God-level Replication System

Chapter six hundred and ninety seventh rescue

This type of feint, although the plan is very simple.

But in this moment, it works very well.

Originally, the two of them, Jin Yulin, were among the top ranks of the Void Martial Realm peak.

But there is still some distance from Fang Tianyu.

If you want to take Tianyu below, it will take a lot of time and effort.

But this time, it put Fang Tianyu in deep danger.

Even if it can be resisted, it is bound to be seriously injured.

In subsequent battles, they will also be at a disadvantage.

Next, it will also become more and more dangerous.

It can be said that this time, Fang Tianyu is really in danger, and he may die at any time.

After Fang Tianyu died on the spot, Zhao Shan and He Xian were not a threat at all.

Both of them can solve it at any time.

Therefore, it was specially designed to plot against Fang Tianyu.

But the two still did not dare to take it lightly, guarding against Fang Tianyu.

As a Void Martial Realm martial artist, there is a powerful attack that will perish in one move, which is self-exploding Void Pill.

If Fang Tianyu really tried his best to use his combat power to explode the Void Pill, the power generated could at least seriously injure both of them.

It is not impossible to even drag one.

Although, the self-destruction of the emptiness core is certain to die.

Many warriors may not dare to do it even if they are faced with a desperate situation, or even after their death.

But according to Jin Yulin's understanding of Fang Tianyu.

Fang Tianyu has such courage.

Therefore, the two never dared to relax a little bit, and they were very vigilant.

Fang Tianyu looked at this scene with a heavy heart and a solemn expression.

"It seems that this time, I can't be spared!

You can only self-destruct the Void Pill.

Even if he can rescue a few junior brothers and sisters, it would not be a waste of Master's trust.

There is also a little junior brother, I hope he can safely walk out of the bloody secret realm and not be led out.


Fang Tianyu sighed inwardly, and a firm look flashed in his eyes.

on the field.

Just as Jin Yulin's offensive was about to fall on Fang Tianyu.

Fang Tianyu's aura became more and more violent, when he was raging.

next moment.


There was a sound of blasting the void.

A terrifying heat wave came.

The true strength and power of Jin Yulin's attack has not yet fallen in the face of this terrifying heat wave.

Directly roasted, twisted, and steamed into nothingness.

Fang Tianyu was also shaken and flew out, his breath was disordered.

But it was forcibly interrupted by the self-exploding virtual pill, which saved his life.

In addition, the dozen or so Void Martial Realm warriors were shocked and flew backwards hundreds of meters away, and they were not lightly injured.

Zhao Shan, He Xian, and Sun Yun also retreated.

But temporarily safe.

this moment.

Everyone on the field was shocked and horrified.

With just a heat wave, all the offensive on the field was interrupted.

Even Jin Yulin and the two, the offensive at the peak of the Void Martial Realm, were directly evaporated.

What kind of power is this? !

This is really Void Martial Realm, can it be done?

At this moment, even Jin Yulin, Fang Tianyu and other three arrogant monsters at the peak of the virtual martial realm were all shocked and panicked.

This level of power is already beyond their understanding of the virtual martial state.

"who is it?!"

Immediately, Jin Yulin reacted and shouted angrily.

The feint and plot that he finally designed was destroyed like this, how could he not be angry?

However, at this moment, Jin Yulin's angry shouting sound was weak and stern.

"I! Shi Yan!"

A cold drink that shook the world sounded.

Everyone hurriedly heard the news and looked away, and saw a distance.

A tall figure came in volley, and wherever it passed, scarlet flames lingered, opening the way for it.

It was as if the legendary flame king had descended.

But in an instant, it has come.

come down.

Jin Yulin was also taken aback by Lin Xuan's appearance, and his heart trembled.

Immediately, he reacted, his face was extremely ugly, and he asked:

"Shi Yan, where do you come from and who do you teach?"

The other party is obviously good at red fire attribute martial arts, but he is not any arrogant evildoer he knows.

And the power of the previous heat wave was too terrifying.

For a while, Jin Yulin didn't dare to act rashly.

"It's nothing but a loose repair."

Shi Yan, or Lin Xuan, said coldly.

Shi Yan is Lin Xuan's new identity.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's face was cold and his heart was full of anger.

He never thought that in the bloody secret territory, several brothers and sisters in the main line of true martial arts would be in danger.

He was still ambushed and plotted against by fellow disciples and disciples of the Eastern Saint Sect.

Moreover, it was ordered by Jin Li, the main vein of Ruijin.

Yes, Lin Xuan also heard Jin Yulin's voice transmission before.

Divine Consciousness Sound Transmission is actually not very secretive.

Especially for those with higher cultivation, they can easily eavesdrop.

Although Jin Yulin obtained the treasure pill, in order to awaken his consciousness before the peak of the virtual martial state and before the king martial state.

But its consciousness is the weakest.

And when Lin Xuan was in the Yuanhai realm, he had already awakened his consciousness through Shen Yun Dan.

With the continuous breakthrough of the cultivation base, the improvement of strength, and the continuous improvement and enhancement of spiritual consciousness.

Far from being comparable.

Even many Wang Wujing, in terms of spiritual awareness, may not be comparable to Lin Xuan.

In this way, Jin Yulin's voice transmission could not be concealed from Lin Xuan.

At this time, Lin Xuan's expression was frosty, and he was extremely angry.

Unexpectedly, the filth in Yuanlingzong has reached such a state.

If he hadn't sensed it in time, someone from the same door would ask for help and come over to check it out.

It is very likely that Fang Tianyu, Zhao Shan and other senior brothers and sisters died quietly like this.

During this period of time in the main line of Zhenwu, although it is not long.

However, the relationship between the brothers and sisters is very harmonious and harmonious.

He also sheltered him many times.

With such kindness, how could he just watch several brothers and sisters die?

Today, since he found out.

It would be impossible for Fang Tianyu and Zhao Shan to be in trouble.

As for Jin Yulin, the group of true disciples of the main line of sharp gold, dare to unite with martial artists from outside sects to deal with people in the same sect.

There is no need to stay anymore.

There are also the high-level executives of the sharp gold mainline behind Jin Yulin.

The enmity between the two sides is already very deep and cannot be resolved.

He couldn't let him go either.

It's just that now he is still weak and can't compete.

But in the future, when he is strong enough, he will definitely make the other party pay the price.

A cold light flashed in Lin Xuan's eyes.

But on the surface, it didn't show half of it.

His identity, Shi Yan, came from an illusion.

For the sake of the next action, it is natural not to expose it, and it has a half-money relationship with Lin Xuan.

And he has an excuse to rescue Zhao Shan, Fang Tianyu and others.

It is not pleasing to the eye, the hero is righteous, and the revenge is happy.

This is not uncommon among loose cultivators.

Makes sense.

And opposite.

"Loose... Loose repair?"

Jin Yulin and other more than a dozen people heard it, and their expressions were stagnant, and their eyes were full of absurdity.

Almost thought I had heard it wrong.

What are you kidding?

Loose repair?

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