that felt the same as the experience came, and fortunately, Bai Ningmeng’s emotions did not have any resentment towards Wen Yanpeng and others. Otherwise, Ningmeng is more than just letting Wen Yanpeng kneel.

[Inferiority girl who jumped off the building and committed suicide:

If I can do it again, I will definitely not let my mom and dad give off white-haired people to black-haired people.

I will be bold and brave to express the love I have for my mom and dad, and the whole family will be happy.

I will cherish life, study hard, take a good college entrance examination, and become the pride of mom and dad.

Finding a good job after graduation and marrying a good man will also allow them to enjoy their twilight years.

Only after losing your life, you know the value of life.

In Bai Ningmeng's wish, there was nothing about Wen Yanpeng and the others. Instead, it was all about her future life plan, otherwise it was her father and mother.

Or maybe it was because she had lost it, so when she knew that her life had a chance to be replaced by someone else, she planned out her life so completely and meticulously.

And Wen Yanpeng and the others, although they were the murderers who indirectly killed her, but to Bai Ningmeng, they didn't seem to be important anymore.

"So, where is the host?" After Ningmeng got out of the school, she stood on the side of the road with a puzzled look.

The contract feeling between Ningmeng and Qi Yu has always existed. As long as one of the two people's mind moves, they can feel the other's position.

When she sensed Qi Yu's location, Ningmeng still didn't think there was anything. But when she was going to find Qi Yu, after substituting the actual distance between the two, Ningmeng widened her eyes and poked the lying dead 001 in her head: "The location of the host and me! How could it be so far!" "

[...This is already the most suitable body for him, you know, his current state of soul also has some high demands on the body. ] 001 is also very wronged.

"Well, I blamed you." Ningmeng reluctantly gave 001 a touch of her head.

However, after carefully sensing the distance between herself and Qi Yu, Ningmeng really compromised.

There was at least a sea of ​​distance between her and Qiyu. If you were to find Qiyu in the past, Ningmeng would have to fly there.

The problem now is that she still doesn't know where Qi Yu is, and she doesn't have the money to buy a plane ticket in her pocket.

Ningmeng stood in place, tangled between flying to find Qiyu and going home.

For Ningmeng, Qiyu is the most important.

But... if you mess up the task, then all that she and Qi Yu did before will be gone.

[Don't worry, he will come here to find you. ] 001 opens.

Ningmeng: "Huh?"

Meow meow meow?

The host doesn't remember her anymore, how come here?

[You forgot, you two are in a contractual relationship, even in the mission world, in order to better complete the mission, the distance between you two cannot be too far apart. He is also from City A, but he has gone abroad because of something happened these days, and will be back in a few days. 】

"Oh oh oh." Ningmeng nodded repeatedly, feeling a little happy to be in the same city as Qiyu, but also a little disappointed, not knowing when he will come back.

The Bai family was near the school. Ningmeng walked home and talked to 001 in her mind: "Then Qiyu's status in this world is good? Is there any hardship?"

[No, he is very rich in this world, and he is the youngest child in the family, with older brothers and sisters, and everyone in his family loves him very much. ] It's just... there's something wrong with your body. But 001 witty did not say the following sentence.

"Okay, pretty good." Ningmeng sighed.

Qi Yu's status in this world is so good, she should be happy, logically.

But... as long as he doesn't remember himself, there are so many people around him who love him, he may also have people close to him, what is the faint discomfort that arises in his heart.

Ningmeng sighed and temporarily pressed Qi Yu to the bottom of her heart, and began to consider her mission in this world.

At that time, there were many high-level tasks selected by 001, and Qiyu Baili chose this one for her. Perhaps Qiyu had known that this task was a bit simpler.

Ningmeng turned and walked into a small alley.

The last old residential house in this small alley is the home temporarily rented by Bai Ningmeng's family.

Both Bai Zemin and Hao Qiulan were born in rural areas. They had no culture and skills. Bai Zemin worked as unloader in a factory. His work was dirty and tiring, and his salary was not high.

On the other hand, Hao Qiulan pushed a trolley to sell some rice noodles and other things at the entrance of the school. She was busy every day and could not make much money.

When Ningmeng returned, neither Bai Zemin nor Hao Qiulan came back.

The rented house is an old-fashioned building on the first floor. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a small kitchen and a small bathroom, and a small parking lot next to it, which is now used as a grocery store by Bai Zemin and Hao Qiulan.

Although the area of ​​the house is spacious, there are too many things piled up in a mess.

Moreover, the walls of the room are gray and dirty. Ningmeng hasn't lived in such a poor environment for a long time.

It's not that I don't dislike it, but I feel a little uncomfortable living in it.

Ningmeng dropped her schoolbag on the bed, took a look at the time, and then went to the kitchen for a stroll.

The kitchen is not dirty, but things are arranged in a mess.

Ningmeng finds the pot and rice, washes her hands, washes the rice, and cooks.

After it was done, Ningmeng opened the refrigerator again.

Because Bai Zemin and Hao Qiulan are very busy every day, the vegetables at home are basically bought once a week, and every time they buy vegetables, they pile up the refrigerator.

Ningmeng took out two eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, meat, chives, and at the end three eggs for the soup.

Cooking is Ning Meng's strong point. To cultivate a relationship with her father and mother, start by cooking a meal for the two of them!

Ningmeng washes the dishes, pinching the time to cook them.

After a while, the whole kitchen and even the aisles outside were exuding the smell of vegetables.

When Ningmeng was about to fry the last dish, there was a slight noise from the closed door, and it was Bai Zemin who came back from get off work.

A man in his forties, with a square face, looks a little serious when he doesn't speak, but in fact he is just a dull character and doesn't speak well.

Just like now, after hearing the noise in the kitchen, Bai Zemin thought it was Hao Qiulan who came back, but after seeing that the person cooking inside was Ningmeng, Bai Zemin stood there looking at Ningmeng in a daze.

If Bai Ningmeng sees Bai Zemin like this, he must think that Bai Zemin is unhappy.

But when Ningmeng turned her head and looked at Bai Zemin openly, she clearly saw the tears flickering in the middle-aged man's eyes.

In fact, from a certain point of view, Bai Ningmeng and Bai Zemin have similar personalities, they are both the same dull gourd, the kind of holding everything in their hearts.

It has been a month since Bai Ningmeng was picked up, and neither father and daughter said a few words. But after Bai Ningmeng jumped off the building in his previous life, Bai Zemin knelt on the ground, and Hao Qiulan cried more miserably.

A middle-aged man in his forties, no matter how dirty or tiring he is, he never shed tears in the hardest life. But when facing the corpse of his daughter, he cried heartbreakingly and his eyes were flushed.

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