God-level Replication System

Chapter six hundred and ninety-eight burning out

Is there such a heaven-defying, evil spirited loose cultivator?

If the loose cultivators are all on the sidelines like this, why do they need the six overlords?

The six overlords have long been overthrown by loose cultivators, right?

Loose cultivators, in the Eastern Yuan Continent, account for a very large proportion, and the number is extremely large.

Although the probability of appearing geniuses is very low.

Some can also appear.

But even compared to them, there are few.

Not to mention, Lin Xuan's performance was completely incomparable to the most powerful enchanting disciple among the six major overlords.

If Lin Xuan's incarnation of Shi Yan is a loose cultivator, then what are they?

Jin Yulin and others, no matter what, are unwilling to believe it.

Instead, he decided that Lin Xuan was probably the disciple of some hidden old monster.

This is also more in line.

This has happened more than once or twice before.

Immediately, Jin Yulin took a deep breath and cupped his hands in a deep voice:

"No matter how holy you are, Brother Shi Yan, this is an internal matter of my six overlords.

I also asked Brother Shi Yan not to interfere and give me a face.

Afterwards, I will definitely give you Brother Shi Yan a thank you gift! "

Having seen the terrifying power that Lin Xuan had used before, Jin Yulin did not dare to underestimate Lin Xuan, and did not dare to show even a trace of hostility.

Although in terms of status, the Shi Yan incarnated by Lin Xuan was far inferior to him on the surface.

But this is in the Scarlet Secret Realm.

The strong are respected.

The strength that Lin Xuan showed had obviously surpassed him.

Jin Yulin didn't dare to do anything.

It's just that he used his divine sense to transmit sound before, exposing that secret.

If Zhao Shan, Fang Tianyu and the four would not die in this bloody secret territory, they would take this secret out.

He's in trouble.

That's what it says.

Fang Tianyu must be left behind.

"Gu Ye, the true disciple of the Xiadong Sect, also asked Brother Shi Yan to give me a face, and don't bother about this anymore!"

Gu Ye, the disciple of the Eastern Saint Sect on the side, also said solemnly.

Lin Xuan looked indifferent and unmoved.

In the direction behind them, Zhao Shan, Sun Yun, and He Xian all looked worried.

After Fang Tianyu's face changed for a while, he became firm, walked over quickly, and said:

"Many thanks to Brother Shi Yan for helping us, but this matter is indeed an internal matter of my six major overlords. Brother Shi Yan should not interfere."

Faced with such a good opportunity for rescue, Fang Tianyu chose to give up.

Obviously, he didn't want to implicate Lin Xuan.

In Fang Tianyu's view, Lin Xuan even saved them.

But after the Bloody Secret Realm is closed, it will be very troublesome to be noticed by Jin Yulin and Shi Ye, the Yuan Lingzong behind Shi Ye, and the senior leaders of the Eastern Saint Sect, and they may be in deep danger.

Lin Xuan was able to take action to help him get out of the critical state he was in before.

Already very grateful.

I don't want to drag Lin Xuan down any more.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan shook his head slightly, sighing inwardly.

In the Yuan Lingzong, there are disciples of the main line of true martial arts, all of them are arrogant and mad.

But with such kindness and righteousness, in the moment of life and death crisis, how many people can do it?

Seeing Fang Tianyu's attitude.

It was impossible for him to turn a blind eye.

Immediately, Lin Xuan sneered:

"The Six Overlords?!

Ha ha!

What about the six hegemons?

The thing that I, Shi Yan, disliked the most was the despicable people like you who took advantage of the dangers of others and bullied the less with more! "


"Shi Yan, you...!"

Jin Yulin and Gu Ye heard the words, their expressions froze, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe it.

A guy who claims to be a loose cultivator, dare to interfere in the affairs of their six overlords?

Is this something they haven't heard of in years?

"Shi Yan, do you have to take care of this matter?"

Jin Yulin gritted his teeth and asked in a cold voice.

The complexion is extremely ugly.


Lin Xuan's expression remained cold.

"very good!"

Jin Yulin's complexion changed, and he spit out a sentence with difficulty:

"This time, we'll give you a face!

Fang Tianyu, this time, you are lucky!

Next time, you must die!

Brother Gu, let's go! "

After leaving a harsh sentence, Jin Yulin wanted to greet Gu Ye and left with the rest of the warriors.

Gu Ye's face was as gloomy as water.

The eyes of the warriors were also full of unwillingness.

The duck, which was cooked originally, just flew away.

How can they be content?

However, Jin Yulin, Gu Ye knew that he was no match for Lin Xuan, and with the others, the result was the same.

To stay any longer would be nothing more than self-inflicted humiliation.

No matter how unwilling it is, it is useless.

Just leave first.

I'll talk about it later.

the other side.

Fang Tianyu, Zhao Shan, He Qian, and Sun Yun were stunned when they heard the words.

Immediately react.

He looked overjoyed, with a smile on his face.

Breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally thought that Lin Xuan would leave after Jin Yulin and Gu Ye warned him about the struggle between the six overlords.

But he never thought that Lin Xuan was actually stronger than Jin Yulin and Gu Ye.

With the terrifying power that he had shot before, Jin Yulin, Gu Ye and the others were thrown away.

Now, they are really safe.

Fang Tianyu and Zhao Shan were about to thank them.

Lin Xuan's words came, but it made them stagnate again and stand still.

"Want to go?

How could it be so easy?

You still stay! "

Lin Xuan's words were incomparably plain.

However, it exploded in the void like a thunderbolt, trembling in all directions.

Wrapped in an extremely cold killing intent.

Jin Yulin, Gu Ye and the others all looked stunned, but they didn't react.

But when the words fell, Lin Xuan shot directly.

The crimson flames lingering around the body suddenly spewed out.

Groups of fist-sized flames drifted away towards Jin Yulin, Gu Ye and more than 20 people.

It seems to be gentle, but the speed is fast to the extreme.

As if penetrating the void.

Passed through the chests of several Void Martial Stage warriors.


After several shrill screams, the few Void Martial Realm warriors fell to the ground and died of anger.

"Shi Yan, you dare, how dare you?!"

"Shi Yan, aren't you afraid of the revenge of my six overlords?!"


Jin Yulin, Gu Ye and the others all had split faces, frantic expressions, and anger gushing out.

They never thought that they all planned to give Shi Yan a face and let Zhao Shan and Fang Tianyu go.

Shi Yan actually shot at them.

Shi Yan is so daring, isn't he afraid of their six major overlords?

Or, is this person just an arrogant lunatic? !

Jin Yulin, Gu Ye and the others couldn't believe this scene.

But Lin Xuan's action was too fast, and they didn't have time to rescue the others.

Moreover, the power fluctuations emanating from Lin Xuan's crimson flames made their hearts tremble.

Unable to protect themselves.

It is even more impossible to help others.

"Ah~ help!"

"Run away!"

"Is he not afraid of our Eastern Saint Sect, Yuan Lingzong's revenge?"

"Our six overlords will not let you go!"


The rest of the crowd fled in fright.

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