"Here, look! The light of blood stains is even more dazzling!"

Everyone exclaimed.

A touch of blood and golden light on the corners of the black clothes suddenly flourished!


At this moment, a vaguely high and majestic dragon roar came from the depths of the distant void.


An illusory cyan dragon loomed out of the void, cruising around the blood on the corners of the black clothes.


There was an uproar at the scene!

Everyone was shocked!

"A miracle! My God, a miracle appeared!"

"Fuck! Isn't the mad emperor really dead?!"

"Unbelievable! Ahhhhh! Is the mad emperor going to be resurrected!"


Countless people got excited, and many of them were even a little incoherent!

"Quick! Tell the news to the Lord Buddha!"

"There is also the Sword Emperor!"

Such a spectacular and bizarre sight is truly rare in the world!

It can be said.

No one has ever heard of it. After seven or eight years of death, the blood left behind can shine, but now there is a phantom of the blue dragon, which is outrageous!

But people still retain a little sense.

No hype out!

After all, the fall of Su Ba is recognized by everyone. In such a terrifying self-destruction of the Demon Ancestor, even the starry sky in the universe was blown into a large piece of nothingness. In it, nothing can be left behind. The probability of Su Ba surviving is too low. too low.

However, Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian must be notified.

These two people are the strongest people in Xianwu Universe today, and they have already broken through the peak of the Supreme Realm!

Maybe, Shitian and Fengxuejian could find some clues from this vision.


Not long after the Buddhist disciples sent the news.

The void was torn apart, and two figures appeared in the square of the main hall of Buddhism, it was Shitian and Fengxuejian.

It can be seen that there is a hint of incredible and excitement on the faces of both people. When they came to the scene, they completely ignored everyone's salute and quickly looked into the air.

The huge majesty, full of wild aura of the Azure Dragon phantom hovered around the corners of the bloodstained clothing, and the corners of the bloodstained clothing bloomed with brilliant golden light, dazzling, as if even the sky light had been compared by it.

Don't need to explore too much.

Even the martial artist below the half sage can feel that the energy of the bloodstain is still rising.

With just a touch of blood, after seven or eight years, not only has the energy not decreased, but it is still getting stronger and stronger, and even the life energy and blood energy have surpassed the average saint-level powerhouse!

This is simply incredible!

"Uncle Shitian, Uncle Feng, is my father going to be resurrected?"

Su Qin and Su Xi who heard the news immediately put down their practice and ran over from the practice site in a hurry. When they saw Shi Tian and Fengxue Sword, Su Qin quickly asked.

"Yeah, yeah, two uncles, is Dad going to live?"

Su Xi also asked anxiously and expectantly.

Wang Xiaoyi, Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue's three daughters also came to the scene, and Meisou looked nervously and expectantly at Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian.

"This is a bit beyond the understanding of the little monk."

Shi Tian stayed attentively for a long time, touched his bald head, and slapped his tongue, "It is the little monk who inquired about the predecessor of the Holy Palace Spirit. His elders have never seen such a situation."

Feng Xuejian didn't speak, but nodded slightly in agreement.

"Ah, this way..."

Wang Xiaoyi's daughters heard it, and Fang Xin was inevitably disappointed.

The same is true for others.

"However, this phenomenon must be a good thing. It is a sign of auspiciousness at first glance. Maybe, according to the little monk, Junior Brother Su is..."

Shi Tian's words were not finished yet.

The blood-stained cloth floating in the air was in vain golden light!


At the same time, a loud and loud dragon roar uttered from the phantom of the blue dragon hovering in the void!

Then, something that shocked everyone happened!

The dragon eyes that were originally closed by the Azure Dragon phantom slowly opened!

The majesty of the eyes! Grim! Sui! overbearing!

Faintly, everyone seemed to have known each other before.

Not waiting for everyone's response.

The Azure Dragon phantom dragon head scanned the square, and then focused on Fengxuejian, Wang Xiaoyi and others, and a familiar voice slowly came from the dragon's mouth.

"I'm sorry to make everyone worried. I am Su Ba. Now I am about to reshape my body somewhere in the starry sky of the universe. It will not take long, about three days later. Report peace..."

After the words fell.

The golden light of blood dimmed in vain, as if all the energy was consumed or the energy was drawn away by an invisible force.

The Azure Dragon phantom behind him groaned finally, sank into the void and disappeared.

Only a piece of black clothes fluttered down from mid-air.

Wang Xiaoyi subconsciously took the corner of the black clothes, and the blood stains on it were already dry, but she murmured in her mouth blankly.

"Su... Su Ba... is coming back? This... was he... talking?"

"No way, is it...really?"

Both Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue couldn't believe their ears, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Everyone around was stupid.

Even though he is very eager for the resurrection of Su Ba and the return of the king, when things happen in front of them, everyone will have an unrealistic feeling, just like a dream.

Even if it was Shi Tian following Fengxuejian, both of them stared with big eyes, and they got stuck for a while.

Seven or eight years have passed, and a big one has come all of a sudden!

Do you want to be so fierce? ! Do you want to be so surprised? !

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