God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 932: Inferiority girl's counterattack road 13

During class, Ningmeng listened very carefully.

Moreover, looking at the math teacher on the podium during the math class, Ningmeng suddenly remembered one thing.

The math teacher is the head teacher of class 126, whose surname is Gong.

A few days ago, Mr. Gong said in his class that a city a will hold an Olympic Mathematics competition, and all middle and high schools under the name of city a have a certain number of places.

If you want to participate first, you can go to Teacher Gong to register.

When Bai Ningmeng heard the news, she wanted to participate because the top three prizes in the finals were all very generous.

It's just that Bai Ningmeng was a little timid, and after struggling for several days, she didn't dare to go to Teacher Gong to sign up.

Ningmeng also needs money now, and if you participate in this competition, you can be regarded as completing Bai Ningmeng's small wish.

After class was over, Ningmeng followed Teacher Gong and told him about it.

Although Bai Ningmeng had just transferred to another school, she was recruited by the school for exemption of tuition. Teacher Gong had spent a lot of effort to grab her into her class at the time, and Bai Ningmeng's results were also good in the last exam. First in the whole year, science takes the lead.

Her brilliant grades are there. In fact, even if Ningmeng doesn't sign up by herself, Teacher Gong wants to talk to Ningmeng.

But now, Ningmeng took the initiative to come to the door and expressed that he had this idea. How could Teacher Gong be unwilling, and immediately said happily that he would definitely write Ningmeng's name on it.

Ningmeng went back to class and continued to listen to the class.

After Wen Yanpeng left, Wan Yaya didn’t think about finding Ning Meng’s stubbornness, but Chen Lu focused on Wen Yanpeng, who was skipping classes, and had no idea of ​​suppressing Ning Meng, so Wan Yaya had to give up temporarily, but Every time she looked at Ningmeng's eyes, she was very awkward.

Ningmeng didn't have time to pay attention to this. After talking to Teacher Gong, Ningmeng took all the time for get out of class to clean up the questions.

The test papers and workbooks written on the first day were issued uniformly in the school, and the next few days were the difficult test papers and exercises that Ningmeng bought from the bookstore.

Wan Yaya looked at Ningmeng like this, and sneered: "What about good grades? I'm not a nerd yet."

"Wan Yaya!" Chen Lu raised her head from the sea of ​​questions, her expression a little angry.

Wan Yaya was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that Chen Lu wanted to participate in the competition, and she had been working hard for the past few days, and what she just said...

Wan Yaya's expression panicked immediately, and she was at a loss: "Lulu, I'm not talking about you."

Chen Lu didn't say a word, glanced at Ningmeng who was unaffected over there, and continued to lower her head to brush the question.

The Chen family’s status in City A is slightly higher, and Wan Yaya is just the daughter of a well-off family. She wants to be Chen Lu’s good friend because of Chen Lu’s family background, but because of Chen Lu’s family background, she always has to be cautious. Please flatter her.

Now Chen Lu was upset, Wan Yaya was like a hen that had been plucked, she could only sit in her own position nervously.

But while she was worried, she rolled her eyes towards Ningmeng.

I didn't realize my mistake at all, but felt that Ningmeng's brushing the question blocked my eyes.

Ningmeng was unaware of Wan Yaya's gaze.

When it was time for school, Ningmeng quickly packed up her things and left with her schoolbag.

Sitting next to him, Yu Hao was also quickly stuffing books into his schoolbag. After watching Ningmeng stepped out of the back door, Yu Hao hurriedly pulled up his schoolbag and ran after him.

Yu Hao's deskmate looked at him in a hurry, and couldn't help but shook his head: "Tsk tsk, I said I don't like it. I stare at them in class, and even want to go with them even after school."

Yu Hao didn't know the mumbles of his deskmates. He had been following Ningmeng for several days, and had always wanted to talk to Ningmeng.

However, during class, Ningmeng was listening carefully.

When get out of class is over, Ningmeng is working hard.

Even after school, Ningmeng was able to surpass the classmates sitting at the back, and was the first to sneak out through the back door.

Every time Yu Hao stared at Ningmeng and slipped out, when he went out, Ningmeng had long since disappeared.

But today, I finally caught up with him once.

"Bai Ningmeng, wait." After getting down the stairs and there were not so many people, Yu Hao quickly caught up with Ningmeng.

"Huh?" Ningmeng turned her head, looked at Yu Hao, and asked: Is there something?

"Well, my grandpa told me after he went back that day, thank you." Yu Hao stood still in front of Ningmeng, looking a little embarrassed.

"Oh, it's okay." How could Ningmeng fail to notice Yu Hao's attention these days. After Yu Hao said his name that day, Ningmeng knew it.

It's just that Ningmeng just caught the thief that day.

To be honest, she didn't take this matter to heart.

Seeing that Yu Hao had nothing to say, Ningmeng turned and left.

Ningmeng cooks dinner at home these days, and she has to go back to cook before Bai Zemin gets off work.

Yu Hao subconsciously followed, "Thank you so much that day. Before Wen Yanpeng and the others bullied you, I have learned from my deskmates. Next time, there will be no such thing. I will help. your."

"Yeah. I'm not afraid."

Yu Hao was taken aback by Ningmeng's faint voice, and then couldn't help but laugh.

Shouting, he had forgotten that the person in front of him was the one who could subdue the thief and make Wen Yanpeng kneel.

Inexplicably, Yu Hao felt that Ning Meng's behavior was particularly in line with his appetite.

He had always felt that Ning Meng was cold, with a sense of distance.

But now after the real close contact, he found that this was the true temperament of Ningmeng.

Yu Hao said that he relaxed a lot at will: "Where do you live? I think you walk fast every day."

"Near Wanda Plaza."

"Ah, my family lives there too. But that's right, it was there that day when you helped my grandpa catch the thief, then let's go together."

Ningmeng nodded casually.

Ningmeng walks very fast, but it doesn't give people a sense of rush.

Yu Hao also quickened his pace and followed Ningmeng.

He is not idle, has a cheerful personality and talks a lot.

Seeing that Ningmeng did not intend to speak, Yu Hao spoke on her own.

Even if sometimes he said a lot of words and had to come to Ningmeng a single-sound word, he said with joy.

But when she was halfway through, Ningmeng suddenly stopped.

Yu Hao was taken aback, and then stopped: "What's the matter?"

The word "了" hadn't actually been spoken, and there was an extra person in Yu Hao's sight.

He just appeared abruptly, walking in a weird posture, and then directly hugged Ningmeng into his arms.

Yu Hao was startled, and then watched Ningmeng's hand slowly raising her head and encircling the opponent's waist.

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