God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 934: Inferiority girl's counterattack road 15

Ningmeng was also stunned when she heard the voice of her host.

The sound is so nice.

"Then I'll talk about it first." Ningmeng smiled: "My name is Ningmeng, lemon of lemon, budding Meng. I am sixteen this year, and I am a sophomore in experimental middle school. My father does hard work, my mother sets up a small stall, and I live at home. Near here. How about you?"

"Xin Xi, sixteen years old."

"Yeah." Ningmeng nodded. The host not only has a nice voice, but also a nice name, and her age is also the same.




Ningmeng blinked: "Nothing?"

"Yeah." Xin Xi nodded. In fact, there are some, but he just doesn't want to tell her about other people, even if these people are his family members.

how come.

So caring for a person who met for the first time.

Moreover, he had just hugged it, but he wanted to hug it again.

It was as if she was not a person, but a part of his body was missing.

He wanted to hold her in his arms all the time.

Xin Xi's hand rubbed Ningmeng's hand, and then suddenly found that the skin on the other party's hand was rough.

At a very young age and with the ability to govern, Xin Xi no longer touched human skin, even his family relatives.

Later, after an eye error, Xin Xi still didn't like to touch human skin.

Over time, everyone thought that the young master had a habit of cleanliness, and they all avoided contact with him.

Ningmeng's hand was the first time Xin Xi took the initiative to hold someone.

But even though he hadn't held anyone else, he also knew that such a pair of hands shouldn't have appeared on a young girl.

The skin on her hands was actually rougher than his.

He turned a little sideways, holding Ningmeng's hand with both hands, and slowly rubbed the thin callus in the heart of Ningmeng's palm.

There is not much expression on his beautiful and delicate face, but Ningmeng seems to feel his distress.

Ningmeng quickly took out her hand: "I'm fine, these don't hurt at all." All of them were cocoons made by Bai Ningmeng when she was working in the countryside when she was young.

Xin Xi didn't speak, but quickly grabbed Ningmeng's hand back.

Ningmeng was somewhat immune to Xin Xi's action, and even after being caught by him, he didn't try to pull away.

But looking at the sinking sky, Ningmeng said, "I'm going home. Where do you live? Do you want me to call those bodyguards for you?"

Xin Xi didn't speak, her eyes staring at the direction of Ningmeng's possible existence, a pair of thin lips were pressed tightly, and her hands held Ningmeng tightly, from the soles of her feet to the strands of hair covered with it. Resistance to separation from Ningmeng.

Helpless, Ningmeng suddenly thought that Qi Yu had a problem before, as if he had to hug himself every time he went to sleep, otherwise he would say he couldn't sleep.

After losing his memory now, will he still be like this?

Ningmeng took Xin Xi a few eyes seriously, and she found a faint black-green color under his eyes, and he didn't need to think about it to know that his sleep state was definitely not very good these days.

But what to do, Xin Xi is such a big person, and she can't secretly take people home, and Xin Xi also has family.

Ningmeng was a little tangled, her feet seemed a little numb, she stood up, Xin Xi thought she was going home, and immediately stood up, and the strength of her hand did not relax at all.

When the bodyguard standing not far away watched his young master entangled with others, his chin was about to fall to the ground.

"What should we do? Shall we inform the lady and the lady?" bodyguard a said.

"How do you say?" asked the bodyguard b.

Bodyguard c: "...Just say that the young master caught a beautiful young lady on the road, so she is not allowed to leave?"

Bodyguard a: "But the young master can't see it, do you think the lady and the young lady will believe this? Moreover, we have been with the young master for so many years, and we have never seen him so nasty. If I hadn't seen him with my own eyes, I would not believe it. "

"Okay! Wouldn't it be good to just post a photo in the past! Doesn't it need to be discussed here?"

After bodyguard D finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Ningmeng and Xin Xi, and then sent them to Ran Manqi and Xin Zhao respectively.

Bodyguard D: Madam|Miss, the young master ran into a beautiful **** the road and chatted with her in the square. The current situation seems to be that the girl is going home, and the young master refuses. What should we do?

However, both Ran Manqi and Xin Zhao were busy, so they did not reply to him.

And here, Ningmeng is talking to Xin Xi.

Ningmeng: "You should have a mobile phone? How about WeChat when we exchange mobile phone numbers?"

Xin Xi: "..."

Ningmeng: "If you can't sleep tonight, you can call me. I talk to you, I sing to you, and you can fall asleep."

Xin Xi: "..."

Ningmeng: "It's dark now, I'm going home. If you don't want to, then I'll go..."

Ning Meng moved her hands, but she didn't actually lift her feet.

But Xin Xi didn't know, a touch of anxiety flashed across his eyes: "Yes."

The voice was rather unwilling.

He doesn't want phone numbers, buttons and WeChat, he just wants the person in front of him.

But he knew that he couldn't say it.

At least, he can't say when he hasn't tested her bottom line for herself.

When the goal was achieved, a smile flashed across Ningmeng's eyes: "Come on, exchange, give me your phone."

Xin Xi took the phone out of his pocket.

Ning Meng took it.

But when she wanted to take out the phone in her pocket, Ningmeng was a little hard to do.

Ningmeng shook the hands between the two of them: "You don't intend to hold me like this all the time? You hold me like this, I can't even hold the phone."

"...Oh." Xin Xi responded in a grieved voice, and released the hand that had been holding Ningmeng, but quickly grabbed the corner of Ningmeng's clothes.


Ningmeng didn't see it anymore.

The bodyguards in the distance said that after the initial shock, they were actually a little used to it.

Ningmeng lowered her head, holding a mobile phone in one hand, and exchanged their contact information.

Xin Xi's cell phone was not locked, and when Ningmeng was exchanging, he noticed that there were quite a lot of call records in his cell phone, and most of them were international calls.

But there are only four numbers with names saved in his phone, father, mother, brother, and sister.

What is even more strange is that his WeChat did not add any friends.

But this is his privacy. Although Ningmeng was curious, she didn't ask.

"Okay, here you are." Ningmeng handed the phone to Xin Xi's hand.

She was not worried that Xin Xi could not see and could not call her.

Just look at the bodyguards next to him. There should be someone around him to protect him all the time.

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