God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 933: Inferiority girl's counterattack road 14

In fact, it was not only Yu Hao who was taken aback.

Even the bodyguards who went out with his young master and then watched him suddenly rush over were shocked.

Their young master is so expensive! If anything goes wrong, they can't bear it!

But what did they see?

The young master rushed over and fell into the arms of a girl?

Thinking of the young master's cleanliness, the bodyguards lifted their feet almost instantly, trying to drag the young master back from the opponent.

But what did they see?

Their young master and that girl hugged directly? !

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and they all saw the same shock as their own from the other person's face.

Even if dazzled, you won’t get dazzled collectively, right?

They stood still entangled, not knowing whether to step forward.

While afraid that they won't go up and pull away, the young master will be furious later.

On the one hand, I was afraid that if they went up and pulled away, it would disturb the young master and make the young master angry.

After all, the two of them hugged each other and looked like a pair of little lovers who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

But they stayed with the young master every day, and never saw the young master come into contact with any other woman except the wife and the young lady.

Damn lover...

In fact, not only the bodyguards think so, but even Yu Hao thinks so.

The man who appeared suddenly and threw Ningmeng at a full head was a head taller than Ningmeng.

Ningmeng was held in his arms, which was tightly covered.

Yu Hao couldn't see Ningmeng's face, nor could he see what this man looked like.

However, from the position where the two of them hugged each other tightly, even the first thought in Yu Hao's heart was: Fuck? Boyfriend?

Although the atmosphere of China is now open, it is still rare to see people hugging each other like this on the street.

Besides, Ningmeng and Young Master are on the big street again, and if people can't help but look back at them.

But Ningmeng didn't care at all.

In other words, both of them have even forgotten that this is the big street, full of eyes, pretending to be the person in their arms.

Ningmeng recognized him when she saw him.

Although Qi Yu's appearance had changed and his memory was sealed, Ningmeng recognized him at first sight.

Among the crowd, he is the most special.

And when the young master was holding the person in his arms, the dull pain and emptiness in his heart these days were finally filled, and the joy and satisfaction in his heart was hard to restrain when he grasped the other person.

He opened his frustrated eyes, raised his hand to hug the opponent tightly, and kept pushing people into his arms, as if he was trying to melt the opponent into his own body.

"Okay, let me go first." When she felt that she was going to be smothered to death by the other party, Ningmeng finally spoke out and couldn't help letting go of the hands that embraced his waist.

But the young master thought she was going to run, not only did not let go, but she also hugged people tighter.

Ningmeng felt suffocated, just with this action, she felt the familiar possessiveness of the other party.

Ningmeng had an indescribable joy in her heart.

Being pressed into the other's arms, her voice was dull: "I won't go, but we can't hold on anymore. You let me go first. I feel...I'm going to be smothered..."

The young master looked panicked and quickly let go of the person.

But the hand originally holding Ningmeng's waist touched her arm, slid down the arm, and then tightly grasped Ningmeng's hand.

Because Qi Yu has always been possessive towards her.

So Ningmeng didn't feel any problem with the other party's action.

However, this action of the young master fell into the eyes of others, and it was a little hard to explain.

"Ningmeng, is this...your friend?" Yu Hao felt dangerous, and he almost uttered the three words of boyfriend.

"Well, you go home first." Ningmeng said to Yu Hao.

Yu Hao is not a fool, naturally knowing that Ningmeng and this man have other things, and nodded now: "Okay, see you tomorrow."

"Good." Ningmeng nodded.

Yu Hao turned and left.

Seeing Yu Hao's departure, Ningmeng finally wakes up a bit from the unexpected joy of reuniting with her host.

At least, Ningmeng discovered that she and her host were still on the street.

Ningmeng looked at the surroundings and suggested: "Or, let's sit next to him?"

Next to this is the square. There are many stone benches for people to rest in the square.

"Okay." The young master nodded obediently, but never let go of the hand holding Ningmeng.

Ningmeng took the host to the square. Then, Ningmeng found that the walking speed of her host seemed a little slow? The pace seems a little hesitant?

Ningmeng raised her head to look at the other's face, her facial features were exquisite, but her eyes were blank.

Ningmeng's heart sank, but when she saw the hands held by the two tightly, Ningmeng was relieved again.

It’s okay, it’s okay, isn’t it blindness? It’s not a big deal.

She will do her best to cure him.

Even if it can't be cured, it's okay. From now on, she will be his eyes.

Ningmeng laughed, her voice cheerful: "How did you find me? It's strange, I haven't seen you before."

The young master did not speak, but the strength in his hand increased.

Ningmeng smiled and soothed: "Don't be angry, that's what I said. In fact, when I see you, I feel so familiar, as if we have known each other for a long time."

The young master still did not speak, but the strength in his hand gradually relaxed a little.

Ningmeng continued, "Where do you live? My house lives next to this square. But my house is too small and messy. I won't take you there. Let's sit in this square."

The square...the ground...flat.


The young master was silent, his steps were still cautious, but he was not as cautious as he was just now.

"That's it. There is no one in this position. Let's sit down." Ningmeng smiled and sat down first.

The young master had always held her hand and sat down beside her.

Ningmeng turned her head and looked at her host.

In fact, what she just said, did she mean to test him.

It turns out that the host does not have any memory in this world.

Probably being able to find her depends on his possessive desire for Ningmeng and the feeling of contract between the two.

It's just that he definitely doesn't understand why there is a subtle connection between the two.

"Then how about we meet again?" Ningmeng shook the hand that he had been holding onto.

The host is now in amnesia, even she can't tell him about the system, tasks, etc.


The young master pondered the meaning of these four words in his heart, and then nodded: "Okay."

The voice was clear and pleasant, but disappeared in a flash.

It was like a drop of water falling on the surface of the lake, only the ripples that appeared to prove that it had come.

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